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  1. L

    How Long

    Thanks very much the ammonia has droped to 0.50 in 14 hours to i assume that it is not cycled yet so i will put it back in main tank and raise it to 5 next time i test cheers :good:
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    How Long

    I am just testing a spare filter which i plan to use for a QT the filter has been in main tank and i was told to add ammonia to 1.0 and see if the filter could get rid of it in the QT with no fish
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    How Long

    Hi can any one tell me how long a cycled filter should take to get rid of 1.0 of ammonia filter has 1 little sponge
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    Filter Question

    I am doing same thing i understand it will take 4 weeks or 2 if you add some mature media get some ammonia and bring the levels upto 1 and see if your filter gets rid of it Also keep an eye on your main tank when you take the filter out as your levels may rise slightly
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    Cycle Second Filter

    I have a 180l comm tank i have never used medication on this tank {touch wood} so is there anything better and lasted longer to put in lower basket
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    Cycle Second Filter

    OK thank i was only trying to make things better but sure have learnt my lesson :blush: wot about the carbon is this ideal
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    Cycle Second Filter

    THANKS very much my heart is still racing Ha Ha will the biomax which i took out still be allright to put back in i stord it in a plastic bag cheers
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    Cycle Second Filter

    WOOW were did that come from the old filter is were the media is The new filter is just a cheap one with 1 round sponge which i was cycling for a hospital tank when needed P.s i only put the ammonia remover in yesterday and still have the biomax can i just swap them over again? thanks
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    Cycle Second Filter

    Hi the carbon came with the filter and tank. I bought the ammonia remover because i thought it would be better than 2 baskets of biomax
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    Cycle Second Filter

    Hi dos anyboby know if when i take my second filter out of main tank after 4 weeks of cycleing the sponge will my main filter still be able to cope with the extra work as the 2 filters have been sharing the work load my main filter is a fluval 205 with sponge biomax top basket ammonia remover...
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    A Newbie, But A Silly Question

    Best laugh i have had all day WELL DONE :hyper:
  12. L

    Are These The Same Fish

    Both these sharks are lovely but i think i will go with the rainbow. Thanks for clearing this up everybody :good: CHEERS
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    Are These The Same Fish

    So they are the same are the RTBs diffrant? THANKS
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    Are These The Same Fish

    HI there i want to buy a rainbow shark [labeo erythrurus] but my local lfs only has the red fin shark one lfs says they are the same but a nother lfs says they are not the same please help as i am confused
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    Rainbow Shark

    Ok cheers :good: enyone else got a say on this?
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    Rainbow Shark

    My 3 balas are only 2-3ins at the moment when they grow to big i will give them to local lfs but if i get a rainbow will they fight
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    Rainbow Shark

    Hi all is it possible to add a rainbow shark to my tank [50 gal] with bala sharks or will they fight ?
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    Black Molly With Pop Eye

    Thank you very much i will get some more girls in there they are going to have some fun in there then stuffy fish Ha Ha shall i still get some pimafix? and have i got the 4 weeks right to cycle the new filter
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    Black Molly With Pop Eye

    The molly in qustion is female she gave birth about 6 weeks ago think she was pregy from lfs the ratio of mollys is two black 1 male 1 female and 2 silver mollys 2 male P.s i am setting up a hospital tank so i put the new filter for the hospital tank in main tank so it can cycle 1 week ago...
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    Black Molly With Pop Eye

    Thank you for your quick repley my tank size is 180L ammonia is 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10 ph 7.6 water temp is 24c molly is fine feeding well and she looks livlely i change 25% water every week just done it today i am adding aqua plus and nutrafin cycle after each water change the fish i have are...
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    Black Molly With Pop Eye

    Hi all i have just noticed my female black molly has one pop eye all other fish are fine and water is spot on enyone know what this is and how to treat this thanks
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    Filter Cycle

    The filter i am useing is eheim internal filter 2007
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    Filter Cycle

    I bought a cheap filter for the hospital tank and only has 1 little white sponge
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    Filter Cycle

    Hi thanks to you all i am setting up a hospital tank and i needed to be sure about the filter before i put any fish in there. So i just leave filter in established tank for 4 weeks cheers :good:
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    Filter Cycle

    Thanks how will i know when it is established or is this 4 weeks guaranteed
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    Filter Cycle

    Hi just a quick question how long dos it takes to cycle a new filter in a established tank
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    Sand In Hospital Tank

    Thank you for your help i think i will turn it on as i do not want to mess with main tank
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    Sand In Hospital Tank

    Thanks shall i still run my filter or turn it off i have nothing in tank
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    Sand In Hospital Tank

    Hi there you kind people can someone give me any advise i set up a hospital tank and everything was fine water perfect and then i added sand and forgot to wash it and my water is now very cloudy have done a 50% water change since and will do this everyday but will this uncycle my tank? please...
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    Bala Shark

    Thank you i will let you know how i get on
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    Bala Shark

    I have no means of issolateing these fish as i have only this 1 tank anything else i can do ?
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    Bala Shark

    thanks alot would these fish have septicemia when i purchused them and will it spred to other fish
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    Bala Shark

    I am on the wirral what can be wrong with water if ammonia nitrite and nitrate are all fine
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    Bala Shark

    They are about 2 ins maybe little smaller
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    Bala Shark

    Thanks but i test water every day and do a 25% water change every week what is septicemia and how do you treat this ?
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    Bala Shark

    No i have not noticed any of these but have noticed 1 has redish fins and they are about 2 ins
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    Bala Shark

    Hi can enyone help. I have 3 bala sharks and they look sick they are not feeding and just do nothing when i first purchused them from pets at home 2 died after 2 days so i took them back and they replaced them now 1 week later these look liveless shop says they have not had any died so must be...