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  1. S

    Arcadia I Bar

    Hi Folks, Been a while since I posted and have had a major disaster with my tank (caused by a faulty no-return valve but thats a different story). Anyway I've finally got back to re-stocking my Trigon 190 tank and decided to do something about the lighting (which is I feel a tad under power for...
  2. S

    Just Put Sand And...

    Ditto with me when I set my 190l up first time (took a couple of days). I have to go through the whole process again soon as I'm restarting my tank after half of it flooding our living room (resulting in a nice new wooden floor!, out goes the old stinky carpet! all on the Insurance!) still...
  3. S

    How many pets do you have?

    Ok we have ... 2 Dogs (Sam, a Beagle Cross, Bella a miniture Jack russell Terrier) 1 Cat (Ginger, aka Pops) 2 Rabbits (Hazel, Silver Fox Cross Doe & Bandit Dutch Doe) 20 Rats! 4 Boys : Smudge, Spike, Bert & Butler 16 Girls : Dobby, Winkey, Willow, Hazel, Socks, Tikka, Minstrel, Snowdrop...
  4. S

    My new Juwel tank

    Yeh it's great! you should get one! :D :D
  5. S

    Day Trip

    The tropical section was a bit dissapointing to be honest (when we eventually found it!) and the touch tank with the rays was looking a bit sad, just one solitary ray. It would be interesting to hear of peoples opinions on other aquariums around the country.
  6. S

    Day Trip

    And lastly... Wot you looking at?
  7. Dscf0051.jpg


  8. S

    Day Trip

    Its DORY!, My little girl (2 and a half) thought this was the best fish of all of them!
  9. Dscf0046.jpg


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    Day Trip

    Pic 4
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    Day Trip

    Pic 3
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    Day Trip

    Pic 2
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  16. S

    Day Trip

    Ok not exactly my tank (couldn't work out where else to post). I took the kids down to the London Aquarium for the day and thought you guys might like to see some of the pics (of the fish not the kids :D ). Not exactly the best quality, I'm still getting to grips with the new(ish) camera, but...
  17. Dscf0018.jpg


  18. S

    My new Juwel tank

    SNAP! There really nice tanks. Mines doing very well. Hope you have as much fun as I do.
  19. tank.jpg


  20. S

    ******March Tank of the Month******

    Treefrog, are those plants real? If so they must take some work to keep them looking so good!. Well done anyway, love the Bogwood, it's terrific!
  21. S

    My 8ft tank !!!!!!

    Super tank!, whats the big leafed plant in the centre, its great! (puts my 190L to shame!, looks like I can kiss TOTM goodbye :D ).
  22. S

    New Camera

    and one of my Platy's
  23. Platy.jpg


  24. S

    New Camera

    I got a new toy a couple of weeks ago a Fuji S602z camera. First up, "Butch" my Sailfin Molly
  25. Butch.jpg


  26. S

    First Time Grandad!

    So do I, I think I'm gonna have to get my little tank up and running!. Mind you I'm not planning on making their lives easy or anything (I believe in the school of hard knocks :D ) no comfy "Breeder tanks" for them, just loads of weed to hide in! :D The platys and Mollies are getting a bit...
  27. S

    First Time Grandad!

    Looked into the tank last night and what did I see.... 3 little guppies swimming amongst the weed :cool: So fingers crossed they'll survive being eaten (there are plenty of hiding places in my tank, see TOTM march). :D
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    A Decent Pic

    :thumbs: Thanks folks!
  29. S

    A Decent Pic

    Thanks guys. I'll have to get my gallery up and running, soon as I do I'll post a link.
  30. S

    A Decent Pic

    At last a decent pic of the tank (Trigon 190)!, must put a decent camera on my Xmas list. Anyway hope you like it folks, I had to move the plants around a bit so that the fast growers were at the back and didn't swamp everything.
  31. TankFeb19.jpg


  32. S

    My Trigon - Plants-a-gogo!

    Finally got a decent pic! Will need to take another one in a couple of days cause I've had a move around plant wise (some of the larger ones are now at the back) so its a bit "murky" at the mo.
  33. TankFeb02.jpg


  34. S


    On YOUR DESK! Some desk!, Can I work where you work! :D Looks great!, I'd never get any work done!
  35. S

    Weird and wacky ones - a celebration

    Hows about a caption comp? "OK Lads Bars Open!"
  36. S

    My Trigon - Plants-a-gogo!

    :lol: Besides you got TOTM nomination with my old one :thumbs: well done! Wish my fish were as productive as my plants! (my guppies just aren't in the mood!)
  37. S

    new tank with sand

    I used a course grain sand and the plants love it, doesn't seem to impede the roots and it doesn't "pack down". Also I used Rabbit droppings once a month as a fertiliser, plants have gone MAD!. :D
  38. S

    GM Fish

    Has anyone seen this : Glo Fish Hmm, not to keen on this idea interbreeding is one thing but this.... comments anyone?
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    My Trigon - Plants-a-gogo!

    Hopefully I'll be getting some decent pics soon. Took some last night using a 35mm rather than my cheap digital (which just isn't fast enough) I'll keep you posted. Also I think I've been over feeding :/ , so I'll cut it down and see what happens (need to get some Brine shrimp, can you breed...
  40. S

    My Trigon - Plants-a-gogo!

    No, it's the 190. (Couldn't fit a 350 in :sad: ) still its a beautiful tank and the plants love it. The fish seem really happy too and all the levels seem to have stabilised nicely. Alas I have lost 1 platy and 3 guppies, not sure why , I have lost fish from the LFS where I got these from...