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  1. D

    Help my Platie has given birth.

    Thanks for your help guys :D it's 7:45 am here and I just saw 2 fry swimming around so hopefully they will make it :) Also, thing is I have 3 platies, 2 sucking loaches, 1 male guppie in my tank, which fish out of them is likerly to eat the fry? I dont know which 1 is the female one of them has...
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    breeding help

    Yep, start with 2 females and 1 male.
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    breeding help

    I reccomend you buy 2 males and 1 female, if you want to breed fish I would go for Platies & Guppies, they are realy easy to breed. My Platie has just given birth to 3 - 4 fry i'm not 100 % because there so tiny.
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    Help my Platie has given birth.

    Hi all, Recently I have been doing a treatment to kill a parasite in my tank and today I was changing 50 % of the water when I found little Platies about 3 - 4 of them swimming around, they are so tiny and there hard to spot. Anyway it's 9p.m at the momment and no stores are open and I dont have...
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    how to treat fin rot

    I recommend you go buy some medicine called: Melafix this stuff will hopefully sort your problem out. It treats damaged fins and open wounds and bacteria.
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    Mystery deaths

    No what I ment was, you do a 6 day course of the Protozin then do a 50 % water change and then at the other stuff. It was just to eliment any problems. I'm glad you got everything sorted :)
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    Neons keep dying

    Maybe you could come and help me with my fish ;)
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    Mystery deaths

    Just to inform you, today one of my fish died of bacteria. I went to my local place and they have gave me some treatment called: Melafix so if you have more fish dieing just after you treated your fish get this stuff it should sort out anymore problems.
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    Neons keep dying

    I know hollybush, I plan to go there in future. At the momment I use Grassmere Gardens they are very good and are helping me sort out my illnesses and bacteria that Pets At home caused!
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    Neons keep dying

    It was proberly the store Petsmart's fault. I use 2 buy my tropical fish from Pets at home in cannock but they dont have experts with tropical fish on as there staff. They just have staff that know nothing about tropical Fish. It's likely 1 of the Neon Tetras you buyed had a parasite and when...
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    Mystery deaths

    Protozin treats a couple of fish illnesses, I still reccomend you buy some of this stuff and hopefully it will get rid of the parasite in your water.
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    Mystery deaths

    No problems. I know how you feel, it started to realy annoy me. But yeah this stuff should do the trick. If I was you I would buy some of it and do 1 course and see if your fish look better, if you still have fish dieing do a second course. This will soon clear up what ever parasite you have in...
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    Mystery deaths

    Sorry, well I started to notice my fish just sitting at the bottom of the tank, not moving at all. So I looked at the fish that was doing that and I couldern't Identify what was wrong with it. I went to the Garden Center, water life section and he checked the dead fish under a microscope. He...
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    Mystery deaths

    Well, the guy who checked over one of my dead fish said he found a parasite, and it's common in Neon Tetras. He didn't give me a name he just told me that and he gave me what medicine to use and I did it for 6 days 1 cycle. If it is some sort of parasite, a water change might help but to kill...
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    Mystery deaths

    The Water life place told me it's common in Neon tetras but this parasite can spead. Here's a list of fish it killed in my tank: 2 Guppies 1 sucking loach 7 Neon Tetras I recommend you to go to a water life place talk to the people that are experts at tropical fish. If there is a parasite in...
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    Mystery deaths

    Well, My local place offers to have alook at dead fish under a microscope and it will find out how the fish had died. Well 2 weeks ago all my fish were dieing week after week after week, so I took one of my dead fish up to the place and they had alook at it under the microscope. They found a...
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    My Platie may be pregnant!

    Thanks, the gravid spot on them pictures is bigger then the gravid spot my plattie has got, if they have got a gravid spot does that mean there pregnant?
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    Fish eggs

    Thanks for your help guys.
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    My Platie may be pregnant!

    I have 3 Platies in my community tank 2 of them always seem to spend time with each other and 1 of them always gets chased away. Well anyway I noticed one of my Platies has a Gravid black spot inside it and it looks sorta fat, I dont know if it's pregnant or not, can anyone help me find out?
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    Fish eggs

    Hi, can anyone explain to me, when a fish lays eggs how will you reconize the eggs, say if they lay it in the gravel how can you tell it's and egg etc Thanks, Drlife202
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    Hi I'm new

    Ok, thanks anyway
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    Hi I'm new

    I posted in the breeding fish section as I want some advice, if you know anything about it can you please help me.
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    Hi I'm new

    Thanks, i'm still a begginer in fish so I might be asking for help alot :)
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    Hi I'm new

    Hi all, i'm new to theese forums and i'm just saying hi and hope to get to know you all. I only started collecting fish just after xmas so i'm learning :)