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    Do piranha's scatter eggs all of the time? becase my brother keeps seeing what looks like eggs at the bottom of the tank, and he/she/it is in the tank on their own, is it possible they still get rid of their eggs? or is that a really stupid question? :*)
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    Believe it or not

    well said, I have learnt loads on this forum and use it rather than searching on a search engine, people are very experienced in keeping fish and have offered loads of advice.
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    More Fry!!

    congrats on the fry
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    Cory Breeding

    Thanks for the reply, i have 1 male and 1 female who have laid eggs on a few occations, now I have a breeding tank set up for them i was wondering what the best method is. Is it to wait for the female to lay her eggs and then put them in the tank or put male and female into the tank and wait...
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    Cory Breeding

    any ideas?
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    Something is nipping my tetra

    probobly another tetra, cant see corys nipping at tetra's. Maybe its a sharp object in your tank that hit has got caught on?
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    Yer, I would agree with male guppies, maybe some pearl danios, they are cool
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    Cory Breeding

    With Peppered cory eggs are they laid and then fertilised by the male or are they fertilised and then laid by the female?
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    can they go in the same breeder

    depends on the size of them, if they are fairly similar in size then i dont see why not
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    im just wondering

    17, 18 in a couple of weeks
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    Top-Dwelling Fish

    I have dwarf neon rainbows, they were well worth the money I paid for them and they go really well in my tank, i wouldnt say they were top fish but definately upper middle. They are realy cool, well worth the money I reckon, I had 4 but the other male didnt aprove so i now have 3, 2 females and...
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    Adding More Fish

    I'm tryin to think of some other ideas for ya, i know itwas hard to get ideas for my tank! I have dwarf neon rainbow fish in my tank, they are cool but i havent seen many of them for sale. I have neons in my tank and they are really lively and bright, maybe if you don't fancy them go for...
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    Adding More Fish

    What about harlequin rasbora's? They are active and look good in groups of 4 or 5 in any tank?
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    Guppy Questions

    In my expeience, the guppy fry have always gone towards the light (and therefore to the top of the tank) This means that as long as there are some hiding places, there should be no problems with bottom dwellers eating them
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    Usual boring what fish question?

    I would agree with the idea of a few clown loaches, they are fun to watch and would benefit from a large space. Also, i would suggest some giant danio's., they are really active and would look cool in a group in a larger tank Tuffers
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    Guppy having babies as we speak!!

    up to 18 or 19 now! i hope she tops soon! i dont have room for these!1! ahh! lol, good to see all the fry darting around, cant see any deaths yet which is good
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    Guppy having babies as we speak!!

    Its up to 7 now!!! I dont know if they will all survive but i hope so, i think she's nearly finished
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    Guppy having babies as we speak!!

    I have the female in a large net and the babies are coming now! 3 so far! They are in a small breeder tank
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    Cory eggs!

    My eggs havent hatchetd yet but none have fungus on yet :). Also, i found another 10-12 eggs on another plant! they havent been eaten yet, and they are well hidden so i will leave them there and see what happens!
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    Cory eggs!

    i found some more eggs that didnt get eaten! so i have about 13 or 14 in a floating breeding tank. I hope that some willsurvive, and i heard it takes 3-5 days to hatch, so tonight will be the 3rd day, so who knows, i may have some corry's soon!
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    Agressive Molly

    my molly was always agressive, however, at feeding time it got even worse. It definately had a problem with the smaller mollies, and within a couple of weeks, the mollies had died (3 of them) :( and the agressive one remained. I had to get rid of the agressive molly. A bad experience really...
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    Betta ??

    I have a betta in my tank with 2 male guppies (among many other fish) and they get along fine. I have also heard that they mistake them for juvinile betta's, but mine have never had a run in and they have been in there for ages. I did get my guppy's as fry though, so maybe they have grown up...
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    Agressive Molly

    I had a similar experience with a black molly, he got verry agressive to the other mollys and someof the other fish in my tank... unfortunately, he was just too agressive and had to go... hope your's turns out okay.
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    Cory eggs!

    My cory's have spawned again! On saturday, the female had laid lots of eggs on the plants and glass, but there arent many left due to my egg hungry fish! She laid a group of 5 or 6 on a plant and i have taken the leaf off of the plant and put it in my breeding tank. I have added some methyl...
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    Perfect Betta Setup?

    i still don't know what the ph should be!
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    Perfect Betta Setup?

    i have a betta in a sand-bottomed 3 gallon tank with a heater but no filter. i find that cleaning is very easy by hoovering all of the settled algae and fish waste with a cyphen. He seems to be very happy but i'm wondering what the absolute perfect PH and temperature level for the water would...
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    Bad news....

    a sailfin pleco. hes settling in well :)
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    Bad news....

    oh, and the corys, have laid a few eggs, but i have been keeping my baby guppy that one of the females had :) in the breeder tank. The female looks pretty large at the moment and hopefully, this time i will be more prepared and ready for the eggs!
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    Bad news....

    hello, i took my pleco back today :( and i have a new smaller pleco, he is gorgeous, he's not my old pleco, but the people in the shop said he was really well looked after and really healthy. I now look forward to raising this little fella and will enjoy watching him grow. Hopefully, by the...
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    Bad news....

    I have to trade my pleco in at my LFS!!! :( I have had my pleco since the start of my tank... but now it is just too big and beginning to loo more unhappy. Although he isnt too bad at the moment but i want to trade him in before he gets too bad. My LFS say that i can trade him in for another...
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    Unknown fish

    yes! thats what it is! Thanks very much kittybug! A dojo loach.
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    Unknown fish

    no it's not. we checked out some images and it definately isn't. i think it's quite young. it seems to like hiding in wierd camouflaging itself as a piece of plant and kind of standing on's alot more sandy yellow/brown than gold.
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    can my betta eat stuff like this?

    i have a betta kept in a sand bottomed 4/5 gallon tank can i feed it flies and insects as part of it's diet? like small greenflies and ants. i would like to put natural things like this into his diet because it seems like the right thing to do. is it!?
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    Unknown fish

    any other ideas?
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    Unknown fish

    It's not got a sucky mouth like an algae eater or a plec. it is much much more like a it is more snake like bodywise.
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    Unknown fish

    Hi, my brother bought a fish the other day and i dont really know what exact fish it is here is a description of it because i dont have a picture. Its a yellow/sandy kind of colour It is around 10cm's long and quite thin It has a bristly nose Looks a bit like an eel crossed with a loach with a...
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    First baby!

    I have some guppies in my community tank that I got off of my leacturer at college when they were just fry. They have been in there for a while and arent yet fully grown, this is the first time they have had any fry, I have 1 in a breeding trap, and this is the only one I have seen and the...
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    easiest way to breed neons?

    how do all you neon tertra breeders do it? any specieal advice or tips?
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    appropriate fish

    i have become very interested in starting a reef tank but i am unsure of what fish can live with each other and what i should avoid. i know that i would like a pair of pink skunk clownfish and a small eel. are these appropriate for each other? if anyone has any suggestions on what fish are good...
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    are reef tanks more rewarding than fowlr

    reef sound much more fun and interesting.I know that marine tanks involve alot of maintainence . i am looking for a smallish setup that requires about an hours maintainence every morning and another hour at night. (this is just the spare time i have every day. will the tank require more...