Hi y’all :)


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Sep 19, 2020
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Hey guys, new to TFF, but in the last couple of months I have found myself coming to this forum multiple times while setting up my tanks.
This is a full family hobby in our house. It first started as my son wanting a Beta, as my siblings have one each, and ended in now having 3 tanks and a total of 23 critters.
Tank #1 is my son’s with his Beta, my oto, 3 neon tetras, 3 ghost shrimps and my brown mystery snail.
Tank #2 is my husbands with his Beta and his gold mystery snail. Funny enough this tank is in our living room and Joe, the Beta, loves instigating our cat. They’re best friends, it has been quite entertaining.
Tank #3 has been an interesting project. We are currently setting up a 40 gallon tank to move these guys into. What started out as a fun peaceful community tank has turned into a divided 20 gallon tank. On one side we have 3 glow tetras (nope, this tank is not natural looking at all lol), 2 Cory’s, 2 ghost shrimps, and an ivory snail. On the other side we have my husband’s blue electric crayfish who for the last month has peacefully cohabited with 3 glow danios. We want to upgrade them for more room, but my husband also really wants a red tail shark to put with his crayfish. I took a picture from the back of the tank on this one as Charlie the crayfish came out to play as I was taking the picture.
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Be sure and post a close-up of your betta.
There is a thread going with other betta pictures, lots!
Be sure and post a close-up of your betta.
There is a thread going with other betta pictures, lots!
Thank you And Yes! I found the thread already and actually posted there first I need better pics of them, but in order this is Rexi and Joe. I really need a more recent picture of Rexi for a before and after as he was so droopy with an early case of fin rot when we brought him home. He is so handsome and I love seeing this crowntail in all his glory now!


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It's so lovely. My tanks are in our dining section of the kitchen. I've been volunteering to do cleanup after dinner more so I can stare at them. My toddler (2.5) loves to turn bubbles on & sits up to say hi to the fish. They actually all come up close to the glass when they see him. Not me though :rofl: I've to be careful as he'd also try add things to the tank - so for now the tanks will stay out of the family room. Plus I get water everywhere during water change so the tiles in kitchen are best.

But I love that he'll grow up with the tanks & learn all about fish. Following inspiration from @AdoraBelle Dearheart I'm thinking if making my smaller tank (16 Gallon or 58 litres) into a themed tank for him. He's crazy about dinosaurs & crabs lately. So a fun tank for him would be lovely.
It's so lovely. My tanks are in our dining section of the kitchen. I've been volunteering to do cleanup after dinner more so I can stare at them. My toddler (2.5) loves to turn bubbles on & sits up to say hi to the fish. They actually all come up close to the glass when they see him. Not me though :rofl: I've to be careful as he'd also try add things to the tank - so for now the tanks will stay out of the family room. Plus I get water everywhere during water change so the tiles in kitchen are best.

But I love that he'll grow up with the tanks & learn all about fish. Following inspiration from @AdoraBelle Dearheart I'm thinking if making my smaller tank (16 Gallon or 58 litres) into a themed tank for him. He's crazy about dinosaurs & crabs lately. So a fun tank for him would be lovely.
It was so fun letting my 7yo pick out his decorations for his tank! He actually picked a nice castle with lots of different sized hiding spots. We’ll find at night the beta in one hole, the neon tetras coming out of the other end of the same hole, the shrimps and oto scale the castle at night time, and the snail hangs out in the tunnel of the castle. They have a log with a cave and some plants too, but they seem to all like sharing the castle and it just thrills my son that they all hangout together at night!
Ah that's great :wub: and 7 is a brilliant age to take on some tank maintenance responsibility. Even just feeding fish & helping with water change. My boy would LOVE that pumpkin! Quite excited for Hallowe'en this year as it's his first to really take notice

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