What Fish Should I Get?


New Member
Jun 4, 2008
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Hi I recntly bought my first aquarium: a Fluval Roma 90L . I did a fishless cycle and 2 weeks ago added my firsh fish ( 3 Red Wagtail Platys).

I now want more fish. Does anyone know of any good community fish which are active and colourful and small enough for my aquarium?

The more colourful the better really
what about guppies? thothey are very coloufull they are ( just like platys) livebearers, so it may be a good idea to get a few males, as these are the more colourful of the sexes
Hi and congrats on your new fish!
welcome to the forum :D
good choice in fish their..I'm a big fan of livebearers.
How long have they been in the tank as you don't want to add any too soon! I agree with shelagh though guppies would be good and all the livebearers get on well but swordtails and mollies may not like in that size tank as they are lots bigger!
maybe visit your local shop and then find something you like and get back to us and see what we think of it (your guy in the shop will lie to get money at any cost to the fish :( )

Do you have a way to upload photos by the way because you need to be careful about the sex of them and as your'e a newbie then I'm assuming you can't tell!
You need 1 male to every 2 or 3 females to avoid pestering.
I have a good picture which I will upload when I find it to help with sexing them
Hi I definately have 1 male and 2 female Platys as I learnt you can tell by their aft fin. Males are pointed.

I am really looking for the sort of "centrepiece" of my tank. Many people have been talking about Rams, Kribs or pearl gouramis. Any ideas?

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