Emergency- Lost Some Cardinals

Hey Supermonkey,

Sorry for the loss of your fish.

I just wanted to add something here about the Seachem you are using for the ammonia. The ammonia in the water is not lowered because you use the Seachem product. It only detoxifies the ammonia in the water so that it is safer for the fish until the problem is resolved with the ammonia level spikes.

Good Luck
Stocking looks fine.
But don't add anymore fish as will be pushing it.

Brilliant thanks. Do you think my sizes are fairly accurate? The tank itself doesn't look heavily stocked but perhaps it's the bristlenoses which reduce the capacity... maybe I should've got just one (though I only see one at a time anyway!).

Hey Supermonkey,

I just wanted to add something here about the Seachem you are using for the ammonia. The ammonia in the water is not lowered because you use the Seachem product. It only detoxifies the ammonia in the water so that it is safer for the fish until the problem is resolved with the ammonia level spikes.

Hi, yes I realise that now. Have been doing almost daily water changes to keep on top of it and seems to be going ok.

The fish do not appear to have white spot anymore either!
Your water stats will also tell you if your tanks was overstocked. The filter wouldn't cope.
Plecs are massive waste producers so need to do a gravel vac and water change once a week.

I think your plecs have to be kept in groups. Not to sure though.
Hi everyone.

I thought I would update on the situation with the tank as there have been some developments that have been worrying me.

Of the stocking list above, I have lost the 2 mollies, 1 Bristlenose & 1 Dwarf Gouramie. All but one of these have just vanished (& I never did find one of the original cardinals mentioned originally). Bristlnose was the earliest (a few months ago) & the Gouramie is the most recent.

I have checked everyhwere (ornaments, plants, inside the filter etc) but nothing. If they were smaller fish I'd wonder if they'd gone up the gravel vac but I dont think this is possible and I'm sure I would've noticed. Has anyone else ever experienced this?
I've lost fish and never found the body.
Fish will eat dead fish.
I've lost fish and never found the body.
Fish will eat dead fish.

Thanks - That is somewhat reassuring in a strange way!

I am planning on having a good look at the filter one more time. Thing is this is 4 fish in less than 6 months, and I do try to check they are all there regularly. How quickly would they be eaten?
Depends on the size of the fish.
It could only be hours before the body of the fish is gone.
Thanks - that has at least put my mind at rest...

However, there has been another development. I have just gone to feed them and since I have the filter on top outlet (quite fast), I usually put it on the gentle mode before feeding. After doing this and feeding, I suddenly noticed the missing gouramy swimming around!

She looks to be behaving normally, but she has a few cuts (not sure if this is the right word) and one is quite large (there is fair section of skin/scale that is white & pealing away). I don't see how she can have been stuck inside the filter, but the filter does tilt forward for removal and I accidently did this whilst adjusting it. I'm wondering if maybe a few days ago i pushed it back and in the process wedged her between the filter and side of the tank. Don't know how I wouldn't have seen her though, or how she would even still be alive if this is the case!

I hope she recovers & I do not want her condition to affect any other fish. Does anyone have any pointers?
Can you issolate her.
I would add some melafix at half dose.
Make sure she can stay balanced in the water.
Can you issolate her.
I would add some melafix at half dose.
Make sure she can stay balanced in the water.


No way of isolating her i'm afraid. She is swimming around fine - perfectly balanced. She occasionally hides for a bit, but don't we all when injured!
Keep on eye on the wounds for sign of infection.
Good Luck.
Thanks for the update.

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