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  1. S

    I've Never Seen This Before....any Ideas?

    I have a betta that looked fine last night then when I checked on them this morning, the scales on his head were all pineconed up, just like when they get dropsy but he has no other signs of anything, he's acting fine, eating good, there is no pineconing on the rest of his body. He isn't showing...
  2. S

    Sick Betta Help Needed!

    Sometimes parasites are reallyhard to see. It could be velvet. Try shining a bright light down on top of him. It will look like he has been sprinkled with copper colored crystals, (tiny ones). I have had very good results treating this with something that contains chelated copper. if your...
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    Allready Lost One, Three Still Sick, Help!

    LOL funny you should say that! I just ordered a lot of fifteen brand new nets off Ebay, I mean like maybe five minutes ago, so I guess we're on the page anyway. I treated the net before handling the fish as mentioned before so that any of those little micro crabs that I accidentally netted up...
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    Teeny Tiny Betta Bowl

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    Allready Lost One, Three Still Sick, Help!

    GOOD NEWS!!!! This has been a tricky thing to deal with, its been hard to find any kind of good information as to how to deal with fish lice on Bettas. Apparently they usually show up on pond fish and since Koi and thier ponds are so much larger its been hard to adapt anything to work with my...
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    Allready Lost One, Three Still Sick, Help!

    I can't get either of my cameras to work, but it looks like fish lice, I checked out one of those links and it had some pictures of them on it. There were actually a bunch of them crawling around on the top and outside of the tank. The only thing that I could find that wasn't for use in ponds...
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    Sick Bettas, Already Lost One

    Something has recently infected 4 of my bettas, and I've lost one allready. At first I thought it was ich, but it has not been responding to such treatment, and it now looks like something different. They are larger than ich parasites, and instead of covering the whole body like ich will, there...
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    Allready Lost One, Three Still Sick, Help!

    Something has recently infected 4 of my bettas, and I've lost one allready. At first I thought it was ich, but it has not been responding to such treatment, and it now looks like something different. They are larger than ich parasites, and instead of covering the whole body like ich will, they...
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    Uhmmm, How Do You Get A Stain Out Of A Betta.....?...

    ok, I recently got a new a new cartridge for this little undergravle filter that I have in one of my bowls, and even though I rinsed the darn thing for like 20 minutes under running water, it still clouded the water when i put it in the bowl. After I took it out and changed the water, I noticed...
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    Is This An Early Sign That My Fish Is Sick?

    :unsure: one of my bettas is doing this strange thing where he kinda looks like he is yawning...just like this...:shout:. One of my other bettas was doing the same thing a while back, and shortly after he started doing it he became VERY :sick: sick :sick: and almost died. I was wondering if...
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    The Best Of Aquabid

    These are soooo pretty! this one too
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    Pooor Nemo :.(

    Thank you, I will try that. He swims ok when he does swim. I had to look really close to see it, but it seems like there is something that looks like an air bubble, on the top of his eyeball on both sides. I had wondered a couple of days ago if he could see very well, because he acts like...
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    The Best Of Aquabid

    I like this one.... :*
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    Pooor Nemo :.(

    Hi, I'm new to these forums and I'm kinda needing a little help here. I had a lot of fish as I growing up, but no bettas. Now we have two bettas, (we being my 2 year old and I). The first one we aquired from WalMart, I went there for shampoo and my son saw the fish and the next thing you know...