Elephantnose fish?


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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I saw this fish in a store a week ago, the store is an hour from my house. It was being sold at 7.99 and it was roughly 3/4 inches long. I was just wondering what size it grows to, what its like to look after (agressive?) and just some basic info form anyone hu knows!

I considered buying this fish but thought id better do some research first otherwise it cuda been costly!
The scientific name is Gnathonemus petersi. They grow to around 9 inches but are quite mild-tempered. They are carnivorous, preffer the lower water levels and originated in Africa. It is mainly nocturnal and can emmit weak electrical pulses which aid it in night-time navigation. It is extremely sensitive to changes in water quality. I can't realy give you much more info as I've never kept them myself. I'm sure soeone else will help more :)
Thanks, every little bit helps. I'm not sure i cud house 1 if they grow to 9 inches as my tank is almost full...

Nevermind but thanku!

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