Search results

  1. R

    Would This Work?

    I currently have going in my planted 20 gal. long a CO2 system that I just hooked up, but I have no idea if it has any worth at all. What I have done is place the bread yeast, water, and sugar in a plastic bottle the tube coming out the top and I have tons of CO2 bubbling out of it now. I was...
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    Moving Mollies

    I used to have to move all of my fish constantly up until a couple of years ago when I was in college, however my trip was only 3 hours not 6. I however made these trips with all of my fish alive and well and almost all of them are still with me today. All I did was drain most about 8/10 of my...
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    Aquabid Purchase

    My Adolfoi finally arrived today in the mail. it took two months for the weather to finally level out enough to be shipped, but I received all 5 of my C. Adolfoi safe and sound. After more than a year of searching I am finally the proud owner of the elusive Adolfoi. Here is a picture of one of...
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    New C121's!

    121s and adolfois are easily distiguishable, the 121s will have a clear covering over their gills so it gives them the look of blushing all the time adolfois do not have the clear gills. I was looking at getting some 121s myself as soon as I get the tank space and money. They are lovely fish and...
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    No More Ro Water Availabe

    The Island of Great Britain is 216,777 sq Km Florida is 140,256 sq Km so Florida is pretty big
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    Brackish Water Testing

    The test results for both will not be absolutely perfect, what I have found is that the results are closer to the saltwater test and not the freshwater test, also the higher the SG is to full marine the more accurate the results with the saltwater test. Also in saltwater the tests seem to come...
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    Brackish Water Testing

    Your API freshwater kit will work fine. The chemicals and tests are exactly the same in the freshwater kit as they are in the saltwater kit however the colors will be slightly different in the salt than they will be in the freshwater test results. Inside of the test kit you should have all of...
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    Crazy Ideas Lets Hear Them

    I am actually going down to my local creek again this spring and I am going to try and net some darters they are so awsome they act alot like my bumblebee gobies, and they love bloodworms too! They are actually really cool fish and they are free!
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    Your First Fish

    My first fish was a beta named Freddy Five-Fingers, sadly he is no longer with us. I let my girlfriend take him home with her over summer vacation and he had a run in with her cat :crazy: Since then I have definately gotten more greedy with my fish and being weary of other taking care of them...
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    My New Bumblebee Gobies

    I finally got some BBGs. I have been admiring them for about a year, but I never bought any. After doing careful research over the past 4 months I decided now was the time to get some. I set up an extra aquarium and cycled it for 4 weeks until I was sure it was ready for them. I have the water...
  11. R

    Crazy Ideas Lets Hear Them

    I have actually done this. I went down to my local creek and caught some of the various small fishes that I could. I caught small minnows, some sunfish fry, and a tiny bullhead catfish. I kept them alive over the course of a summer and the growth out of the sunfish and the bullhead catfish were...
  12. R

    Endler's Live Bearer

    I agree wholeheartedly with fishalishous, Endlers will breed themselves up to the carring capacity of your tank quite quickly. I love Endlers and when I first got mine I had a 10 gallon for them they quickly filled the aquarium through reproduction in around 3 months after that I had large...
  13. R

    C042 Growth Comparison

    how are the C042 fry coming along? I'd love to see some more pictures of their further growth! Rez B)
  14. R

    Fish Feed - White Worms?

    Look up grindal worms on google I think they may look familiar...
  15. R

    Accidental Fish

    I bought four lemon tetras over two years ago and in the bag with them was a tiny Von Rio tetra that got caught in the net with them. The funny thing is that the lemon tetras have all died, jumped out for some reason, and now my Von Rio tetra is the oldest fish I own! Pretty good deal for a free...
  16. R

    Brackish Fish Purchasing

    I always get scared by buying fish from websites especially I have heard some people not enjoying the experience with them, I would be inclined to try them out but after reading up on BBGs on the website, I plan on getting some when my brackish water tank is done cycling in a...
  17. R

    New Way Of Packaging Plants In Petsmart

    I bought some wysteria this way and it grew like crazy when I planted it in my aquarium so I guess, it works. I would only recommend this if there is no other way to get plants though because it is hard to tell the quality/health of the plants in the gel bottles.
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    I Feel Dirty

    As long as it is not a beautiful pond in the sky
  19. R

    I Feel Dirty

    I followed the link of one of the member's video of gobies breeding on the Brackish forum and there is a list of similar videos on youtube so I watched a few until I came to this one.
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    I Feel Dirty

    Wow people are really stupid... Video Rez B)
  21. R

    Beautiful :hyper:

    I was checking Aquabid (which I do quite often, kid in candystore :drool: ) and I happend upon a listing by Bryan for C121s. I have never seen these offered by any seller anywhere. I have always been fascinated by the transparent gill...
  22. R

    Anyone Ever Heard Of This?

    I have actually heard of Mollies laying eggs, but not of the eggs they release actually hatching. And yes, all fry come from eggs even livebearers. Livebearers just keep the eggs in their body until they hatch instead of laying them. Usually mollies "lay eggs" when they are aborting their fry...
  23. R


    NO!!! Corys do not need any salt in their water. No salt at any time, in any circumstance should be put in an aquarium with corys in it.
  24. R

    Neon Orange Corys

    Yes they are available in the US, but they are probably not going to be found in Petco or Petsmart, If you find a good local fish store, then they should be able to get some for you, If that does not pan out you can also check on I have seen them listed on there in the past. Good...
  25. R

    Aquabid Purchase

    Ok I have gotten home from work, and had a real close look at my cories I believe my Julii are really Trilineatus, my old known trilineatus and my "julii" have interesting differences however, but again C. Trilineatus can have a number of different characteristics Here is the picture again that...
  26. R

    Aquabid Purchase

    Well I'll take some more pictures tonight, now that I think about it I might have inadvertantly snapped a picture of my Trilineatus, and posted it :blush: . I'll See if I can get her seperated from the "juliis" and try again. Rez B)
  27. R

    Aquabid Purchase

    Yeah I actually started a topic and questioned the authenticity of the Juliis I received, but the conclusion that was drawn was that the cories that I received were really julii Thread here: Thread
  28. R

    Canon Eos 400d

    I currently use the Canon 350d or Digital Rebel XT, and I think it is absolutely awesome. Pricewise it is getting cheaper all the time since the 400d came out last year. I snagged one of these new without the kit lens for around 500$ US. I really could not be happier with my purchase. The camera...
  29. R


    Funny you should bring it up, I actually did play that simulation quite alot as a younger lad. I played it on my old Macintosh Quadra 610 circa 1994 or so. I also bought an updated version for Windows which I still own, but rarely play. It is actually a really good simulation for beginner fish...
  30. R

    Aquabid Purchase

    Here is a picture of one of the Julii that he sent me about a year ago. They have been so healthy and lovely the entire time. I'll post pictures of the Adolfoi too once I get them, oh I am praying to the weather gods that they get this cold out of here! Later all, Rez B)
  31. R

    Elusive Endlers

    Endlers are actually quite small fish, and tiger barbs and be very aggressive fin nippers. I am not sure that I would trust them with endlers. Just one nip of an endler fin would most likely fatally wound it. I personally would never keep them together, but again I am no barb expert either...
  32. R

    What Are Your Top 5 Corys

    The C19s are gorgeous, but I have never, ever come across any
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    What Are Your Top 5 Corys

    #1 C. Adolfoi #2 C. Panda #3 C. Julii #4 C. Sterbai #5 C. Eques Rez B)
  34. R

    Aquabid Purchase

    The dealer is Dflorio61 and I'll try and snap some pictures of the Julii tomorrow with my new camera when I get home from work and post. The Adolfoi will probably be getting here next week due to the cold snap that has set in along the shipping route, he does not feel safe shipping them when it...
  35. R

    Elusive Endlers

    I live in the US and I purchased mine on Aquabid, as for the UK I have heard that stores sometimes stock them, if you are really interested try and find a local fish store that could order some for you. And if all else fails, save up some money and buy them off of ebay, even if they are fry they...
  36. R

    Spawing Corydora's

    It sure is possible, some cories are a bit more difficult to spawn than others. I find that the wild caught ones are definitely harder to spawn than tank-raised ones. I have 6 wild-caught C. Julli and they will not spawn for the world, While my Pandas spawn quite regularly. Here are my tips to...
  37. R

    We Are Mummy And Daddy Too...

    Congratulations on your new additions, you know try as I might I could never get guppies to breed! Even after successfully breeding platies, mollies, endlers, and corydoras catfish, I could never get my guppies to breed. Go figure ???? Later, Rez B)
  38. R

    Aquabid Purchase

    Hi all, I haven't been on in awhile. I have been very busy graduating college, getting engaged, and getting a job. Anyway I am pleased to announce that my nearly 2 year struggle to find C. Adolfoi is almost over I found some on Aquabid, from the seller that I got my C. Julli from. I am so...
  39. R

    Help Me Make The Optimal Environment For Pandas

    Your setup sounds pretty good for pandas but if I may make some suggestions. The water pH is fine that high, agreed that they would prefer more neutral water parameters, but the pandas can be kept happily in basic water conditions provided that the water is kept clean for them, and that they...
  40. R

    Another Id For Rez And Captain Retardo *lol*

    They look like C. Agassizii to me. Rez B)