Search results

  1. Silvani

    My First Aquabid Bettas

    I really like how the girls with double fins look like they have 'heart' tails. It's so cute, it gives them such personality, like little love fish. Hehe :wub: The males are stunning as well! Such pretty green colors! I do think that the 'tear' will clear up with super clean water condition...
  2. Silvani

    New Ct Bettas (w/ Pics!)

    Polardbear - Let me get the fish and see the condition they are in. I feel ‘weird’ about recommending a seller with out really knowing how healthy the fish are first. I’m sorry to be skeptical, I’ve just never bought any fish from aqua bid before. Just a pre-caution because I care. :) The...
  3. Silvani

    New Ct Bettas (w/ Pics!)

    I've been setting up for two bettas for a while now. After reading these forums and gathering lots of new information on bettas, VT bettas just seemed so 'common' now. Not that they aren't beautiful! They truly are! My first betta years ago was a VT, and he lived a good long 4 years in a...
  4. Silvani

    Extreme Makeover: Tank Edition

    Did you make those dividers? Or were they bought? If so where did you get them? And if you made them, how did you make them? Hehe lots of questions! :lol: The tanks look awesome though!
  5. Silvani

    Light Needed?

    Thanks for the reply and the welcome! I just have very small tanks. And I am currently fishless cycling a 6 and 5 gallon tank for future bettas. I was hoping to get the two new little tanks planted when I got done cycling them. Perhaps just a few plants in the back corners for nice...
  6. Silvani

    Light Needed?

    Hiyas :) I am just getting my feet wet in the way of planting a tank, and would like to get some nice starter plants. I was told that java moss and ferns are very easy and only need low lighting. So do they not require any special lighting? Will an average table lamp (like coffee table lamp...
  7. Silvani

    Fiyero And Elphaba's Spawn Diary

    Oh my gosh! Who would have ever thought that a little white dot with a tail and two eyes could be sooooo cute! You must be a very proud “mom”. :)
  8. Silvani

    M's Progress

    That’s really amazing to me that their fins can grow back so well. Especially on such an older fish. They are both looking very lovely. Congratulations on such a wonderful recovery. :)
  9. Silvani!

    Are they able to give you a tracking number so you can see what the hecks going on? If you have a tacking number you may be able to contact UPS/FedEX or whoever and see what the status is and if perhaps you can pick it up at their depo if they are there. That may save you some time. For...
  10. Silvani

    Single Curled Ray.

    I've been reading up a lot about crowntails lately since I am planning on getting one. Here is an article I found interesting, and you can see at the bottom of the article a bit about crowntail curl and how they suggest letting him get a bit of sun...
  11. Silvani

    Tank Seeding

    Right on! Thank you all very much for your replies. I feel a lot more comfortable with this now. I appreciate all the feedback. :D
  12. Silvani

    Why Do My Bettas Keep Dying In My 2.5g

    Hi :) I don't mean to hijack this post. But you just mentioned that you throw out any gravel. Is it not safe to boil the gravel over and over? Dumping out the boiled water each time and then adding fresh water to boil it again ? I am curious since I was going to use someone else’s tank...
  13. Silvani

    Tank Seeding

    Is the bacteria in the gravel from a goldfish tank safe to seed other non-goldfish tanks with? I understand that goldfish are very messy fish, and that they can be considered toxic to other fish. However the bacteria should be the same, if not stronger from all the ammonia they produce. Is a...
  14. Silvani

    Tank Seeding

    Is the bacteria in the gravel from a goldfish tank safe to seed other non-goldfish tanks with? I understand that they are very messy fish, and that they can be considered toxic to other fish. However the bacteria should be the same, if not stronger from all the ammonia they produce. Is a...
  15. Silvani

    Tank Readings

    I wanted to give an update on this. It seems that it was not an ammonia spike. When I tested the tap water, it was at the same level 0.25. The straight tap water was tested with and with out de-chlor. So I have to blame the ammonia reading on faulty test strips, and have since ordered the...
  16. Silvani

    Tank Readings

    It’s a 5 gallon tank, the gold fish are still both very little, about 1 to 2 inches or so. One in a common feeder fish, just your typical orange gold fish. He doesn’t seem to be phased by the change at all, he’s swimming around as happy as ever. The other is a Black Moore, who is a “fancy”...
  17. Silvani

    Tank Readings

    My tank cycled, it’s been about a month since it fully cycled. I have two goldfish, and suddenly the ammonia has gone up to 0.25. It’s stressed one of the fish out so badly he just floats at the top some now. My Nitrite is at 0 and my Nitrate is at 40. Both in the safe range. I did a 20%...