Search results

  1. C

    Frozen Food?

    Is it bad to feed frozen bloodworm every day, if so why? What other frizen food would you give to Discus and Angels?
  2. C

    Cardinal Tetra With What Looks Like A Zit...

    I don't know what it is but i have seen it quite a few neons before.
  3. C

    My Tank Rescape!

    Looks nice i like it. Good idea on using the bin (hope you emptied it first :P) i looked everywhere for a big bucket.
  4. C

    Is This True?

    Sorry guys if its daft question but what is meant when you use the term "cycle" a tank?
  5. C

    Co2 And Lights?

    Will do thanks again.
  6. C

    Co2 And Lights?

    Sorry i'm new to this and finding it a little hard to work the bits i need seperatly. I had a shop brought kit in an old tank i had like the one in the first link i posted, it had a plastic diffusor like a helter skelter that i had to put a power head onto. Do those glass diffusors you've...
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    Co2 And Lights?

    Wow thanks for great posts very helpful :thanks:
  8. C

    Co2 And Lights?

    Had a look around the net was thinking either of these or the second one is cheaper and shut valve for night what people think?
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    Co2 And Lights?

    Can anyone recommend a pressurised kit for 180l tank, how many bubbles would I want a minute? I wouldn't want fully automated one.
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    Co2 And Lights?

    looks like i'd better get the pennies out for CO2 kit then
  11. C

    Co2 And Lights?

    Tubes are 30w running on juwel starter pack jobbies built into the hood, two are fairly old so i will replace them soon. Temp is 27 Nitrate is 10 PH 6.8
  12. C

    Co2 And Lights?

    I went to shop today to buy a yeast based CO2 kit after reading on here people seem to get good results. The bloke in the shop put me of saying i should get a pressurised kit? What do people think about this? I don't want a mega planted tank just want my plants to grow they just seem to fall...
  13. C

    Got My New Tank.

    I've kept discus and most other coman tropical fish before but never kept puffers. I know totally nothing about the puffers except heard some like brackish water? I feed them frozen bloodworm and they eat it like mad other than that they both sit still in plants, looking a bit sorry. If...
  14. C

    Hagen Co2 Diffuser

    I'm thinking of getting one of these kits for my tank do they work or should i get bottled type? If i do get one of these whats this about packet stuff being crap?
  15. C

    Got My New Tank.

    yeah its a puffer the bloke had them in there when i got tank of him, are they ok with discus i believe they should have salt in water?
  16. C

    Got My New Tank.

    Some pics if i do links right :rolleyes:
  17. C

    Got My New Tank.

    Yes not much i could really had to get the tank home i couldn't bring it full of water. I didn't clean filter and kept it in water with fish i brought home, in hope some bacteria stayed alive, also used water purifier filter thing to fill tank when i got it home. Still look ok at the moment...
  18. C

    Got My New Tank.

    Yeah got my new tank today, I think i got a bargain £150 from ebay its a Juwel Rio 180 with couple of fair sized discus and external filter, Eheim 2227 wet n dry filter. Seems good filter not sure how the hell it works? Can anyone shed some light on the filter and can i turn down pressure? It...
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    Webcam View Ov My Tank!

    looks good if a little jurky but i like it :good:
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    My Fish Dont Swim

    How often and much do you feed? Fish are more active if hungry looking for food!
  21. C

    Help ..... Fish Deaths And Strange Behaviour

    not sure what problem is, but doesn't sound like swim bladder fish normally can't hold there level in water and float to the top/sink when they stop swimming this normally cures itself after few days and doesn't kill fish.
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    Thanks. The new Juwel tanks come with the T5 tubes now.
  23. C


    Your right i should have posted it there :unsure: I always have used different tubes in the past on the understanding you got a bigger light range, don't know if its true or even helps? Is there much difference between the T8 and T5 tubes?
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    When i get my tank set up again i'll be using four tubes to get the amount of light i want for plants to hopefully grow. Am i best using all the same tubes or different ones?
  25. C

    Won't Let Me Post.......

    in the tropical chat? Maybe someone could tell me why or move the post? I'm wanted to ask is it best to use different coloured tubes in tank or all the same Thanks.
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    Hi Guys

    Thanks found shop i've never been to before, think i'll go tomorrow.
  27. C

    Hi Guys

    I'm thinking of getting a tropical tank again and found this site while mooching around net. Looks good site some great info, especially on plants which always seem harder to keep than the fish for me. Speak to you all soon. P.S. anybody recommend any good tropical shops for tank/fish etc...