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  1. L

    Do Algae Eaters kill????

    Thanks for all the responses they were truely helpful. I couldn't find the receipt, so I had to give them to a neighbor. I think I will invest in a Otocinclus affinis which I have read about on a previous thread.
  2. L

    Do Algae Eaters kill????

    Thank you very much for all of your thoughts. I have no idea what type of Algae eater it is because when I went to Wal-Mart and picked them out it only said "Algae Eater". I can try to describe them, they are slim, silvery gold in color and they have a blackish line from the month to the tail...
  3. L

    Do Algae Eaters kill????

    I have 2 algae eaters, which is my first time owning. My question, do they kill other fish? I thought they just kind've swam around and sucked on the glass. Well, mine swim very quickly darting to and fro, going up and down on the glass at the speed of light. Are they sick? Is this normal...
  4. L

    I love my Fish

    I am fairly new at this hobby, say 2 months tops with actual fish. But, I thought that I needed to get a life because I can't wait to get home and see what the fish are doing. I am so glad that I am not alone. :nod:
  5. L

    Multiple pictures, multiple species.

    Wow! Your tank and fish are awesome! I aspire to have one just like yours. :wub:
  6. L

    Which is better?

    I was looking at pics. of aquariums on the board and I was wondering which is better for the aquarium, fake plants, live, or a mixture of both? And does it matter one way or the other. Will the fish still thrive if all the plants are fake? Thanks in advance to anyone that responds. :D
  7. L

    Gups had babies

    I was just curious to know how long does it take for the fry to get big enough to where they aren't considered prey? I have about 30-40 fry in one of those breeders nets. I had no intention on breeding, I bought the fish from Wal-Mart and two days later there they were. :/ I only have a 10...