Loach death...


Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Illinois, USA
I woke up this morning to find my red-finned loach on the floor next to the aquarium. He had gotten out of the tank and got quite far before dying. Has anyone ever heard of a botia doing such a thing?

The tank was well maintained but he had taken to hiding in some baby hideout grass and hadn't eaten much for a couple of days. He had just rebounded recently from a bad case of fin rot and seemed to be doing really well! I am really sad. He was my all time favorite fish.
hi, sorry for your loss.

yes botais are notoriuos for escaping; my advise is block any and all hole with a netting of somekind, tights(stockings) work well.
What are your water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, sorry for your loss.
I had just done a water change yesterday morning because nitrite readings were slightly elevated (.25). Ammonia was at zero.

I had no idea botias were jumpers! I will cover up all my outlet holes today.

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