Friends for Tiger Barbs?


New Member
Aug 2, 2005
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What else could I have in a 10 gal tank with 8 tiger barbs and a few small corys? I read that with a shoal of tiger barbs they were not as aggressive as with 1 or 2. Is that correct?
a tank of 10gallons is too small for any tiger barbs.They need to be in groups of 5+
I think the minimum tank for a shoal of 8 tiger barbs is 30 gallons so your tank it just a lil bit too :crazy: small.
Trust me i know this one because i wanted tigers too but with a 15gal no can do :(
Just get a male betta with a few cories (maybe the dwarf ones?)
Nothing like a betta :D
I would really like a shoal of fish. If I got a betta would a shoal of anything survive?
Take a look at a shoal of tetras. Tank will probably be too small to have tetras and a betta. he might be agressive and they wont be able to get far in a 10gal. so you should probably have the dwarf cories and a betta or small shoal of tetras. As soon as you have everything you will wish you bought a bigger tank. I know i do :( ah well have a new one on the way.) :D
I have 6 TB's in a 10 gallon and they're fine, the back is planted and the front is open for swimming. They are fully colored and seem fine. From what I've heard this is "too small" for them...but I have no other choice. Guy at LFS told me 10 gallon is absolutely fine for them, and I didn't research before I got them. So they're in the 10 gallon until I can give them something better, even though they seem totally fine...
UBigBobby said:
So they're in the 10 gallon until I can give them something better, even though they seem totally fine...

when they reach 3" a piece, they won't be too fine - then you will realize how cramped it really is
abstract said:
UBigBobby said:
So they're in the 10 gallon until I can give them something better, even though they seem totally fine...

when they reach 3" a piece, they won't be too fine - then you will realize how cramped it really is

And at that point I will hopefully have the funds to give them something bigger.
UBigBobby said:
I have 6 TB's in a 10 gallon and they're fine, the back is planted and the front is open for swimming. They are fully colored and seem fine. From what I've heard this is "too small" for them...but I have no other choice. Guy at LFS told me 10 gallon is absolutely fine for them, and I didn't research before I got them. So they're in the 10 gallon until I can give them something better, even though they seem totally fine...

Rule 1. Never listen to your lfs, i seem to be one of the few people on this forum that is blessed with a lfs that actually put the fish first not the money.
Yep i agree with ab when they are full grown it is not going to be ok at all. so your going to have to upgrade soon.
UBigBobby said:
abstract said:
UBigBobby said:
So they're in the 10 gallon until I can give them something better, even though they seem totally fine...

when they reach 3" a piece, they won't be too fine - then you will realize how cramped it really is

And at that point I will hopefully have the funds to give them something bigger.
just keep in mind they grow really fast...will probably be just about full grown within 6 months of purchase
wait i have some tiger barbs too and petco said that the tiger barbs grow very slow.
i got the barbs about 5 days ago as 1' fish, if not smaller, and petco said that since i don't have them in that big of a tank, they won't grow to the full 3'
wait i have some tiger barbs too and petco said that the tiger barbs grow very slow.
Petco goes through employees "like no other"! Do you really think that most of them know what they're talking about? (there may be a few that do...but only a few)

i got the barbs about 5 days ago as 1' fish, if not smaller, and petco said that since i don't have them in that big of a tank, they won't grow to the full 3'
In my humble opinion it's cruel and inhumane to do this to any creature. If you can't provide the proper care DO NOT buy the animal. I've heard that some fish will stunt they're growth and some don't, so I'm not 100% sure.
Just remember what I've read before. The fish store wants to sell you fish and the people on this forum are the ones who really want to help you. When you have a problem at 2 am, chances are your fish store is closed, but members may be on this forum. And we don't try to sell you "usless fish goods" to fix your problems. I don't mean to sound too harsh, just trying to get my point across. :) ;)
What else could I have in a 10 gal tank with 8 tiger barbs and a few small corys? I read that with a shoal of tiger barbs they were not as aggressive as with 1 or 2. Is that correct?

nothing, i strongly suggest you add no more fish in your 10 gal, tiger barbs are best kept in shoals of 6 this distracts them from picking on other fish in the tank, with a 10 gallon personally i would have said you have picked the wrong fish, they need space to chase each other about, a few small tetras would have been enough, see if your fish shop will have them back, and change them for something smaller which can cope with less space :sick:

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