Whiptail Catfish And Aquarium Salt


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2004
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I have a small Whiptail that shares a 30 litre tank with a poorly Betta. I wanted to add some aquarium salt to the water to help the Betta to recover. I'm aware that Corys have a problem with salt. Would this also be the case with the Whiptail? I don't want to make another fish ill whilst i'm trying to cure the other one.

Any help appreciated.

What exactly are you treating the betta for?How much salt are you adding?I have never heard that salt is bad for cory's.If you build up the dose over time it shouldn't bother the fish at all.If you dose per instructions on the box you should be fine,been so long since I used salt that I dont remember the dosing.I use Melafix or Pimafix for all my tank problems,this stuff is worth its wieght in gold.imo
The Betta has been sick for a while and to be honest I've no idea whats wrong with him. I've treated him with internal bacteria meds, Epson salt baths, tonics. Just about everything you can thor at a fish. He's still fairly listless on the floor of the tank. Occasionally swimming to the surface for air then back again. Tbh, I think he's just given up. The aquarium salt and daily 10% water changes were going to the last resort.

I do believe that scale-less fish, such as catfish, don't tolerate salt very well, although I have no idea what the effect is on them. I just wondered if the Whiptail also has this problem. In terms of quantity I wanted to add 1 tablespoon of salt to 28litres of tank water. Not a high concentration i'm led to believe.


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