First Tank Pics And Test Readins


New Member
May 3, 2008
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This is my first post. Just bought a Fluval 200litre tank on 29th April with a Fluval 205 pump and heater. Below are a few pics, also did first water test on Thursday 1st May readings are below.

PH = 7.5
Nitrate = 20-50mg
Nitrite = 0.1
Amonia = 0

First fish we plan to get are some Neon Tetras, also looking at Guppies and a Clown Loach.

Two of the plants in the tank have started to loose there colour at the tips of the leaves any idea whats causing this and is it normal. Will keep you posted on progress.






Nice Tank, most people teel you not to put neon tetras in first as they are not hardy, however neons were my first fish and there is nothing wrong with them
Found we have 2 snails in the tank which must of come on some of the plants, they are both named herman.


Also been doing more readings

29th April

PH = 7.5
Nitrate = 20-50
Nitrite = 0.1
Ammonia = 0

3rd May

PH = 7.5
Nitrate = 10-20
Nitrite = 0.1
Ammonia = 0

Should I start doing tests daily as seen that most people tend to do this and also is it worth adding some ammonia to get the cycle started.

Hi Simon and welcome to TFF!

Nice tank!

What are your plans? Do you plan to do a fishless cycle? What experience do you come in with? How much of the pinned topic material have you read up above this forum? That would be a good starting place if you haven't.

Yes plan to do a fishless cycle and am printing out the info on fishless cycle as i type this, seems we have a lot of reading to do as we have no experience. So any advice is more than welcome. Seems a shame to loose Herman but tonight we have noticed some small specs on the glass which we can only assume to be baby hermans :rolleyes: Hopefully get some ammonia tommorrow to kick start the cycle off after some bedtime reading tonight. The long term plan is for the tank to be a community tank with no agressive fish.
Yes plan to do a fishless cycle and am printing out the info on fishless cycle as i type this, seems we have a lot of reading to do as we have no experience. So any advice is more than welcome. Seems a shame to loose Herman but tonight we have noticed some small specs on the glass which we can only assume to be baby hermans :rolleyes: Hopefully get some ammonia tommorrow to kick start the cycle off after some bedtime reading tonight. The long term plan is for the tank to be a community tank with no agressive fish.
Great! Don't discount the reading as, imo, stumbling across this particular webforum may be by far the most significant long-term thing that might happen to you in the hobby. Its an amazing leveraging of information to be able to both read and ask questions and see other conversations. I suggest, iir, the Beginner Resource Center, Cycling Resource Center links at the top of "New to the Hobby" and within those I would start with the articles by AlienAnna and by Miss Wiggle. You can supplement that beginner learning about the Nitrogen Cycle by looking at Nitrogen Cycle charts on wikipedia (a few details out of date but good anyway) and then finally proceed on to the "main course" and read rdd1952's fishless cycling article (read it over a couple times maybe) which will be your working document for fishless cycling. If you have time don't neglect doing searches on TFF and reading other beginners threads as the reading articles are not the whole story.

Personally, my feeling is that the knowledge and information are more powerful than the equipment you can buy or the limited experience you can gain yourself as a newcomer with only one tank or so. You will need a good liquid based test kit, which you may already have, considering you have set up such a nice looking aquarium and aquascape already! You will need to find the right type of ammonia which is an issue for many people - you will find that in your reading. You'll maybe need a couple of glass eyedroppers. You'll need a good spiral notebook for keeping daily logs and notes.

Your topic areas will be fishless cycling (of course), nitrogen cycle in general, details of good water change skills, details of good filtration knowledge and perhaps later you will want to know more about substrates and plants.

Good luck and always let the rest of us newbies know how its going, we love that stuff.

Thanks for the advice. Will keep you posted on how we get on and no doubt be asking more questions!
Cheers Simon
You shouldnt bury the sword plant that deep in the sand. You need some of the 'crown' of the plant to stick out.
Cheers we can but try, will have to see how well it looks when we can eventually put some fish in!
Thanks for the advice will go lift the plant up a bit.
Cheers we can but try, will have to see how well it looks when we can eventually put some fish in!
Also is it worth starting to add ammonia now, we go on holiday for a week on the 13th May or wait until we get back before doing it and just leave it alone for the time being?
Thanks for the advice will go lift the plant up a bit.

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