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  1. Gootz

    I Think I Am Finally Happy With The 75 Community :)

    You can tell you put a lot of effort into the tank.  Well done!
  2. Gootz

    My 40 Today

    I see what you were going for.  One thought/suggestion is you should try to have more consistency with your environment.  I count 3 main decor pieces and each is different.  It doesn't look as natural since they are each so different.  You want to try and keep it as close to what you would find...
  3. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    I picked up the rest of the shoal of Juliis, so now I've got a total of 6 along with the oto and 1 assassin snail. I'll let the tank adjust for another week or so before adding anything else. After adding new fish, how long should I wait until I do my next water change? I did one 3 days ago and...
  4. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Right on!  Someone shared it with me and I thought it was extremely useful (and cool), so I wanted to pay it forward.    Thanks, definitely dig em a lot.  The icing on the cake for me is because I'm a car buff and their tails look like checkered flags.   No worries on the tank size.  I'm the...
  5. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    Great info, thanks for sharing.  I will not be adding anywhere close to 6 fish at a time.  I will be going at a 2-3 fish per week pace and periodically changing the water.  I have a python which makes water changes MUCH easier, so I don't have any worries.  I will make sure to test water samples...
  6. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Thanks! I am leaning towards the rummy nose tetras, but I have to make sure the LFS can stock those for me soon as I'd like to start with them first.  The REs are much nicer looking than regular Rasboras, but I still like the RNTs best.  We'll see how it all plays out based on availability...
  7. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    Thanks for the response.  I honestly don't think it was NO2 poisoning.  The levels were tested, tested, and the tested again throughout the entire process.  They always tested out fine.  As far as the growth on the betta, it went from the mouth halfway back to his tail.  Almost his entire fin...
  8. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Here are my latest thoughts on stocking.  Please provide me with your thoughts.   Centerpiece(s) 1 x Betta or 2 x Blue Ram   Top Shoal: 5 x Hatchet Fish   Middle Shoal 8-12 (depending on which fish) Celestial Pearl Danio or Rummy Nose Tetra   Bottom Shoal 6 x Julii Cory   Cleanup Crew 1 x Oto 2...
  9. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    Quick status update:   Unfortunately my betta and the last CT died, so all that's left is the oto.  Another sad thing is I can't find the assassin snail in the tank anywhere.  I looked under all of the plants and decor so he must've dug into the substrate.  The good news is my master (liquid)...
  10. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Quick update:  Unfortunately my betta and the last CT died, so all that's left is the oto.  Another sad thing is I can't find the assassin snail in the tank anywhere.  I looked under all of the plants and decor so he must've dug into the substrate.  :( The good news is my master (liquid) test...
  11. Gootz

    Some Newbie no-nos

    Yes, it does include aquarium salt.   You really don't need to use it. It was commonly used in 'the old days', as it counteracts a lot of the problems that were common then, mostly related to poor filtration and inadequate water changes. Good to know!  I will stop adding that now and just stick...
  12. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    Thanks for sharing your experience.  If anything, this is just teaching me to be more patient which is a good thing.  My LFS felt bad for me, so when it comes to stocking the tank they said they were going to hook me up.  Will keep everyone posted!  For now, just finishing up the last 3 days of...
  13. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    Interesting perspective.  Seeing as how I still have the oto and 1 CT left, I'm going to let them just continue on and cycle the tank until my liquid test kit arrives and the water levels all pass.  Thinking a minimum of another 10 days seeing as how it's already been over 4 weeks now.  That...
  14. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Terry, going to purchase a liquid kit tomorrow.  I have tested the water 4 times in the last week and all of them came back negative for ammonia and nitrite.  I am pretty sure it was a fungus carried by the CTs.  The other CTs at the LFS died too, not just the ones in my tank.   I will get the...
  15. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    Appreciate it.  Beautiful bettas in your sig! 
  16. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    Solid advice.  Any suggestions on brands/kits?  I was looking at getting this one:
  17. Gootz

    Some Newbie no-nos

      Does that include aquarium salt?  I have a tank with 2 kuhli loaches that I like to put few tablespoons in whenever I do a water change.  Up until now I never knew there was an issue with it and it didn't appear to ever have any harmful side effects.
  18. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    Unfortunately I didn't inspect it thoroughly enough to confirm if there were any other growths around the mouth or operculum other than the grey discoloration I mentioned.  The "growth" that I did see was just what you see from the pic and it was from the gills and halfway back to the tail.   ...
  19. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    Thanks.  Still pretty bummed out about it.  He was a cool little guy.    It doesn't look like any algae I've ever seen.  It looks more like snail eggs.  I have these tiny little soft shelled snails that unfortunately made it through my initial cleaning of the driftwood in egg form.  They are...
  20. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    You are clearly knowledgeable, so why don't you tell me exactly what you need to know and I'll give you that information.  I appreciate any help I can get at this point.   My betta just died.  I know it's just a fish, but I was really pulling for him and did everything I could (that I knew how)...
  21. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    What are your thoughts on Pimafix?  Do you think it will do the trick?
  22. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Help please!! I have a sick tank!
  23. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    Thanks.  I had a little 6 gallon, but it cracked. :(  I've never had a problem before today with new fish other than 1 time with ick.  But I caught it in time and was able to rid the tank before any casualties.   The tank is properly cycled.  I ran out of testing strips, but the last 3 times I...
  24. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    The betta's discoloration is not white, it's darker like a grey and it pretty much ate away his entire fin. :(  I went and got some Pimafix since it's non-toxic to live plants.  I performed a 30% water change, removed the (carbon) filter, added the appropriate dose of pimafix and am now just...
  25. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    It's definitely a fungus. Water quality is not an issue.
  26. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    OIs it fin rot? I thought that wasn't contagious. Currently en route to petco. Hoping I can save my betta
  27. Gootz

    Help! Mysterious Disease Killing My Fish!

    I just recently setup a new planted 29G, cycled the tank, all levels are and were good.  I stocked it with a betta and an oto after the first week of cycling to help jumpstart it.  After ~4 weeks of cycling I went to Petco, picked up 3 cardinal tetras and this is when the trouble started.  The...
  28. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Do you have any pics of your tank(s) and/or fish?   I am going to continue to test periodically.  I definitely won't be adding more than 3-4 at a time.  I will be doing another water change tomorrow, testing after and then another stock of 3-4 CTs on Thurs or Fri.   I'll start posting pics of...
  29. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    Thanks for the heads up. Before, if I liked a fish and it wasn't "aggressive" I would just put it in my other tank.  I'm trying to learn and plan ahead, so this tank is better suited for a thriving, happy community.   I'm doing some more research and putting some additional thought into this...
  30. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    I will be putting all 3 schools in (over time).  The numbers under each school are the quantity I plan on putting in for each respective school.  The centerpiece "school" is what I'm having trouble deciding on.   Discus are already off the table, so not even worried about that.  I though...
  31. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

      The tank is finally ready for some more live stock!  I have had a betta and oto in there for about 2.5 weeks and all of the levels look good and stable.  So I just put in 3 Cardinal Tetras and 1 Assassin Snail (didn't clean one of the driftwood pieces well enough and have a small infestation...
  32. Gootz

    "dead" Coral In My Freshwater Tank?

    Thought I'd share the link to my thread on the new tank: Thanks again for the help. Happy New Year!
  33. Gootz

    New 29g Low Tech Planted Tank

    I'm pretty new to planted tanks. This is my second planted tank, but only the first one where I did a lot of research, preplanned the layout and really put in a lot of effort. So far I think it turned out pretty well and I'm on my third day of cycling. The only thing I noticed which I don't...
  34. Gootz

    "new" 29g Tank - Several Questions

    I've read a few people doing this and haven't really seen any convincing pics. Do you have any pics of your tank? Would love to see some various angles if it isn't too much trouble. Going out to wash my tank and start prepping it for it's setup/cycle. :) BBS
  35. Gootz

    "new" 29g Tank - Several Questions

    I'd be worried some overspray would get on the glass and absorb into the water or worse, go directly into the tank. After thinking about it more I've decided to paint the stand instead as the rest of my office has wood furniture and the black wouldn't work. Now I don't have to worry about...
  36. Gootz

    "new" 29g Tank - Several Questions

    I currently have a 19G freshwater tank in my daughter's room and wanted a tank for my office. So I purchased a used 29G tank and stand off of craigslist. It came with several things including a python gravel vac (score!), Penguin 200 filter and a 200W heater. I filled up the tank and am...
  37. Gootz

    "dead" Coral In My Freshwater Tank?

    Thanks for all of your advice. Much appreciated!!!
  38. Gootz

    "dead" Coral In My Freshwater Tank?

    I appreciate the suggestions. I was contemplating making this a saltwater tank, but am going to do another freshwater tank instead. I don't know jack about salt and I think there will be some efficiencies running 2 fresh. I did go to my LFS and spoke with my (knowledgable) friend and manager...
  39. Gootz

    "dead" Coral In My Freshwater Tank?

    The main reason I wanted to use these coral pieces is because I picked them up myself off the beach in Hawaii, so it would've been a nice reminder of the trip. But I get that it won't work and will figure out something else. In the meantime, I decided to pickup another tank for my office...
  40. Gootz

    "dead" Coral In My Freshwater Tank?

    I figured because it was a much smaller amount that the rise in PH would be negligable considering the size of the tank to the size of the coral. Probably scratching this idea altogether. :( What?!?! Which reality TV show taught you that bogus info?!?!?! :)