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    Sick Shark

    Good news sharks eyes are back to normal thanks for your help
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    Sick Shark

    will do thanks very mutch
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    Sick Shark

    don't think so coz both eyes are the same swelling and bright red he wants to feed but cannot see the food
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    Sick Shark

    180L tank 3 tiger barbs 5 neons 2 silver sharks 1 rainbow shark 3 pepper cat fish 1 plec water nitrite 0 ammonia 0 nitrate 30 api master test kit
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    Sick Shark

    Hi plz somebody help I have a silver shark (Bala) I have had him for 2 years but last couple of weeks he has swollen eyes witch have turned red water levels are fine is there any med I can get for him?
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    Help Needed

    Your Nitrate reading is a bit strange :crazy: you should always have some Nitrate coz ammonia and Nitrite turn into Nitrate so your Nitrate reading should be 40 or below test your tap water to see the reading staight from tap
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    Fluval 205 External Filter

    Thanks rabbut the filter is only 9 months old so it should be fine. I think a full clean of the filter and all parts in the impeller shall sort it out but bit nervos about impeller coz they are meant to be very fragile right?
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    Fluval 205 External Filter

    Cheers mate easy mistake. I thought you could only swill part of media at any one time
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    Fluval 205 External Filter

    HI guys dos anybody know wy the pump heads on this filter has become less powerfull over time i have today swilled all spongers but still the same
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    I have a Fluval 205 External Filter for a 180L works perfect
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    Bala Shark

    I have now 3 healthy bala sharks which i have had for about 6months and they are growing very fast and they look happy :rolleyes: these 3 are from a diffrant lfs and not from p@h do not buy bala sharks from p@h they are to small and can not handle the stress
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    Fish Dead, Think Ive Got A Problem

    Carry on with w/c and do not feed your fish try and do a 40%w/c
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    Fish Dead, Think Ive Got A Problem

    I change 25% wait a couple of hours do a test and when you see your levels rising do another 25% w/c
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    Fish Dead, Think Ive Got A Problem

    I have the same filter {fluval 205} for a 180l and it is fine. I argee with miss wiggle and you are going throw a mini cycle just change 25% of water daily till your levels are down and you should be fine :good:
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    Jeyes Ammonia

    I have just bought jeyes ammonia all it says is Ammonium Hydroxide will this work for a cycle?
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    Homebase Ammonia Didn't Work For My Fishless Cycle

    I have the same bottle and i am confused i set up my QT so i brought ammonia upto 4ppm to test and it did not drop at all i thought it was my filter was not cycled but after reading this i am not sure. My bottle dos not bubble WEIRD
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    Ammonia Spike

    sorry to be a pain everybody but i need to ask I have not feed fish today to help with the ammonia but shall i feed fish in the morning?
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    Ammonia Spike

    How much can the temp drop. I use a hose pipe to put water back in so i can only add cold water the temp dropped from 24c to 21c in the last wc
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    Ammonia Spike

    When shall i do the next wc the last one was done about 1 hour ago
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    Ammonia Spike

    Just done a 40% water change and ammonia is still 0.25ppm is it worth me going to get some ammo lock or something like that?
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    Ammonia Spike

    After i done the 25% water change the ammonia fell to 0ppm then i tested today and it was back up to 0.25ppm P.S i think everybody shud have a rainbow shark because i only knew there was a problem when he went pail his color is coming back now so this is a good sign i think
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    Ammonia Spike

    No i have not added enything since i cleaned filter shall i do a 25% water everyday?
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    Ammonia Spike

    Can enyone tell me wy i am having a ammonia spike my tank as been set up for 5 months with no problems but the last 2 days my ammonia has gone up yesterday it was 0.50ppm so i done a 25% water change and today it is reading 0.25ppm nitite is fine 0ppm and nitrate is 20ppm the only thing i done...
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    Filter Advice

    Tolak do you agree with rabbut that it will be more cycled in the main fillter cannister for 4-6 weeks P.S my QT is 7 gallon
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    Do I Need A Air Pump

    hi i have a fluval vicenza 180L tank with a fluval 205 external filter. Do i need a air pump or is the tank getting enough o2 throw the filter heads in tank i have little ripples on the top of water with a fuw bubbles on top
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    Filter Advice

    rabbut you are a star i have wasted the last 4 weeks trying to get the filter cycled in main tank i wish i have known this then owell another 4 weeks to wait
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    Filter Advice

    OK cheers :good: shall i give the sponge a good wash before i put it in the canister? Also how long before i can use sponge in QT
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    Filter Advice

    Can anyone help with the above please waterdrop ammonia has not droped in 48 hours
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    Filter Advice

    I have a fluval 205 external filter i dont know were it is best to put the sponge
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    Filter Advice

    I could remove carbon out of my cannister this is in bottom basket and put the sponge from little filter in there will this help speed things up
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    Filter Advice

    Were and wot can i put in little filter it only has 1 little sponge and no room for anything else i have biomax in main filter
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    Filter Advice

    My pH useing high range pH test is 7.4 in QT
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    Filter Advice

    HI my problem is i have had a little filter running in my main tank along side my main filter for the last 4 weeks. I was told it would be around 4 weeks for the little filter to become cycled so i put it in my QT and brought ammonia upto 5 ppm and left it running for 16 hours but the ammonia...
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    Power Cut

    Thank you everybody i think i got away with it :nod: Tank seems fine now :good:
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    Power Cut

    Power has been back on all day but it was off for 6 hours throw the night Thanks i have a external filter so it has stayed wet. Shall i do a 25% water change now?
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    Power Cut

    Hi can enyone tell me if my bact in filter will be allright i had a power cut in the middle of night and filter must of been off for 6 hours just done a water test and ammonia is fine 0 but nitrite has raised slightly to inbetween 0 and 0.25
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    Test Kits

    API freshwater Master Test Kit is the best and easy to use
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    Were Is It Best To Keep Filter Wool In Filter

    HI i have a fluval 205 external filter and i am wondering were it will be best placed in filter i have 3 baskets in filter top 2 are biomax bottom is corbon i want the wool for putting in my QT when it has the right amout of bact also how long will this take?
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    How To Tell If A Sordtail Is Pregnant

    Is there a sign like a black spot on the mollies ? she is a big orange sordtail