breeding help

fishy frenzy

Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
near reading, england
im a first time breeder, and want to know what fish are easiest to breed and what do you have to do to make them breed as ell and as oftern as possible and wht do you do once they are born. is it better to have a gravel or sand bottom, water temp ect, ect
I reccomend you buy 2 males and 1 female, if you want to breed fish I would go for Platies & Guppies, they are realy easy to breed. My Platie has just given birth to 3 - 4 fry i'm not 100 % because there so tiny.
I agree that platies and guppies breed very easily!
But I think it's better to have more females than males...
For livebearers, you don't really have to change anything to the temperature.
right mate
guppies easiest
platys next
mollies last

havent tried swords yet or others

set you tank up and make sure its totally cycled and ready provide big and small plants but get some thick stuff, (so that the fry can dive into before the mum eats them)

get your fish, (read all the other articles about getting good fish)

2 females to 1 male or the females will be stressed then you'll see problems with the fry

get a good varyed food not just flakes all the time - good food = good fry

sand gravel doesn't really matter, just make sure you clean it well and do your corrct ater changes

then really wait and you should get fry esp from guppies and platys mollies usually require specific water to breed 100%.

as for the fry either leave them in the tank to survice, by a breeder trap and let them grow a bit say 3 weeks in there then relaease them back into the tank , or lastly buy a breeding tank like i did

and soon enough yull think that was so easy, then think about what your going to do with them all

maybe your lfs buys them, mine does in the uk, once they are bigger than an inch and have some colour for a third of selling price cash or trade

hope this helps as this is my personal opinions and not gospal but hasnt hurt me in any way shape or form

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