Do Algae Eaters kill????


New Member
Jan 16, 2005
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I have 2 algae eaters, which is my first time owning. My question, do they kill other fish? I thought they just kind've swam around and sucked on the glass. Well, mine swim very quickly darting to and fro, going up and down on the glass at the speed of light. Are they sick? Is this normal behavior? I used to have 6 neons, but now there is only 5, I checked everywhere... My BF thinks they are killer fish, he swears he seen one eat one of the gup fry! :eek: TIA for any responses.
What kind of algae eaters? There's one species that certainly is a killer and will eat anything it can catch. they get quite large too, but the fish store never tell people about that....
if it is the one from the pet shop,yes it does kill :nod:

mwm said:
Phantom Thief said:
Dwarf_Dude said:
if it is the one from the pet shop,yes it does kill :nod:

What are you talking about? -_-

I second that. What are you talking about?
lol, I thought it was just me! Why would one kill coming from a pet shop? A pet shop as oppossed to where exactly?

Chinese Algae eaters are very aggressive and grow large. Only one can be kept in a large tank and they should be the last fish to go in the tank.

The problem is that there re loads of fish that coud be called algae eaters. You need to tell us a bit more.
well 100% of all the pet shops ive ever been to in my whole life all over the world where i go they sell the ones that kill the fish,so it was just my random guess....

sorry if i confused you

Dwarf_Dude said:
well 100% of all the pet shops ive ever been to in my whole life all over the world where i go they sell the ones that kill the fish,so it was just my random guess....

sorry if i confused you

They don't sell ones that don't? You've never seen a plec in a fish tank by any chance? ;)
the first thing i thought was this algae eater is a CAE

heres just a fue of teh many many many algae eaters out there.... check that site and see if any of those are like yours..... also read teh article ... i found it farly informative.... if that link dosnt help let us know.....
Dwarf_Dude said:
well 100% of all the pet shops ive ever been to in my whole life all over the world where i go they sell the ones that kill the fish,so it was just my random guess....

sorry if i confused you

I don't think it has anything to do with it being a pet shop, personally.. I think it has to do with the fish itsself and it's own nature. Maybe you just havn't had any luck with finding a mellow one.

Anyways I have some yoyo loaches, and they always swim around crazy like. Even when it isn't feeding time. I really need to get them some hiding areas though.. I think they'd all appericiate the privacy.. ha.
Thank you very much for all of your thoughts. I have no idea what type of Algae eater it is because when I went to Wal-Mart and picked them out it only said "Algae Eater". I can try to describe them, they are slim, silvery gold in color and they have a blackish line from the month to the tail with black dots going along the line. Does this sound familiar? I will go back tomorrow to see exactly what they are. Before I got them my fish were fine, now I have lost 2 neons. :dunno: Maybe they just were'nt happy and I need someone besides myself to blame.

Thanks again.
Does it have a sucker mouth or a normal one? If it is a suckermouth, then unfortunately you have just described the Chinese Algae Eater, Gyrinocheilus aymonieri . This fish will initially eat algae, but as it advance in age, will prefer to suck on the slime coats of other fishes. You should take it back and switch it with another fish.


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