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    co2 guages

    What is the purpose of the lower pressure guage on a co2 regulator? I bought one (used) on which that one is broen and I want to be sure it is still usable. Thanks!
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    Help ID-ing this loach?

    Thanks for your replies. I have decided it is as some of you suggest a Burmese-border sand loach. When I first brought hiom home from the LFS, he had no red on his tail whatsoever and that threw me off. After a few days though, he is gaining color in his tail, and lo and behold it is the red...
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    Hagen Natural Plant Co2 system - again

    How many of you use the Hagen ladder/bubble counter to diffuse your co2 and how many gallons do you use it on? I know Hagen receommends the system for up to 20g but I am interested in how many folks use more than one ladder at a time for bigger tanks... How well do multiple ladder diffusers...
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    How many of you with plants use CO2

    I am just getting into co2 on my planted tanks because without it, the plants were pretty inert but also because I was getting an algae bloom from adding light and not having enough co2. Right now I have a Hagen Natural Plant system (basically a DIY) on my 15G and a diy on a 30g. The 15 gallon...
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    Procedure to follow after a fish dies?

    I've never had a fish die, but I just lost an elephant nose that I dumbly brought into the house that I believe (now) was diseased... Anyway, I am wondering how to deal with my other tanks and fish. When I brought him home, he had a horrible tail malady (total tail rot) that somehow we issed...
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    Help: elephant nose with gnawed/fin-rotted tail

    Sorry to say he did not make it... died at about the 30 hour mark.
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    Help ID-ing this loach?

    Here a my two new loaches... The one on the right is a weather loach, and my LFS calls the guy on the left a "dwarf sand loach." When I google "dwarf sand loach" though, I get no hits. Does anyone know what kind of loach this is?
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    botia striata, sidthimunki, histrionica

    How about Botia Angelicus? I beleive it grows to about 4 inches and is a good peaceful fellow... though it should be kept in a group. I also highly recommend yoyos. Great fish! For more on angelicus, see
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    buying plants from the internet

    I ordered some very nice plants recently from They were dirt cheap compared to my LFS--even with the shipping chrage. All items came well packaged and well marked in air sealed baggies via priority mail. The quality of plant was higher--for every single plant--than...
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    Help: elephant nose with gnawed/fin-rotted tail

    I went to my LFS today and picked up an elephant nose I had been thinking about getting for a while. He was shy and I could not get a good look at him in the tank and then they double bagged him and I failed to see that his tail seems *really* *really* damaged, as if eaten down to a nub. My...
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    Is my loach a Coolie loach???????

    Check out for comprehensive pics of every imaginable loach type. maybe you'll see your guy somewhere in there.
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    Red-bellied catfish

    I have a fully cycled 30G tank with several bronchis splendens (emerald catfish) and several Ottos... and I have noticed recently that their bellies look awfully pink, or red. In addition, the bronchis surface *a lot* for oxygen and swim willy nilly all over the tank like madmen. My question...
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    Lone Boesmani Rainbowfish

    Has anyone kept a lone Boesmani Rainbowfish? I purchased one recently at the LFS, where he was alone with no mates, but now I am wondering if I shouldn't search for some company for him. Any info would be appreciated.
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    how hardy are dwarf gouramis

    :( :( Back in my more ignorant days, I placed a single male dwarf in a tank that was still cycling... He seemed fine but he did die and I blame myself for not having done more research. He was obviously lonely without a partner (he hung out with every fish he met, whether they wanted him to...
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    Red tail black shark hes new at wont eat

    I had a rts that wouldn't eat when I first got him. He would chase food, then lose interest and not actually follow through and eat. After a couple of weeks of hardly eating, he jumped out of the tank... so I would keep an eye on your guy. Let him settle in but also cover your access holes...
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    Anyone ever used this?

    Aqualine Buschke CO2 German Complete system without bottle. Kit includes CO2 pressure regulator, CO2 bubble counter, CO reactor, cleaning brush, and connection tube. i am wondering how large of an aquarium this will work for.
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    Can anyone suggest a co2 system?

    I currently run a hagen system on my 15 gallon (which works fine) but now I need to set up co2 on two 29 gallon tanks and one 55 gallon. I thought I would try DIY on the 29 gallon tanks but for the 55 gallon I was thinking of this:
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    PLANTS what plants

    My Gourami made short order of some water sprite. He nibbled it at its base till every last stalk floated up to the surface and then he used them to build a nest. He has left my amazons alone though; guess they're more than he can handle.
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    Under gravel filters

    I am fairly new to the hobby (a year or so) and I started out using UGFs on three tanks with HOBs as well. The UGFs did their job, of course, but as my interests evolved, I discovered their drawbacks. For one thing, they are not so great for planted tanks. If you want to add a nutrient-rich...
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    Red-Fin Shark with...

    I had a red-tailed shark for a very short time (a few weeks) in a tank with some platies, frogs, and chain loaches... He didn't bother them and seemed quite happy (he had a cave he liked). After a few weeks though... he jumped! RIP red tailed black shark... and to everyone else, cover all...
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    Glass covers for 55 gallon tanks

    Here's kind of a dumb question... I have a 55 gallon tank that came with two hoods (there's a cross bar over the middle of the tank). I'm in the process of switching over to new plants lights and wanted to use perfecto glass tank covers with the new lights. I figured 2 24" covers would work...
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    C02 and Power Filters

    I am using the Hagen Plant Grow system on one tank and am about to set up some DIY c02 pop-bottle systems on my other tanks. Here's my question: can you use a power filter with this type of c02 system, or does the water flow disturb the surface of the water too much? And is there any solution...
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    How much do you feed 3 fat catfish?

    Well, I let my 20 or so platy free to swim among my very peaceful bronchis splendens... and now there are just two platy fry left--a tasty treat for my very hungry catfish! Here's my question for the group: My bronchis seem unusually active (from what I've read). They swim like mad all over...
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    Wounded Dwarf Gourami

    I recently added two male Dwarf Gouramis to my 30 gallon tank (ammonia 0 and nitrites 0, totally cycled). The only other fish in there are some clown loaches who basically keep to themselves. Here's the problem: one of the male gouramis started building a nest to breed but since none of my...
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    nutra fin

    On this topic: does anybody know if the Hagen unit will work in a tank that is using a UGF? I have one set up and there is surface agitation from the airstone at one end of the tank. I have a Hagen c02 unit newly set up at the other end of the tank (20 inches away--it's a 15 gallon). The...
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    Using 10,000K lights on a FW tank

    The problem with the 10,000 k light (as I understand it) is that it's not going to help your plants much but it will cause algae problems. I have been been researching new lights and have been told over and over: for freshwater plants, you DON"T want 50/50, you want 6700 k. On the bright side...
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    Beginning planter needs more advice

    So I've added a new light (a 65W coralife compact flourescent) to my 15 gallon tank and I've also added (just two days ago) a Hagen Plant Grow CO2 canister. Now I have a couple of questions... 1) Is there anything I need to do with the C02 canister or do I just let it run for several weeks...
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    Bird nest building gourami?

    Thanks for your replies. My gourami has built quite a birds nest by this time but the lfs has no female dwarf gouramis for him to spawn with. -_- Does anyone know if Dwarf Gouramis ever interbreed with any other kind of gourami?
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    Bird nest building gourami?

    Thanks for your replies. My gourami has built quite a birds nest by this time but the lfs has no female dwarf gouramis for him to spawn with. -_- Does anyone know if Dwarf Gouramis ever interbreed with any other kind of gourami?
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    Advice on pc lights...

    I'm about to upgrade to power compact flourscent lights and am thinking of getting a retrofit kit that's on sale ($45): My question is, will I have to install a fan with this light? (My current canopy has standard vents in the top). I have also...
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    Bird nest building gourami?

    I have what I believe are two male Dwarf Gouramis and one is doing an odd ting: he is pulling plant debri off the intake pipe of the power filter and ferrying it to the corner of the tank and assembling it, the way birds do, into a kind of a nest. Two questions about this: 1) what's he...
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    Catfish questish: bronchis splendens

    I have three emerald catfish (bronchis splendens) alone in a tank with a net breeder full of platy fry. Is it safe to release the fry into the tank or will the cats eat them? Thanks.
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    Beginner's question

    I have decided I want to add live plants to my tanks. I have an established 29G and 15G and then I have a 29G I was just about to start cycling (all set to go, full of water). The not-yet-stocked 29G and the 15G have red flint course sand--which is essentially small gravel (not really...
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    Zebra Danios changing color, losing stripes

    Anyone ever had a danio whose color faded a bit, turning sort of golden? I have two who have faded, so that their stripes are not visible at all on their tails. I thought at first it was velvet, but now I think not. My nitrites are slightly elevated (.25). I also moved some of these to a new...
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    yoyo what???

    Dwarf chain loaches, or just plain chain loaches, only get to be about 2-4 inches or so. they also are a bit more outgoing than many loaches and swim lower to mid-level.
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    Zebra Danio changing colors

    I should add that I had put in some salt and a half dose of copper safe as a preventative a few days ago. Might this be related?
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    Zebra Danio changing colors

    I have a 30G tank that had a school of five zebras in it, to which I just added three more that had previously been cycling my hospital tank. Two of the eight now look like they are changing color, losing the purplish coloring and becoming lighter, even golden. Is this normal under any...
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    Loach death...

    I had just done a water change yesterday morning because nitrite readings were slightly elevated (.25). Ammonia was at zero. I had no idea botias were jumpers! I will cover up all my outlet holes today.