My First Aquabid Bettas


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I got 2 hmdt males and 3 spawn sisters. I should be getting them tomorrow. Here are the male's aquabid pics. I'll take some when they get here too :D


congrats! they're lovely :D you must be so excited. i remember what it was like to get my first aquabid fish!
Well, they got to work at 10:30 this morning and I just got a chance to look at them. The bf male was on his side and I thought he was dead but he flipped upright. He's breathing pretty heavy but I hope he'll perk up. I wont get them home till about 6pm though. :crazy:

She sent me a bonus cousin female, who looks to be mustard gas dt but can't really tell because she's stressed. I'm really happy she did that and it is a beautiful fish but my mom already flipped when she found out I was getting these and wouldn't let me get anymore 2.5 gallons for them... now surprise! One more! Looks like some will be staying in tupperware until I can sneak in some tanks :look:

I'm thinking about getting these 2ft, 8 gallons tanks with six dividers. I already have one but it's a planted tank with one betta in it :rolleyes:. I think that would work and save space, but the risk of spreading disease is what has me worried, that and the $80 price tag. :X
Well... I have some complaints, of course :/

One of my females has a bent spine and the free female has no ventrals and a bent spine. She's still super cute though. The nicest colored female is one of the ones with a bent spine. ROAR.

Also, the bfdt male has a black line going across one of his lobes and when he flares you can see holes in it and it's starting to spit at the end. It almost bends in half. :crazy: It's right at the base too so if it ends up splitting off he's going to be all lopsided :unsure:

Anyway... here are their pics, last one shows the bf's tail.

Free female









I still love em, even if they are deformed and missing pieces :wub:
Awww, the free female is adorable, crooked or not! :wub:
It's very very common for DTs to have crooked spines, so that's not much of a surprise. Almost all of them have a little bit of a crook, but it's usually not that noticeable. Even my little Mini is a tidge crooked towards the caudal peduncle, but all her single tailed offspring have perfectly straight spines :)

That line on the male's tail is very strange... maybe it's shipping damage of some kind? I'd keep a close eye on it.
hiya great fish dont be worried about the missing verntral fins if you ever did want to breed her she would not pass this on to the fry, its where as fry they have spent most there time at the bottom of the tank. its very true about DT having bent spines i did have a spawn of them but they were all very badly bent to i culled them as it would be so hard to find them home as much i would love to have kepted them myself there was just to many.

i think also the males tail damage is due to shipping and hopefuly it will clear up and heal fine.
I really like how the girls with double fins look like they have 'heart' tails. It's so cute, it gives them such personality, like little love fish. Hehe :wub:

The males are stunning as well! Such pretty green colors! I do think that the 'tear' will clear up with super clean water condition so that it doesn't get infected. But I'm no expert, just my wisest thoughts on it. :*)

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