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  1. S

    Neon Tetra Losing Colour?!

    Hello, we bought 5 Large Neon Tetra about 3/4 weeks ago and noticed last night that 2 of them really seem to be losing there colour? we thought it was possibly that they hadnt been very active however they ars the same today. all water readings are good so dont think it is due to that they are...
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    Dwarf Gourami New To Tank

    They are both now no longer shy and enjoying the tank, thanks for the advice.
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    Dwarf Gourami New To Tank

    She still has'nt moved 6 hours in, still hiding in a plant, he has'nt really bothered her and at least he is now investigating the rear of the tank. Our tank is well planted with rocks, wood, plants and a plant pot for hiding, hopefully in the morning she will of moved if not will get another...
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    Dwarf Gourami New To Tank

    Hello, We have just got 2 Dwarf Gourami today one male and one female, they both seem very healty but since putting them in they have stayed near the bottom of the tank and hidden in the plants :/ Is this due to the fact they are still trying to get used to theire new surroundings? Any advice...
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    Algae Sand

    We had a small problem with green alge on the sand and rocks so we investrd in 5 shrimp! they have done an awsome job in cleaning it all up!! could be worth a try? :D
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    Cardinal Tetras And Hard Water

    Hello, Just deciding on what will be my first fish once my tank has cycled and would ideally like either cardinal tetras or neon tetras to start. There is one problem though living in York UK we have very hard water, after testing I have a GH of 220mg/l which puts me in the very hard territory...
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    Gh And Kh Results, Are They Ok

    Yeah I think our thinking is to choose fish that will be suitable to our hard water as I think keeping PH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate levels will be hard enough to start with and as keeping your water softer etc is hard work I think that will be enough to deal with. Well at least now we can...
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    Gh And Kh Results, Are They Ok

    Thanks for the reply, my PH is 7.5 but seems to of gone up a little yesterday and touched 8.0. Aslo is my choice of fish going to be limited due to my hard water or is it more likely that the fish from my local LFS will be used to it as the water will be about the same.
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    Gh And Kh Results, Are They Ok

    Hello, My tank has not started its cycle yet but as we are away soon not going to force it but tested the GH General Hardness and the KH Carbon Hardness last night. We use Nutrafin test as they are the only ones available at our LFS. Readings GH = 220mg/l KH = 120mg/l 1. GH = 220 means...
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    Adding Ammonia

    Thanks for all the replys to this, we are going to leave it until we get back from our hols but keep checking the ammonia level until we go incase the cycle starts of its own accord.
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    Adding Ammonia

    Will leave it untilll we get back off holiday and see how it gets on without any help. There are plants allready in the tank.
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    Adding Ammonia

    Hello, New tank been in a week on tuesday but not added any ammonia yet and no sign of cycle starting. Is it worth starting to add ammonia now, we go on holiday for a week on the 13th May or wait until we get back before doing it and just leave it alone for the time being? Cheers Simon
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    First Tank Pics And Test Readins

    Cheers we can but try, will have to see how well it looks when we can eventually put some fish in! Also is it worth starting to add ammonia now, we go on holiday for a week on the 13th May or wait until we get back before doing it and just leave it alone for the time being? Thanks for the...
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    First Tank Pics And Test Readins

    Cheers we can but try, will have to see how well it looks when we can eventually put some fish in! Thanks for the advice will go lift the plant up a bit. simon
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    First Tank Pics And Test Readins

    Thanks for the advice. Will keep you posted on how we get on and no doubt be asking more questions! Cheers Simon
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    First Tank Pics And Test Readins

    Yes plan to do a fishless cycle and am printing out the info on fishless cycle as i type this, seems we have a lot of reading to do as we have no experience. So any advice is more than welcome. Seems a shame to loose Herman but tonight we have noticed some small specs on the glass which we can...
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    First Tank Pics And Test Readins

    Found we have 2 snails in the tank which must of come on some of the plants, they are both named herman. Also been doing more readings 29th April PH = 7.5 Nitrate = 20-50 Nitrite = 0.1 Ammonia = 0 3rd May PH = 7.5 Nitrate = 10-20 Nitrite = 0.1 Ammonia = 0 Should I start doing tests daily...
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    First Tank Pics And Test Readins

    Hello, This is my first post. Just bought a Fluval 200litre tank on 29th April with a Fluval 205 pump and heater. Below are a few pics, also did first water test on Thursday 1st May readings are below. PH = 7.5 Nitrate = 20-50mg Nitrite = 0.1 Amonia = 0 First fish we plan to get are some Neon...