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  1. FishFanatic13

    Bn Plec

    oh ok thanks theres is some bba on one piece do they eat that
  2. FishFanatic13

    Need Some Ideas

    i have a fully matured 60l tank and would love some Cichlids (funnly enough) but i need some ideas of what i could have they will need to be community fish as have other fish in there need ideas soon as going to my lfs this afternoon
  3. FishFanatic13

    Bn Plec

    ok thanks makes sense just wanted to be sure
  4. FishFanatic13

    Bn Plec

    last sunday i brought a bn plec he is about 1 inch big i was just wondering but since i got him he is always sucked onto the glass often by one or on one of the filters but dont they swim around abit i have 3 pieces of bogwood in my tank but doesn't seem intrested in them thursday night i...
  5. FishFanatic13

    Weighting Plants?

    well glad i could help and yes its very annoying
  6. FishFanatic13

    Weighting Plants?

    not sure its Japanese Dwarf Rush i think its and spider plant and shops often sell non-aquatic plants and yes over time they will rot and if it does not rot it will not really grow but read this
  7. FishFanatic13

    Weighting Plants?

    your first plant is not truly aquatic just to let you know
  8. FishFanatic13

    What New Fish To Get Hmmmmm.....

    yer sorry didnt think about the neons or the other angel fighting over territory
  9. FishFanatic13

    Major Deaths

    sorry about the deaths about 2 years ago my dad lost all his livebearers (about 15 over a few weeks) to the same problem a you are describing internal bacterial or parasitic infections would make sense so i would say it is contagious to some extent so i would do a 50% water change
  10. FishFanatic13

    Id This Fish?

    looks like a melon barb to me but simular to a clown barb to
  11. FishFanatic13

    Cichilids In A Comunity Tank

    also blue rams, bolivian rams
  12. FishFanatic13

    What New Fish To Get Hmmmmm.....

    i would get some more angel fish but different patterns
  13. FishFanatic13

    Deem Yourself To Be Creative?

    really thats intresting about they can not see red
  14. FishFanatic13

    When To Move My Fry?

    yer I prefer to move fry immediately and the guppy fry will do fine with the others
  15. FishFanatic13

    Lost Another Platy

    if i was you i would a 30% water change and see what happens sorry about not info
  16. FishFanatic13

    Pregnant Black Neon Tetra

    no sorry but i have now moved it into a 10l tank on its own and it is sitting on the bottom but it so fat its untrue
  17. FishFanatic13

    Pregnant Black Neon Tetra

    shes as fat as ever what should i do to keep the egg and if the eggs live then what
  18. FishFanatic13

    Stocking Level !

    hi there i would not have the clown loaches or the shark as will out grow your tank and will stunt there growth the angels and rainbows will be ok the plec,tetras and guppys are fine but i would get at least get 5 platys and a pair of dwarf goarmi but it also depends on the filtration
  19. FishFanatic13

    Lost Another Platy

    very strange all your Water paras are fine and platys are actually fairly hardy
  20. FishFanatic13

    Guppy - How Long Till She Drops?

    Its hard to tell but around 1-2 weeks
  21. FishFanatic13

    How Many New Fish Is Safe To Add?

    yer if they are small fish i would say about 5-10 fish (cory,neons) but if it was angels 2-3 mean the tank has been up and running for a long time now but its up to you thats my opinion and i would also up the stock on cory and gl tetra
  22. FishFanatic13

    Black Skirt Disappeared

    hi sorry about the news i have had fish with missing eyes and normally i have found its other fish have attacked it so my guess would be that the other 2 fish have attacked it
  23. FishFanatic13


    ok so i have added 3 guppys and then at the weekend i will test the water and then take it from there thanks to any one who as posted and helped
  24. FishFanatic13


    ok so if i put 3 guppys in there with some old filter media should that keep it going till the weekend and let the bacteria cover the filter and rocks etc and then at the weekend take them out and swap with the shrimp
  25. FishFanatic13


    thanks so much i will turn it down to 20c also with the java moss i am going to have a carpet so theres a lot so i think the filter will be ok but thanks and so if i got amano shrimp (1 just in case then i will get more)sunday and while i am aclimatsiing them on the top put some old filter...
  26. FishFanatic13


  27. FishFanatic13


    ok now i know that heres the situation last night i filled up my 10l tank (no lid) the temp is 25c (is this ok for cherry and amano shrimp) the filter is a small one that does 45l an hour (is that enough for about 10 shrimp) the actual tank has 3 rocks and will have a java moss (is java moss ok...
  28. FishFanatic13


  29. FishFanatic13


    ok thanks
  30. FishFanatic13


    hi i am planning to get cherry and amano shrimp but the tank has no lid and was wondering can they climb out
  31. FishFanatic13

    Feeding While I'm Away

    yer your fish should be fine for a week if you have live plants some fish will peck at them and theres often stuff in the water they will eat
  32. FishFanatic13


    oh ok thanks
  33. FishFanatic13

    Platy Sitting On Substrate

    mine do that because when i come down in the mourning there all like that
  34. FishFanatic13


    ok thanks but how do you breed them if they can not go in the same tank
  35. FishFanatic13


    ok just to let you know i want one female but in any tank size like a 100l could you have a male and a female And just to clarify you could have as many female as you want if the tank is larger enough. but only 1 male in any tank
  36. FishFanatic13


    so in any tank you can only ever have 1 male but as many females as you want also why cant you have a male and a female together
  37. FishFanatic13


    oh ok then i will leave the shrimp but can you have more than one female or male in one tank and do you need a light or a filter
  38. FishFanatic13


    hi i would like to set up a 10l betta tank with 1 male and 1 female is the tank an ok size and will they fight also would it be possible to have cherry and amano shrimp in with the or will they be eaten
  39. FishFanatic13


    hi i would like to set up a 10l betta tank with 1 male and 1 female is the tank an ok size and will they fight also would it be possible to have cherry and amano shrimp in with the or will they be eaten
  40. FishFanatic13

    Java Moss!?!

    it can take between 3weeks to a few mouths depending on lighting,co2 etc