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  1. P

    Chinese Algae Eater

    My experience of CAEs is that the only thing accurately described about them is their county of origin: China. When theyre young theyre nice peaceful little critter that eat algae. When they grow, which they do quickly, they become highly aggressive, and capable to taking on much larger fish...
  2. P

    water smell/nitrate spike

    Thats far too high to be comfortable for your fish. Nitrate is tolerated far more by fish than Nitrite, but a level of 80 is going to cause some problems indeed. The best thing you can do is take out all of the ornaments, wood and rocks from the tank, clean them in tap water and let them dry...
  3. P

    Another newbie says howdy :D

    Cheers! Love that avatar by the way :D
  4. P

    Nitrite level -- should I panic?

    If I were you I would do a 1/3 change from the mature tank and see how that goes. By the sounds of it youve already done everything you can to speed a cylcle up. One thing I forogt to mention earlier: do you have any large rocks / pieces of wood in the tank that make some places difficult to...
  5. P

    Help - New BGK & Elephant Nose

    Careful with the garden found foods, this is the quickest way to introduce parasites into your tank unwillingly. Even live foods bought from fish stores are not guaranteed against parasites. The small water changes are a very good idea. My girlfriend also mentioned that Elephant Noses use...
  6. P

    Nitrite level -- should I panic?

    You could try to add a bacterially mature filtre to your setup from another tank. This will help to stabalize Nitrite levels in the water. Levels can and do vary, but as long as your fish are looking OK, not stressed or showing any signs of disease then you should be ok leaving them til the...
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    Heavy breathing

    By the sounds of it your fish is... confusing. Are there any other obvious signs of disease? Any other reason why you fish might be stressed? (did your cat have wet paws and a guilty look on its face when you entered the room for example?)
  8. P

    Am I full

    Try this out: Tank Tools. Calculate the volume of your tank and it will recommend the maximum number of fish that you can keep :D Erised is right when she says that you should consider your tank full if you add one more.
  9. P

    otos BRED?!

    Yep, this is precicely how most Otto breeding happens... with the owners being completely unaware of it going on. Its happened to me once, unfortunately while I was away on holiday. The photos we saw had tiny little otto-shaped and coloured fry, and the chances of any of our other fish...
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    Help - New BGK & Elephant Nose

    WEll, my knowledgeis limited for this species but Ill share what I know. I know that they feed at night. I keep Banjo Catfish which are also principally nocturnal hunters, and perhaps the best advice is to give the fish the old "the bloodworms are still alive, look theyre moving!" setup dupe...
  11. P

    Poorly Dwarf puffer

    It sounds like either stress or intestinal parasites. How large is the tank with the seven puffers in it? If its less than 40 gallons then its too small for such a group. Puffers are only social when they are young, as they mature they become fiercely territorial and aggressive, especially to...
  12. P

    Dwarf Puffers

    I also wouldnt worry too much about breeding snails... but Ive got a suggestion here that might work: You have a ten gallon tank. This is what I would call an ideal home for a single dwarf puffer because its twice as large as what Id recommend for living space (at least five gallons per dwarf...
  13. P

    not sure where to put this but its about wood

    The tanins released from wood are, in fact, quite harmless to tropical fish. Many species actually enjoy life better in slightly coloured water, as it is closer to their natural conditions. The only thing you will have to worry about is the redution of light getting to your plants, but even...
  14. P

    Another newbie says howdy :D

    If I dont then I can always blame you :D
  15. P

    Another newbie says howdy :D

    Allo all :D Its kind of strange me actually posting here... my girlfriend has been a regular on this forum for a long time and I get hourly updates on the events that are currently unfolding :D I thought it was about time I showed my face... so here it is: :fun: I was a little ill when...