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    Strange white particles in my water.

    Yeh i did, technically everything should be perfect it just isnt...
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    Strange white particles in my water.

    Last Saurday, its all very strange, would u advise on some sort of treatment to purify/clean the water?
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    Bit of fun...

    If you had a 500g tank and unlimited money what would you stock? One catch, you can have only 5 different species of fish howeva as many of tha fish as you like. So get thinkin! Its sumthin im interested in would love 2 hear others views. What i would go for may not seem to glamerous but here...
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    Strange white particles in my water.

    Really! Thanks, i didnt know that, i took a sample of my water to my lfs and they tested the water. They said my water parameters are perfect, so i just presumed... Sorry
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    My tank and pure love for fish!

    Heheh, i like the goramy idea. I'm just always thinking, when im a bit older (im a student) n with a bit more money i want a zebra pleco community which wud be amazing. Theres just so many fish n so little money! ARRGHH, lol. One day.... Cya!
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    u 2, making new friend already, n even better, friends that enjoy my hobby, tis not too popular where i am...
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    Strange white particles in my water.

    Nitrate, ammonia and nitrite levels are all 0. Dont worry if u cant help me, im grateful for the effort. Do u think some sort of water clearing medication wud b ok?
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    Elephantnose fish?

    Thanks, every little bit helps. I'm not sure i cud house 1 if they grow to 9 inches as my tank is almost full... Nevermind but thanku!
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    Strange white particles in my water.

    I vaccum my gravel regularly and i dont think i overfeed my fish, being honest i think i feed them relatively little. Thanx for ur help, even any derrogatory comment will be fine cos u probs all know more than me, thanx. Could it be some sort of cloudiness? It just doesnt seem to be budging...
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    Elephantnose fish?

    I saw this fish in a store a week ago, the store is an hour from my house. It was being sold at 7.99 and it was roughly 3/4 inches long. I was just wondering what size it grows to, what its like to look after (agressive?) and just some basic info form anyone hu knows! I considered buying this...
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    Strange white particles in my water.

    I do regualr water changes in my aquarium but recently ive noticed many tiny white particles in the water. They are not living and jst seem to be in the water not moving and when close up it looks slightly cloudy, its strange, ive neva had this problem before and my filter is working, my water...
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    My tank and pure love for fish!

    Hey, I'm new on this forum but id just like to say that as a fish keeper wheneva i go to a fish store i always have to look at fish and even tho i dnt buy without research i love it becuase im only a student and money is short so i have 1 30g tank but im constantly planning the future. My tank...
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    Thanx Sasha! C u around :)
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    New guy here from UK. I love fish altho my love for them is relatively new (only about a year). Ive been reading these forums for a while now and it has definately built upmy knowledge so i decided to get involved! I work in my lfs so all is gud! Cheers