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  1. F

    Found This In My Aquarium

    Kind of small to be growing in your pants, isn't it?
  2. F

    Bristlenose Ailment

    I haven't seen my bristlenose out in the open for a couple of weeks but recently he came out of his usual hiding spot and I noticed an unusual bump on him. It's located on his right side right where the fin joins the body. It looks like a wart or maybe a miniature fungus that you might find on...
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    Light, Ferts, And No Co2

    What I mean to say is it's some other brand besides SeaChem, not that it's a copy or its grey market goods. My LFS didn't have it in stock but it seems like the same basic formula - trace elements including iron and some other plant nutrients. It might not be as good as Flourish but as soon as...
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    Light, Ferts, And No Co2

    In my 30 gallon I currently have 70Watts using a double bulb fixture, 2 x 25, and a single tube fixture with 20 watts. Considering there is no CO2, I figure, through posts here and other reading, that it's probably a bit too much light, and have come up with a schedule of about 10 hours of...
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    Lighting Question

    Andy, thanks for your post. There's a lot of good information there. Maybe All Glass has some new models since my setup is almost 3 years old, but the dimensions and the wattage is the same so it leads me to believe it's the same equipment. The size of the bulbs is definitely different and...
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    Lighting Question

    The funny thing about my Java fern is that it has grown a lot. It actually came in as a stow away with some other plants and is now three good sized plants. But the growth is a lot of little leaves instead of long leaves that I've seen in most other tanks. So, it sounds like I should stick to...
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    Lighting Question

    Actually, the 2 25 watt bulbs are T8 I believe (skinny tubes) and the single 20 watt is a t12 (fatter tube). This is the light here:;pcatid=13612 And this is the single bulb:;pcatid=13447 I took...
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    Lighting Question

    Adding pressurized CO2 is not really an option. I suppose I could try the DIY stuff but it sounds messy. Would a better plan be to lower the available light? I have both lights on timers. I could cut out the second light or run it only a couple of hours per day. Or I could put in a...
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    Lighting Question

    As you may have seen previously, I have renewed interest in my tank (actually it's not that I lost interest, I just didn't have free time) and want to get it back in shape. I've had it for almost three years now. The first year I spent establishing it and putting in the plants and fishes I...
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    Red Hedge

    I don't have a picture of the actual plant but I did a search after you posted that link and it looks like this: So I guess it is cherry hedge and not red hedge. We'll see what happens after a week or two. The encouraging thing and one of...
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    Red Hedge

    I just went to my LFS and bought some plants. He had a plant he called "red hedge" which I hadn't heard of but it was cheap and the guy always throws me some freebies, so I wasn't too concerned about it. However, after getting it home I did a quick search and found some articles stating it...
  12. F

    Flourish Excel

    Good luck with your aquarium. This is a great hobby that can provide hours, if not a lifetime, of enjoyment. However, I think that there is a certain amount of CO2 present when you start up your tank. Over the course of about 6 months this will be depleted and growth will slow significantly...
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    Flourish Excel

    I started using Excel after reading the marketing propoganda and wanting to get growth going in my tank without using an CO2 unit. I've read a lot of posts about people using over dosed of Excel as an algae treatment but not any posts on people using it on a regular daily basis to add carbon...
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    Plants With Moderate Lighting And No Co2

    I've been getting back into the hobby with renewed enthusiasm lately and have a few new posts up. They're a bit rambling and haven't gotten much response so let me get to the heart of the matter. Is anyone having long term success with a planted tank, moderate lighting (2+ WPG) and no use of...
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    Refresh Substrate?

    I'm wondering if over time if you need to do anything to your substrate to reinvigorate it. I have a moderately planted tank and originally put down some laterite. Do I need to do anything to the substrate to make it more hospitible to plants now that it's been up and running for a while? I...
  16. F

    Help Me Get My Planted Tank Back On Track

    Great link! Thanks. A couple of questions: Should I be more aggressive on my attack on blue green algae or should I just be more diligent in my tank maintenance. The latter is my inkling and I find that if I manually remove it and do regular weekly water changes it dimishes, but so far it is...
  17. F

    Help Me Get My Planted Tank Back On Track

    Hello fish friends! It's been a long while since I've posted here, which is mostly a good thing. I've had a planted tank established for almost 3 years now. I've had my share of fish deaths and algae problems. For the most part however, the last year has been pretty uneventful. I've had the...
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    Curviceps With Warts

    The very tip of the bump was a tiny bit red, although now it looks white. No other part of the fish is red. Water stats are 0,0,5 and 6.8.
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    Curviceps With Warts

    This doesn't really seem to be an emergency...yet. Two out of three of my curvicpes seem to have a single small bump or wart near their mouth. They don't show any other sypmtoms and the bump doesn't seem to bother them. One of them seemed to be slightly red but the redness has gone away...
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    Curviceps Acting Listless

    Great News! The fish made a complete recovery and is now in the main tank where it has been for the last couple of weeks. My curviceps do have another ailment now, which I will address in another post.
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    Curviceps Acting Listless

    I was going to put the fish back in the main tank last night. I floated a plastic container in the main tank and was going to acclimate the fish to the water in the big tank. However, as I did so I noticed that the fish had some white spots on it, which I am assuming is ick. I put it back in...
  22. F

    Curviceps Acting Listless

    All right, I'll put it back in the main tank tonight. I'll report back what happens.
  23. F

    Curviceps Acting Listless

    No, I think the fish just goes to the bottom because it knows if it pokes around enough down there it will find food.
  24. F

    Curviceps Acting Listless

    Good news, bad news. The fish seems much better and on the mend. I treated it with parasite medication first and then with Maracyn II. The fish is vigorous and eating. However, the bad news is I think it has gone blind. I say this because when I put food in the tank it starts to search for...
  25. F

    Curviceps Acting Listless

    The fish has now started swimming sort of erratically. It seems to always have its head pointing upward and has some trouble controlling its swimming. Unfortunately, I was so busy today I was not able to get any meds at the lfs. I'm going tomorrow, although I'm not exactly sure what I'm going...
  26. F

    Ok, So I Have A What?

    Thanks for the replies. As far as my filter goes, I clean it out once per month but really all that means is taking the sponges and rinsing them out in tank water to remove sludge and buildup. I do not change the sponges and do not use any "replaceable" filter material such as carbon. I have...
  27. F

    Ok, So I Have A What?

    I've had a 30 gallon tank set up for a little over a year. I've done a pretty good job at keeping the hardier fish, such as tetras, otos, and bristlenose catfish, but when I try to keep the more delicate species - specifically dwarf cichlids - I am met with tragedy, sadness and wasted money. I...
  28. F

    Curviceps Acting Listless

    Sorry, I didn't respond to any of those because the gills look fine apart from labored breathing. The fish was as I described in my first post.
  29. F

    Trying Curviceps

    I did have all those fish but not at one time. Unfortunately, I had them die over the couse of the year and replaced them. At first I had 3 cockatoos - 1 male and 2 females. The male and one female died after about a month. I replaced the male and female with a pair of agasizzis. They...
  30. F

    Curviceps Acting Listless

    Water stats are all good, 0,0,5 for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. pH is 6.8. Temp is 79F. I don't have measurements for KH or GH. Besides the symptoms I mentioned he does not show any other signs. Despite the fact that the fish does not seem to be eating, he did have a little poop today...
  31. F

    Trying Curviceps

    I haven't been here in a long time and I just posted in the tropical fish emergencies forum. I thought it would be rude to come and ask for advice and not say hello. The truth of the matter is that I lost some of my enthusiasm over the past several months. I first started my fishtank over a...
  32. F

    Curviceps Acting Listless

    I have a young curviceps that I purchased recently, along with two others. When I purchased them, this one seemed to be the most dominant of the three. However, over the past day he has become darker, listless, seems to have labored breathing, and is not feeding well. He seems interested at...
  33. F

    Swollen Von Rio Tetra

    Certainly worth trying. Thanks.
  34. F

    Cockatoo Cichlid

    I don't know if I'm the member pnyklr3 refers to but I've had a lot of trouble with cockatoos, and seemingly everything else is alright. Other sensitive fish, such as Otos seem to thrive in my tank. I'm actually on my third male cockatoo and this one seems healthy and strong. I had a scare a...
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    Swollen Von Rio Tetra

    I have not tried a shelled pea. I suppose I need to go to the market and buy some. Poop looks normal though. Fish eat flake and occaisional bloodworms. Some of the tetras also nibble on the algae wafers I put in once a week or so for my catfish.
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    Swollen Von Rio Tetra

    On Saturday one of my Von Rio tetras was extremely bloated and fat. I put it in my 5.5 gal hospital tank and treated with Maracyn II as I thought it might be dropsy. However, the fish is still swollen and having trouble swimming, although it's not having any trouble eating. What else could...
  37. F

    Male Cockatoo Not Himself

    Can I try malachite green/formalite? Now he's having trouble swimming.
  38. F

    Male Cockatoo Not Himself

    Anybody? The fish is still hiding this morning. I'm getting really discouraged and frustrated with apistos.
  39. F

    Male Cockatoo Not Himself

    This evening I observed that my male cockatoo was not acting normally. He is usually all over the tank, checking things out and eager to come up to me when I approach the tank, looking for food. Today, at feeding time he came out but he was a bit sluggish. He attemped to eat some flake food...
  40. F

    Female Cockatoos in Hospital Tank

    Unfortunately, I don't have anywhere to put another tank. The second 5.5 gallon was a bit of a stretch. I don't have any place to put another tank. I don't anticipate using the hospital tank that often but I will be acquiring a few new fish and want to be able to quarrantine them before...