Search results

  1. FishFanatic13

    Red Clawed Crabs

    Right ok thanks and the barbs are very peaceful so the cherry shrimps should be fine in my tanks
  2. FishFanatic13

    Red Clawed Crabs

    oh right ok thanks i will change my mind and go for cherry shrimp will they be ok with my set up and would they need any special requiments
  3. FishFanatic13

    Red Clawed Crabs

    Hi i have a community tank with 5 platy 4 zebra danio 4 penguin tetra 4 pentazona barbs 1 cory And i am hoping on getting a red clawed crab but need to know some of the basic needs of them (what they eat, how they need to get to the surface to bask, what sort of borrow they need to hide)and if...
  4. FishFanatic13

    I Just Set Up A New Tank Need An Opinon

    Thanks Betta - to clarify, I've have divided my substrate...rather than all sand or all gravel, I've split it 2/3rds roman gravel, and 1/3rd sand (not mixed) - the divider keeps the two seperated...but looks like a piece of plastic !!! I'm trying to disguise it, which is why I thought about...
  5. FishFanatic13

    I Just Set Up A New Tank Need An Opinon

    Thanks for the replies, appreciated. The reason I asked is that I've set up my new tank 2/3rds gravel, 1/3rd sand....and have used a divider...however, the diveder looks out of place and wanted to cover the "join" with small pieces of slate. Before I upset my dad and take some of his small...
  6. FishFanatic13

    I Just Set Up A New Tank Need An Opinon

    i just set up a new tank and was woundering if the slate in my graden would be ok in my tank if i cleaned it in boiling water
  7. FishFanatic13

    Sand And Gravel

    hi i would like to have sand as my substrate. but have some questions about it. first how would you clean it without it going up the gravel vacuum. and whats the best sand to have.
  8. FishFanatic13

    Help Fish Has Fed Mouth

    Hi i have a white molly and i woke up and fed them and notcied it had red all around it mouth is this good or bad
  9. FishFanatic13

    Frozen Blood Worm

    hi does it matter if you feed your fish frozen blood worm or do you need to thaw it first
  10. FishFanatic13

    Help Lighting

    ok but will it matter to have it on and off in one day
  11. FishFanatic13

    Help Lighting

    hi i am just woundering weather it would matter having your light on fora couple off hours and then off for a couple and then back on for like 8 hours so like on from 7am-9am and off and then back on from 12am-9pm
  12. FishFanatic13

    Help Fish !

    ok and thanks so much for all your help
  13. FishFanatic13

    Help Fish !

    Hi i have a few fish that i like and i what to know whats best to keep I would Like: 2 drawf gouramis or 2 honey gouramis (whats easer to keep,look after) 4 glass/ghost catfish please help Dan
  14. FishFanatic13

    Strange Creature

    Ok Thanks
  15. FishFanatic13

    My 2 Little Fry

    well done i have babys too
  16. FishFanatic13

    My New Tank

    It looks great well done
  17. FishFanatic13

    Got A New Guppy Today...

    still leave the lights out to keep her calm
  18. FishFanatic13

    New Guppy Babies

    well done
  19. FishFanatic13

    New Guppy Babies

    well done
  20. FishFanatic13

    Guppy Babies

    well done
  21. FishFanatic13

    Guppy Babies ( Fry)

    well done
  22. FishFanatic13

    Strange Creature

    YES !!! I would guess thats what it is, though a lot smaller at this stage...approx 3 times the size of the fry we have. Forgive a niaive question, mayfly larvae, is it harmful to our fish / tanks ?
  23. FishFanatic13

    I'm Looking For Possible Tank Mates

    Mollies like slightly brackish water and are prolific breeders
  24. FishFanatic13

    Looking For Compatible Tank Mates....

    Hi i would also say that cory are great and Rummy nose are a great fish that stay in a group and once established have bright red noses that will add lots of colour
  25. FishFanatic13

    Paradise Fish

    Hi yes i would suggest getting a smaller fish because thats a big fish for that sized tank and to heal it the best think really is for it to heal naturally
  26. FishFanatic13

    Stocking Fish In 45g Tank

    some more really nice coloureful fish are the rummy nose and the clown loach but both fairly hard fish for beginners to keep but some more easy fish are cory for bottom feeders and platys,mollies Dan
  27. FishFanatic13

    Stocking question for 55 gallon planted tank...

    Hi like said before rummy nose are a great fish i have them and are ex