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  1. M

    Coral Sand

    Anyone? :-(
  2. M

    Coral Sand

    I was jus wondering what depth of coral sand i should use for my new tank. It is a juwel rekord 80. just short of 3ft long and not vey tall. From what i gather this should be a fair size tank for my yellow labs. Im putting in Argonite coral sand, please tell me this is half decent stuff! :/
  3. M

    Cleaning My Coral

    Good job! Its good afternoon here in Northern Ireland with the time at 15:12 GMT. :) Thanks for your speedy answer!
  4. M

    Cleaning My Coral

    :D ok guys & gals! How on earth do i clean my coral sand i got for my Mbuna tank before i put it in? Oh, and jus how do i pronounce Mbuna? :huh:
  5. M

    Hoovering Coral Sand

    A gravel vac will work. I have used gravel vacs on coral sand. Just use a longer lenght gravel vac. Thank you. I will give that a shot :)
  6. M

    A New Home For My Yellow Labs

    thank you for all ur help. bed time now me thinks ;) going to get mi new tank tomoz :)
  7. M

    A New Home For My Yellow Labs

    i think i will go for the coral sand. How do i go about cleaning it though? :S Does the coral sand raise the pH to a certain level and then stop? I take it it doesnt raise it off the roof??? Sorri im sooo stoopid!
  8. M

    Hoovering Coral Sand

    How will i hoover the coral sand in my new chiclid tank? will my vacumn hoover all the sand up? its jus that it seems very light. gravel is no problem to hoover, but coral sand???
  9. M

    Yellow Labs

    Good! So the coral sand will raise the pH anyway? what does the sand raise the pH too?
  10. M

    Yellow Labs

    thank you sir. when i get my new tank, would i add bicarbonate os soda to switch the pH to 8.2 and then use coral sand as a substrate? does the coral hold it at 8.2? Please Please help. im gettin my tank tomoz :unsure:
  11. M

    A New Home For My Yellow Labs

    I take it coral sand will be labelled as such in the shop? Is it like it says - a sand? Sorry for being a dummy. Im totally new to african chiclids and want to get it right. What about cleaning the sand? will my vacumn hoover it all up? will the sand keep the ph up indefinatly? what pH is ur...
  12. M

    A New Home For My Yellow Labs

    I am getting a new tank for my 2 yellow labs REAL soon. They are in with a mix of fish now and the pH isnt great for them. I want to move them to a tank espically for them. Ph 8 or there abouts? trouble is my tap water is pH 7 so i need some help. What will i use for sustrate? Wat will i use to...
  13. M

    Clown Loaches

    So am i buddy! I was starting to panic! Funnily enough, just checked on my Clowns and they are all back to normal. Thats the first time ive ever seen that, an ive had them for over a year! Well, you know what they say - you learn something new everyday!!! :) thanks again!
  14. M

    Clown Loaches

    Thanking you very much indeed. Man, i love this place :thumbs:
  15. M

    Clown Loaches

    No hospital tank at the mo. I know i probably should have one but i dont. I dont think id have the faintest idea on how to sex them - sorry. i will have a look though. I take it "roe" are loach eggs? anyone???
  16. M

    Clown Loaches

    thank you. The scary thing is that my 2 look like the 2 dead loaches with roe in the bootom of that link you sent me. Wierd how 2 of them are like that and my other one is fine. The rest of the fish are fine too. Ill keep you all posted if you are interested! :-(
  17. M

    Clown Loaches

    water check: amm = 0. Nitrite = 0 Nitrate = 20-40 ppm. ph = 6.7. All other fish are fine,. They have lived in the same tank for at least a year. No signs of bullying. Jus looks to be fighting amongst 2 Clown Loaches. As i said the other 1 CL is fine. No slime coating. Jus gone a paleish darker...
  18. M

    Clown Loaches

    ok, here goes. i Have a juwel vision 260. cycled and everything. I have had 3 clown loaches in my tank for the past year no problems at all. The 3 of them happily swimming together. they are about 4" long. They ave lovely deep black an yellow markings an the fins are nice and red. the picture...
  19. M

    Ph Problem

    Many thanks for all ur help guys. :)
  20. M

    Yellow Labs

    Yeah, im keeping them with 1 tilipia mariae 5", 1 jack dempsy 3", 1 blue acara 3", 1 pleco 8". No ones seems to bother them at all, in saying that i will be gettin a small 60l tank soon for them especially :wub: what about my pH of 7.0 buddy?
  21. M

    Yellow Labs

    2 Days ago i manged to get what i was told was a pair of breeding yellow labs. the pH in my tank is 7.0 and i know these fish need 7.3-8.0 but would they do ok at a constant 7? anyone any experience of keeping these fish outside their pH range??? My tap water is 7.0 you see. Are chemicals a...
  22. M

    Ph Problem

    OK, here goes. I have a Juwel Vision 260 tank. Ive had it for 3 years so its fully cycled an everything with some fish in it. 1 Pleco, 1 Jack Dempsy, 1 Blue Acara, 1 Tilipia Mariae, 1 Cupido & 1 Parrot Chiclid. My pH has always been at 6.5. Now last week i thought i wood put in some bogwood to...