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  1. R

    Is This Possible?

    I believe it is 0 as the tests I use make a clear solution if there is 0 nitrate and 0 ammonia. After tetsting on monday both solutions were clear So yes, they are 0
  2. R

    Is This Possible?

    The tank has been up and running for around 2-2 1/2 months
  3. R

    Is This Possible?

    the dimensions are 60cm long x 35cm wide x 45cm high I currently have 3 Platys, 6 neon tetras and an Albino Bristlenose. I worked out I have 23" of fish (worked out by their max adult size) and by using the surface area method I can have 36" of fish. A different tropical tank forum said this...
  4. R

    Is This Possible?

    Water temp: 25C Ph: 6.9-7.0 I have a 90L tank but I only have room for 13" of fish.
  5. R

    Is This Possible?

    I have room for 13" of fish and would love to have a Bolivian Ram and some zebra danios. Is this possible?
  6. R

    Any Ideas?

    Yes the rams are beautiful and I would love to have some. Are they best suited in pairs/groups/alone? And would they fit in my tank? I don't want to overstock.
  7. R

    Any Ideas?

    I've just been looking up information on bettas and it seems they are fine with platys and Bristlenose plecs. However some websites say bettas are fine with tetras, others say they shouldn't be kept with tetras and other websites say the only tetras they get along with are neon tetras. It's so...
  8. R

    Any Ideas?

    I have heard that my tetras may try and nip the betta :( which is a shame because I really like them.
  9. R

    Any Ideas?

    ok well Rams are still an option but so are the other fish. I have thought of having honey gouramis before but were unsure on them. Are they good fish?
  10. R

    Any Ideas?

    Well thinking about it I probably wont get ams just yet. This is my very first tank and I think Rams may be for slightly more experienced people. What about honey gouramis? Would they be good?
  11. R

    Any Ideas?

    I really like the look of the Rams but I'm unsure on them. Some people have said they aren't very easy to care for because they need special water requirements or something :S Will they be able to fit in my tank, how many should I get and will they get on with the fishI have already?
  12. R

    What Fish Should I Get?

    Hi I definately have 1 male and 2 female Platys as I learnt you can tell by their aft fin. Males are pointed. I am really looking for the sort of "centrepiece" of my tank. Many people have been talking about Rams, Kribs or pearl gouramis. Any ideas?
  13. R

    Any Ideas?

    The galaxy rasboras are very nice but I don't think they are really the centrepiece sort of fish I am looking for. I have been thinking about angels but many people said they wouldn't be comfortable in my tank. Also the tetras may nip at them. Again I like rainbow fish but I don't think I have...
  14. R

    Any Ideas?

    Hi I am new to fishkeeping and bought my very first tank around 2 months ago: a Fluval Roma 90L Since then I have stocked it with these fish: - 1 Male Albino Bristlenose - 3 Red Wagtail Platys - 6 neon tetras I am hoping to add at least 1 more type of fish to the tank and I was wondering if...
  15. R

    What Fish Should I Get?

    Hi I recntly bought my first aquarium: a Fluval Roma 90L . I did a fishless cycle and 2 weeks ago added my firsh fish ( 3 Red Wagtail Platys). I now want more fish. Does anyone know of any good community fish which are active and colourful and small enough for my aquarium? The more colourful...