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  1. bullhead

    Nori - Roasted Or Not?

    I have feed fish seaweed before.Its dry roasted not roasted.I cant imagine that if it was roasted that it would cause any harm.Dry roasted,like they do peanuts and such,as long as there are no additives.
  2. bullhead

    The Most Beautiful Tank Ever!

    planting that would be no fun at all,but it would look pretty damn cool. :drool:
  3. bullhead

    My 29g Re-do~~lots Of Pics

    like nickfire stated earlier its all about balance.If you have equal parts of light,Co2 and nutrients(substrate) then things will take off.If one area is lacking or one area is over powering then the whole process is fouled up.You could have the best lights in the world and the best substrate...
  4. bullhead

    Nori - Roasted Or Not?

    :blink: um,not to sound dumb but what the heck is nori anyway?I looked it up on ebay and got nothing but womens pants.I really dont think it matters if its roasted or not I dont think fish will eat the pants :sick:
  5. bullhead

    Fussy Kids?

    I know what yor going through,my youngest one is very fussy.pickles,peanut butter on bread,hot dogs and cheese pizza and thats about it .Well at least hes consistent,my oldest one changes his mind every other day on what he likes,yesterday he said he didnt like waffles anymore?after 12 years...
  6. bullhead

    Tail Rot Treatment?

    I agree with stang,melafix will do the trick.
  7. bullhead

    Softening Water

    I like to use peat in my filter,only thing is it does darken the water.
  8. bullhead

    New Member, New Nano

    very nice,I cant wait to see the final product. :good:
  9. bullhead

    Whiptail Catfish And Aquarium Salt

    What exactly are you treating the betta for?How much salt are you adding?I have never heard that salt is bad for cory's.If you build up the dose over time it shouldn't bother the fish at all.If you dose per instructions on the box you should be fine,been so long since I used salt that I dont...
  10. bullhead

    Help With Material For 3000 Gallon Tank

    a couple of different people on had built tanks from 5000 to something like 15000 gals.I remember seeing pics of the guys basement,it was just a couple of narrow hallways with glass on each side.craziest tanks I've ever seen.He had his buddy use scuba gear to clean the glass and do...
  11. bullhead


    Yeah,I wasnt really thinkin when I ask where to find the info was I.I think it was arond 3 in the morning and tired as hell.Yeah,I was lookin into aquarium use,if thier more brackish or slat water or if thier more flexiable than just one or the other.This is what I'm after,I would like to set up...
  12. bullhead


    Does anyone have or know where to find information on mangrove trees?
  13. bullhead


    I have drank my tank water on several occasions,but not on purpose.It called water changes bfore owning a python..................eeeeeeeuuuwwwwwwww :sick:
  14. bullhead

    Plants For African Cichilid Tank

    I was wondering what type of plants would work in an african cichilid tank?I would be using crushed coral substrate ,so how well would plants do in this?Could I use some other type of substrate that would work with the plants and buffer the water?Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  15. bullhead


    Just wanted to stop in and say hi.I spent the first hour after joinoing looking through all the tank pics and I have to say I am amazed at what I say,beautiful tanks evryone.Hopefully I will have some pics up of mine soon.To tell you alittle about my set ups,I have 1 -50 gal(us) planted...