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  1. S

    Diy Powered Gravel Vac

    I disagree with that. It cost me a fraction and the power head has other uses too. I've added the new gravel vac (only a few quid). It works well, ecvept that the filter bag I'm using is not fine enough. Can anyone recommend a really fine one? Also I'd like to add switched Y pieces to the...
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    Diy Powered Gravel Vac

    does anyone have thouths on this? I cant be the only person to be doing this?!
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    Diy Powered Gravel Vac

    Ok, so I put something together with what I have already. I only tested it for a few minutes & you can see it did collect some dirt. Not sure if the filter bag is good enough, probably either needs to be double layer or to be stuffed with filter wool. hopefully that wont reduce the flow. The...
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    Diy Powered Gravel Vac

    The reviews on Amazon don't look good though - I really want to make use of my pump and have something more powerful. My power head is 800lpw & I hope to be able to fit a much bigger vac to the end.
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    Diy Powered Gravel Vac

    The things is that I can't see a battery powered vac being powerful enough! Surely a decent powerhead will be far superior
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    Diy Powered Gravel Vac

    Has no one else tried this?
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    [Tutorial] Diy Python System

    I expect it to be very slow though
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    [Tutorial] Diy Python System

    If I could modify it so that I could also use the power head to gravel vac without emptying water it would be perfect (have another thread on this)
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    [Tutorial] Diy Python System

    This is interesting, but I always understood that garden water hoses are not aquarium safe. The chemicals in the pvc can leach into the water.
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    Diy Powered Gravel Vac

    Hi All, I am trying to make a powered gravel vac. I have a NewJet 800 power head & would like to connect a gravel vac to the inlet & then to the outlet I'm thinking of a filter bag full of filter media. The idea is that I can gravel vac with the dirt being trapped in the filter bag, & the water...
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    Fluval U Series Filter Problems

    Hi All, I hope someone may be able to help with this. My U3 has been a nightmare recently. It often has reduced flow & after water changes, it refused to work at all. Almost every time I do a water change, I have to take the filter completely apart, clean it all out, tap the impreller and it...
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    Colour Spreading?

    I'm no expert, but I would assume this a dyed fish and the colour is still spreading?
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    New Jet 800 For Water Change

    Hi All, Having decided to simplify my water change routine, I've bought a New Jet 800 powerhead. This was advised to me as good to get as I can attach tube to both the inlet and outlet. It can run sumbmerged or external. The idea was to connect my gravel vac to one end, and the other end to a...
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    Two Tier Stand

    am i reading this right? there will be two tanks on top of each other? structural it could be done. but how will you access the bottom tank?!?!
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    New Fish For Tropical Community

    having thought about this a little more, I'm thinking of saying no to the loaches. The 3 smaller ones I have are ocassional agressive and I'm not sure if I want to add to that.
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    New Fish For Tropical Community

    Hi All, Something to add here. I've been offered some fish - another Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistris) & 2 mature Yoyo / Pakastani Loach (Botia Almorhae). These would be added to: 1 x 5cm Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistris) 4 x 3cm Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) 4 x 2cm Neon Tetra...
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    New Fish For Tropical Community

    yes we may go for a few more tetras, but i would really like some larger fish too
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    New Fish For Tropical Community

    I thought it was time to update this thread! My current stocking is: 1 x 5cm Bristlenose Catfish (Ancistris) 4 x 3cm Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) 4 x 2cm Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) 2 x 3cm Guppy (Poecillia Reticulata) 2 x 4cm Dwarf Gourami (Colisa Lalia) 3 x 3cm Dwarf Platy...
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    New Fish For Tropical Community

    thanks, they do look like nice fish. are they compatible with my stocking? I normally don't even look at cichlids just in case! Any more thoughts on the fish in my op. thanks
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    New Fish For Tropical Community

    Tank is about 100 litres Stocking: 2 Dwarf Gourami, 3 Dwarf Platy's, 3 Guppys, 4 Neon Tetras, 4 Bloodfind Tetras, 1 Bristlenose catfish.
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    New Fish For Tropical Community

    Just looking for a few new fish. Currently have a pair (m & f) dwarf gouramies, Dwarf Platy's, Guppys, Neon Tetras, Bloodfind Tetras, Bristlenose catfish. I'm looking to get a Sailfin Molly which should be fine as I had a molly before...
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    Puffer With Tropical Community

    Is this an absolute no go? I have dwarf gouramies, male and female. Dwarf Platy's. Guppys. Neon Tetras. Bloodfind Tetras. Bristlenose catfish. Have been looking at the following:
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    Are My Fish Adult?

    Hi All, My tank is currently stocked with Guppies, Dwarf Platys, Cardianls, Bristlenose Catfish & Dwarf Gouramie. Everything with the exception of the Cardinals are 6 months old and havn't really grown if at all though some of the guppies were bigger than others at time of purchase. I'm just...
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    Thanks. She's looking ok for now. Seems to be feeding alright and still moving about.
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    Thanks No way of isolating her i'm afraid. She is swimming around fine - perfectly balanced. She occasionally hides for a bit, but don't we all when injured!
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    Thanks - that has at least put my mind at rest... However, there has been another development. I have just gone to feed them and since I have the filter on top outlet (quite fast), I usually put it on the gentle mode before feeding. After doing this and feeding, I suddenly noticed the missing...
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    Thanks - That is somewhat reassuring in a strange way! I am planning on having a good look at the filter one more time. Thing is this is 4 fish in less than 6 months, and I do try to check they are all there regularly. How quickly would they be eaten?
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    Hi everyone. I thought I would update on the situation with the tank as there have been some developments that have been worrying me. Of the stocking list above, I have lost the 2 mollies, 1 Bristlenose & 1 Dwarf Gouramie. All but one of these have just vanished (& I never did find one of the...
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    Brilliant thanks. Do you think my sizes are fairly accurate? The tank itself doesn't look heavily stocked but perhaps it's the bristlenoses which reduce the capacity... maybe I should've got just one (though I only see one at a time anyway!). Hi, yes I realise that now. Have been doing almost...
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    Hi again, The fish seem to be doing better now! Still concerned about the stocking. It doesn't look too much, but based on the 1 inch per gallon rule I'm over. Stocking is: 2 Bristlenose = 11" (these are tiny at the moment) 10 guppies = 15-20" 2 Mollies = 7" 3 Platys = 4-7" (smallest fish...
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    Ok, I'll try to get some white spot med tommorow. The seachem Stability says something about using with after meds, perhaps it helps to remove it? What harm can meds do if left in the tank?
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    Hi, Not been able to get hold of any other meds, would you recommend to dose with Myxazin? I stopped after the last recommendation. Is there another way to remove the meds as my carbon pads had been in the tank a few weeks and I have no spare? I've been feeding them a little just once a day...
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    Ok, if I can get hold of anti whitespot I will, otherwise I'll keep going with myxazin. It did say white spot on it. Can I ask why the high temp? Thanks
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    hi, thanks for your reply. The white spots are tiny and I think just on the tail fins. Spotted it on all three platys & the female mollie. the guppys that i first saw white spot on looks fine now!?!? maybe the myxazin or water change (or combination) helped? wont 30 degrees be too hot for some...
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    Feeding Community Tank

    Hi, that was very helpful thanks. I hope this may mean my tank is not as bad as I had thought!
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    thanks for your replies. Tank has been running about 6 weeks. Tried cycling with Seachem Stability for a couple of weeks before adding the first fish and used more of this along with additional does of Prime when adding the 2nd batch about a month later. Since I'm a budget, I didn't get a...
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    Feeding Community Tank

    Thanks guys, I will have to look into doing this. Wish I'd known this about Cardinals before.... added some wednesday and all gone today. Are they not particularly hardy fish then? I've just posted in the emergency section Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals Thanks
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    Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

    Hi All, Hopefully I won't miss any info out, but please let me know if I do. Sorry for the length! Tank is about 100 litres, 3 live plants and some ornaments for hiding places. Fluval U3 filter and E100 heater. Am using Seacheme Prime conditioner. After reading great reviews of Seachem...
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    Feeding Community Tank

    Hi waterdrop, can I ask why this is?