Got My New Tank.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2007
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Yeah got my new tank today, I think i got a bargain £150 from ebay its a Juwel Rio 180 with couple of fair sized discus and external filter, Eheim 2227 wet n dry filter. Seems good filter not sure how the hell it works?

Can anyone shed some light on the filter and can i turn down pressure? It cuts in and out something to do with wet n dry i think? Just seems powerfull when it cuts in.

I'll post some pics when its cleared, I haven't turn lights on yet letting fish settle they seem to be doing well after all the stress. Fingers crossed.

Well happy to have tank again would have preferred not to have to put fish in it right away tho, but had no choice.
Yes not much i could really had to get the tank home i couldn't bring it full of water. I didn't clean filter and kept it in water with fish i brought home, in hope some bacteria stayed alive, also used water purifier filter thing to fill tank when i got it home. Still look ok at the moment and all are feeding.
if their eating its a good sign. great find there, especially on the discus :good:
Some pics if i do links right :rolleyes:



yeah its a puffer the bloke had them in there when i got tank of him, are they ok with discus i believe they should have salt in water?
well what puffer is it? There are a certain amount of puffers that are saltwater but theres quite a few freshwater ones too.

Puffers should be on their own.
I've kept discus and most other coman tropical fish before but never kept puffers.

I know totally nothing about the puffers except heard some like brackish water? I feed them frozen bloodworm and they eat it like mad other than that they both sit still in plants, looking a bit sorry.

If they should be kept on there own maybe this is why they don't look very happy.........maybe i should see if my local shop will have them of me.
you have more than one!? as far as i know theres hardly any puffers that will tolerate other puffers!

Yeah i think it would be the best bet, although find out what they are first :good:
nice looking school of Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis in there too.
Hope yo uare able to find homes for all the incompatable fish, beautiful tank though!

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