Male Cockatoo Not Himself


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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This evening I observed that my male cockatoo was not acting normally. He is usually all over the tank, checking things out and eager to come up to me when I approach the tank, looking for food.

Today, at feeding time he came out but he was a bit sluggish. He attemped to eat some flake food but just sort of spit it out. I tried giving him some bloodworms and he ate those but went back to hiding.

He also appears to be breathing heavily and I saw him scratch himself against a rock once. I do not see any other physical signs of problems. I checked the water and ammonia and nitrites are zero, nitrates are <5 ppm. pH is at 7.2, which is about normal for my tank. I did a 20% water change after testing the water anyway.

Any suggestions on what I should do for this fish? I watched my male agassizi act the same way, lethargic, listless, lack of appetite, and the fish died within 48 hours because I didn't know what to do to treat the fish. I've had lots of trouble with apistos despite always having great water parameters, weekly water changes (at least) and regular gravel and filter cleanings. I'm afraid there must be some kind of parasite or bacteria in my tank that eventually gets the apistos. What can I do?
Anybody? The fish is still hiding this morning. I'm getting really discouraged and frustrated with apistos.
Sounds like a parasite if he is heavy breathing and flicking and rubbing, are the gills red inflamed or pale.
Can I try malachite green/formalite? Now he's having trouble swimming.
For treatment of external parasites as well as external fungal infections of fishes and eggs which include Achlya and Saprolegnia.Should be ok then, good luck.

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