Is This An Early Sign That My Fish Is Sick?


New Member
May 25, 2006
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:unsure: one of my bettas is doing this strange thing where he kinda looks like he is yawning...just like this...:shout:. One of my other bettas was doing the same thing a while back, and shortly after he started doing it he became VERY :sick: sick :sick: and almost died. I was wondering if this is an early sign of something and also of what it could be, if it is a sign of becoming sick. My other betta had multiple health problems, by the time he was all cleared up, so I'm not sure which, if any of those things this guy could be coming down with. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I watch mine yawn all the time. :hey: I don't think it's a sign of anything. I'm not sure what he's doing, or if it's really yawning, but... I'm pretty sure it's fine.
There are a few theories out there as to why bettas "yawn": they're flushing their gulls, they're adjusting their gills, something about their labyrinth organ... either way, it's normal and certainly not a precursor of illness. ;)

Oh, and it's dang cute too. :lol: :wub:
There are a few theories out there as to why bettas "yawn": they're flushing their gulls, they're adjusting their gills, something about their labyrinth organ... either way, it's normal and certainly not a precursor of illness. ;)

Oh, and it's dang cute too. :lol: :wub:

:wub: And just because it's so sweet when they do yawn, here's my Ollie doing just that!! :D


Yea I've seen my crowntail yawn a few times. I've also seen my Dwarf gourami do it so I dont know if its just a betta thing. I'm sure its normal, all my fish are fine.

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