My tank and pure love for fish!


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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I'm new on this forum but id just like to say that as a fish keeper wheneva i go to a fish store i always have to look at fish and even tho i dnt buy without research i love it becuase im only a student and money is short so i have 1 30g tank but im constantly planning the future. My tank is fully stocked but i look at fish like kuhli loaches and id love them but know that for now i cant!

My tank has 2 bristlenose plecs, 1 banjo catfish, 1 rusty plec, and some otocinclus and a shoal of cardinals, blind cave fish and 2 dwarf gouramis. I feel im at my limit for the tank but i constantly want more and it takes a lot to tell myself no!

Pretty random bt im new to this place so i just thought id share!

You have no idea :p When it comes to limits and planning the future - well just look at my sig. I want a pair of Osphronemus Goramy and that takes more than 500 gallons! At the moment I am actualy trying to REDUCE the number of tanks/fish I have because we are moving and it'll be difficult with too many tanks/fish until we settle down again. I don't wont my beloved fish to get stressed by the move but with many tanks it would be inevitable.
Heheh, i like the goramy idea. I'm just always thinking, when im a bit older (im a student) n with a bit more money i want a zebra pleco community which wud be amazing. Theres just so many fish n so little money! ARRGHH, lol.

One day....


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