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  1. betta989

    Ill Platty

    It sounds like Ich possibly or somesort of parisite. -Betta989 :hyper:
  2. betta989

    Back To The Hobby

    Hello guys, if you remember me im sorry for your frustrations and trying to get me to understand that a 1/4 gallon isnt big enough for a betta. Well i still have my 10 and 5 gallons and after a water impurity getting in the tank my guppies died leaving 1 guppie fry which will be moved to the 5...
  3. betta989

    Woke Up To A Good Site

    When i woke up this morning my new guppies were breeding! yay! im happy im not going to do anything special just a breeding net and let Nature take its course, i hope for something interesting breeding a Endler Guppy with 1 turcoise tailed female and one black tailed female ill post pics in...
  4. betta989

    Betta Old Age Signs

    :-( Yup hes getting old, Four years old is pretty old!
  5. betta989

    10 Gallon Stocking?

    Yeah im in us.... Westpoint, Utah to be exact!
  6. betta989

    10 Gallon Stocking?

    cool ill just research thanks guys!
  7. betta989

    10 Gallon Stocking?

    :hyper: Ooooo kili's off to do yet more research haha
  8. betta989

    10 Gallon Stocking?

    Could a ram go in there? or a firemouth, and fish just suggest pleeeeeesse :D
  9. betta989

    10 Gallon Stocking?

    Yeah, either pygs or dwarfs which i can find, luckly im off to do some research
  10. betta989

    10 Gallon Stocking?

    i would like some pygmy cories but i dont know where i could buy them?
  11. betta989

    10 Gallon Stocking?

    Well... i know im not stupid.... what kind of fish though...?
  12. betta989

    10 Gallon Stocking?

    Hello, im getting a 10 gallon tank with a filter, and a heater,but without a lid, what should i get?
  13. betta989

    Betta Companions?

    I dont recommend neons they nip fins, imo....
  14. betta989

    My New Guppys

    they are living better they were under alot of stress when i bought it, they are doing better and i have a male and a female, i didnt know that one was a female when i bought it, i could not tell so i will have some fry.
  15. betta989

    My New Guppys

    yes but i heard most fresh water fish need aquarium salt and it makes them live better, which they are.
  16. betta989

    My New Guppys

    because i didnt post a pic
  17. betta989

    My New Guppys

    Hi guys!!!! today i picked up some guppys and they are awesome, i have a question about aquarium salt, when do i have to put it in , like once a month or somthing, pls tell me i will get pics up soon! :D
  18. betta989

    New Tank!

    change of plans, i fell in love with 2 otos yesterday so i got em :D
  19. betta989

    New Female At The Bottom Of The Tank

    i recommend not putting guppies in with bettas, bettas can be fin nippers, sounds like bloat...
  20. betta989

    Survivablity Of Brine Shrimp In Brackish Water

    yeah they wont live for long in fresh water.... so dont try it
  21. betta989

    What Fish Are These?

    im thinking those are electric blue chilchids not sure :lol:
  22. betta989

    New Tank!

    well, the filter nt the cartrge had calcium so its cleared up water stats are good i put a new filter cartgrage in and its doing good and im going to petsmart today to get a couple mystery snails!!! :hyper:
  23. betta989

    New Tank!

    oh ok Grats on ur 500th post now i have cloudy water after adding chlorine soulution and so i did a 95 o/o water change the water smelled bad too, maybe its because icleaned calcium with vinegar but then i washed it thuroghly.... i hope it clears up as i am going to get fish on sat... :unsure:
  24. betta989

    New Tank!

    WOW Khuli loaches are awesome!!! do they eat plants? :crazy: ???? because i have somelive plants i think k grass and ribbon plant i cant remember what they are called what other fish can i get???? :X
  25. betta989

    Hi Guys What Plant?

    i was incorrect about the tank size it is a 10g!!! im pretty happy about that and i might not get a betta.
  26. betta989

    Hi Guys What Plant?

    Hi guys i am setting up a 7g betta tank what plants should i get? only the betta i might add shrimp but for now only bettas -------- betta989
  27. betta989

    New Tank!

    no theres tetras and other fish i cant think of
  28. betta989

    I Saw The Most Wonderful Betta In The World Today, But Cant Buy It&#33

    wow... thats amasing! ive gave up on crown tails due to my first one dieing splendes are my kind lol. eclipse is my cute blue green and this really dark red betta
  29. betta989

    New Tank!

    bump bump buuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmpppppppp
  30. betta989

    New Tank!

    Sadly my last tetra died after 4 years in that tank, but the good news is i get to put new fish in it! its a 7g tank i want to put sand in it no bettas tropican fish, yes ii know a betta is tropical... what is the best u.s kind of sand? idk what fish to get but it is a possitive i will get corys...
  31. betta989

    Sos Please

    I'm very sorry if he passes let him swim free and always remember him and keep a special place in your heart
  32. betta989

    Look What I Found Above My Bed....

    Looks to me like a golaith bird eating spider
  33. betta989

    Omg These Vendors Make Me So Mad!

    haha haha wow like anyones going to by the bettas even the pics show them dieing hahahah WHAT A FAIL
  34. betta989

    Uhhh What Do I Do?

    Sadly my albino cory was dead when i came back :-( ugh i feel so bad but idk what happend he is a cat fish there is algae in my tank so he should of been fine now im down to 5 fish in that tank
  35. betta989

    good how bout you??

    good how bout you??
  36. betta989

    Uhhh What Do I Do?

    its pretty cold here still 70 is the highest so far...
  37. betta989

    Uhhh What Do I Do?

    Ok... for the weekend im going to seattle and i have 3 tanks 2 betta tanks and 1 comunity and im scared all but the cat fish will die what do i do put a shrimp in the betta tanks and im not sure about the comunity?
  38. betta989

    Betta Exersize

    Ok, i got a question, Can having your betta exersize help him be healther? like training him to jump and catch food and seeing them selfs in the merrior? Replies always wanted :P
  39. betta989

    Why Do We Name Or Bettas

    I should name a betta frank =P i have no sence of humor :lol: