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    Dammed cat has mauled and killed my fish!!

    Really? I hear that translates well to live feline shooting.
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    Strange cycling...

    As you may know, I have 6 TB's in my undersized 10 gallon. I originally had 3. Well the tan was cycling fast, and I jumped the gun and bought 3 more before the tanks finished. Of course this was a mistake, and caused my cycled to be completely ruined. Ammonia and Nitrite levels shot up to...
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    29 or 30G suggestions

    I'm starting to think 3 dojo loaches (still possibly 2), my 5 TB's, and then other. I might do 1 german blue ram in my 10G along with some neons or such. Or...I might just bite the bullet and save for the 55 gallon. It will only take me one more paycheck to afford it. seriously I could...
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    29 or 30G suggestions

    Ok, I'm planning on getting another tank, a 29 or 30 gallon next week. Preferably a 30 gallon, as it's longer. I'm looking for unique fish to stock it with. I'm not concerned with color as much as I am just an awesome unique, cool fish, tank. It's going to be sand substrate, and planted...
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    Pics of the 10G

    Good idea...they seem awesome. SO my 29G (or maybe 30...preferably a 30) will have 3 Dojo Loaches, 2 German Blue Rams. I think I'll start a thread and ask for suggestions.
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    Pics of the 10G

    So do I, thats my one regret, that I got blue gravel. It doesn't look bad...but I tend to like more natural looking setups. My next tank will definately be sand.
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    Pics of the 10G

    Yea when I bought the TB's I didn't know what tank they needed, and the LFS told me a 10 was fine. I take the blame though as it was my responsibility to research before I bought. Also, the plants are all plastic. I plan on buying a 29G next weekend after I get paid, and that will be real...
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    Pics of the 10G

    Thanks, but no, due to poor advice from a bad LFS, and a lack of research on my part, I have 6 TB's in the 10 gallon. When they grow too big I'll move them to a 30G i'm purchasing soon.
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    Pics of the 10G

    my first tank...not too bad I'd say...
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    tiger barb mouth has fallen off!

    I think it's the work of the other tiger barb. You said it was trying to "kiss" this one? Kissing Gouramis do this, only its not kissing. The other TB was trying to rip off the lip most likely...and it seems he succeeded. You really need 6 TB's to form a somewhat peaceful shoal.
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    what fish in this section of the forum could

    Pretty much any danio would work for you.
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    Man swallowed fish

    lightbulb Im just being an idiot american. I was just kidding around...
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    Man swallowed fish

    HEHEHE, the aussie said lightglobe :rofl: jk :D
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    How far do you go?

    About 10-15 miles away. Markheim Pets. Got their start as a mom and pop tiny place specializing in fish and they've got everything...including the healthiest fish as well as the largest variety. My only complaint is that they sell mixed fruit tetra. But I'm not about to...
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    Frog Feeding

    Hey. I have 6 Tiger Barbs, and an Albino African Clawed Frog. Whenever I feed, and no matter how much, the TB's seem to get EVERYTHING. And I never see the frog eating..ever. I've never seen him so much a swallow a flake, bloodworn, and the special frog pellets I bought for him..yet it's been...
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    Man swallowed fish

    Its probably a bit stressful for the fish, but they never come in contact with stomach acid, or even come in contact with the stomach. It takes some time for a swallowed item to reach the stocmach. It travels down the esophogus for awhile. So he just spits them back up from his esophogus...
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    Friends for Tiger Barbs?

    And at that point I will hopefully have the funds to give them something bigger.
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    Friends for Tiger Barbs?

    I have 6 TB's in a 10 gallon and they're fine, the back is planted and the front is open for swimming. They are fully colored and seem fine. From what I've heard this is "too small" for them...but I have no other choice. Guy at LFS told me 10 gallon is absolutely fine for them, and I didn't...
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    Ammonia in tap water...

    Get this stuff called Ammo Lock. Its a dechlorinator tha also gets rid of ammonia for water changes. Get a little bottle to use as your dechlorinator and it should also get rid of the ammonia in the tap water before you add it to the tank. They sell it at most pet shops, I know PetCo and...
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    New Neon's

    It will probably be a bit crowded...but if you are dedicated to keeping water conditions good...I don't see why not...
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    plz help me with my tiger barbs

    Sorry, us damn Yankees have trouble with the whole english thing :D
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    Tiger Barbs

    I definately wouldn't say its ok to kep TB's with angels. Some people may have had success..but I wouldn't count on duplicating that success too often. Personally, I don't know about rams, and gouramis can be iffy with TB's. I've seen kissing gourami's with TB's with no problems, but I don't...
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    Albino Tiger Barbs

    nope they're not dyed...I just don't think they're attractive. i stick with regulars and albinos.
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    Tiger Barbs

    You can try it...but I doubt it will work. They will harrass the guppies no matter how many TB's there are.
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    plz help me with my tiger barbs

    Yea all tiger barbs shouls form a shoal together. Green, Albino, and Regular. I have 3 albino and 3 regulars. The 3 regulars are the original fish and I added the albinos after. They shoal together and the one Albino has actually become the dominant one.
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    Tiger Barbs

    Tiger Barbs get a bad rap and its really undeserved. They can go very well with a number of fish, as long as there are 6 or more tiger barbs. I've seen many times a shoal of tiger barbs with Scissortail Rasboras, Swordtails, Plecos, and Cories. In fact at my local fish shop, they keep Clown...
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    Putting a tank in the kitchen...

    A tank in the kitchen would have more problems than just cooking byproducts. Make a normal dinner in your kitchen on a hot summer day. If you don't have good central air, it heats up like a mofo. I'd think temperature fluctuations in a kitchen would be a big problem.
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    another example of "righteous" buerocrats sticking their noses into an area that they have no real understanding of. It's a british issue though. Being a Yankee..I won't make any other comment on it.
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    finding nemo

    great movie. I don't think it ruined anything. If anything, it raised awareness of just how cool fish really are. Sure there are kids who get a clownfish, or dottyback or such because they saw it in the movie, and then they don't take care of it...but thats hardly the movie's fault. Thats on...
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    New Tank - Starting from scratch

    I keep a shoal of tigers and they should be fine in that tank, as long as you get 6 or more. They tend to get along with danios just fine, as well as the other fish mentioned. Just keep them away from angels, bettas, and gourami.
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    is it wrong? that depends on the person. Personally I say not really. No harm to the fish...I just think its dumb Remember that alot of the fish that are kept without a second though were specifically bred, and inbred etc. in captivity to make them "altered' in certain ways to make them more...
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    Geneticaly Modified fish

    Peanuts never naturally occured in nature you eat peanuts?
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    I hardly see anything disgusting here at all. I actually think the frame and chest are novel ideas. A tank themed like a treasure chest as a seafood resturant, or in a kids room. They're normal tanks basically with their extermiors modded...harly anyhting wrong there. Who are any of us here...
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    Nitrite Problem

    I'm getting my nitirite spike now and the water changes do make a difference. Luckily for me I have tiger barbs and they are like natural nitirite sensors, so I know when I need a change.
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    urgent help! my remaining fish's life is at stake!

    wouldn't go back to that fish shop...if he told you silver dollars were the only starter fish he had...then that places sucks. Most any shops as at east SOME danios or the like that are great for starting.
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    Keeping tank temperature down!

    I live in the attic of an old 2 story house, with no air conditioning in the room, only fans. This summer we've had ALOT of 90+ degree days. On "normal" summer days this summer my tanks temp hovers at about 78-80 degress, so perfect. But when the temperature spikes, of course so does the...
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    Geneticaly Modified fish

    Its ok as long as its done with responsibility. As long as modifying it doesn't hurt the species. Modding it to change the color, or size is fine as long as it doesn't hurt the fish's chances of survival in a tank, etc. Although I see no need to mod any fish other than to increase profits...
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    fish for starters!!

    Tiger Barbs are great fish, but I found out first hand that they aren't great starter fish if you use them in a cycle. They are sensative to elevalted Nitrite and will become extremely stressed by rising levels. My Nitirite is starting to peak in my cycle and they've gotten through it like...
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    High Nitrite Killing my Tiger Barbs

    I don't even bother having my heater hooked up. I live in the attic with no AC. This has been a hot summer in buffalo with everyday being 80-95 degress seemingly...90+ today. So the water is warm becuase its so hot up here. I keep the cover off and a fan on it to keep it as 82, and it stays...