Flourish Excel


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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I started using Excel after reading the marketing propoganda and wanting to get growth going in my tank without using an CO2 unit. I've read a lot of posts about people using over dosed of Excel as an algae treatment but not any posts on people using it on a regular daily basis to add carbon into the aquarium. Is anyone using Excel on a regular basis without CO2 and having good results?
I was using it daily and I think it was working, but it will never be as good as CO2. I still had algae issues too ;) It did however not seem to help my vallis (though thats a common thing) so I got rid.

I'm currently just overdosing for this week to try to get rid of some algae on a few of my plants.
As a newbie to the hobby, ive had my 377L tank setup now for about 2 months, the plants which are various (and I havnt a clue yet what most are called im afraid) but seem to be doing very well with lush green growth and aready had to prune back some of the taller simple stuff. I do not use CO2 nor have I yet used any liquid supplements although a bottle of something came with the kit. Instead I used a large bag of small brown pelleted plant nutrient at the bottom of the tank about 1 inch thick before putting in the subtrate and I believe this is helping as the root structures of the plants seem to be well establised. I guess only time will tell if this will be sufficient but hey ho - this is where im at at the moment. Hope this helps.
As a newbie to the hobby, ive had my 377L tank setup now for about 2 months, the plants which are various (and I havnt a clue yet what most are called im afraid) but seem to be doing very well with lush green growth and aready had to prune back some of the taller simple stuff. I do not use CO2 nor have I yet used any liquid supplements although a bottle of something came with the kit. Instead I used a large bag of small brown pelleted plant nutrient at the bottom of the tank about 1 inch thick before putting in the subtrate and I believe this is helping as the root structures of the plants seem to be well establised. I guess only time will tell if this will be sufficient but hey ho - this is where im at at the moment. Hope this helps.

Good luck with your aquarium. This is a great hobby that can provide hours, if not a lifetime, of enjoyment. However, I think that there is a certain amount of CO2 present when you start up your tank. Over the course of about 6 months this will be depleted and growth will slow significantly. I'm not sure this is 100% accurate, but I do know that without some form of available carbon growth will slow.

I'm aware that Excel is not a complete replacement for CO2. I just want to have some moderate growth and basically keep my plants alive while keeping algae at bay.

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