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  1. F

    Coral Beatuy Reef Safe?

    Mine has never touched my corals. It depends on the personaility of the fish though.
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    My New Fish

    Agree with what SH has said, however I would never put more than 2 fish in a 10 gallon. So I vote for no more fish (sorry).
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    New Urchin

    Agreee with what is said in above post. How long did you acclimate him for?
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    How Much Sand?

    Depends if you want bare bottom, a shallow sand bed or a deep sand bed. Search for these terms here or on google and find out which of them would be best to suit what you want. Then come back and tell us and we can help you out!
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    Reef Safe Treatment For Ich

    I used garlic to treat my ich and it worked great. I just soaked each meal in Seachem's GarlicGuard and fed this to them for 1.5 months.
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    Ick And Inverts

    I'd do a big water change (around 30-40%) then do small water changes until your nitrates are >10ppm. As as said above you need to find out what is causing these nitrates and get rid of it!
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    Ick And Inverts

    If you actually do mean nitrite and not nitrate than this amount is massive. However I am sure it is a typo so if you do mean nitrate then it is still very high. I beleive shrimp can't tolerate high nitrates, which may be causing their behaviour and it is probably partly the blame for the fish...
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    Clean The Salt!

    Yeah im a bit confuzzled too. If you do mean the salt creep I do the same as Naverre.
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    Lowered Salinity Quarentine Tank

    Usually the level people lower their tanks to is not low enough to effectively kill the parasites. Tanks need to be lowered to about 1.009 S.G before the parasites will start to die. However I'm sure people are going to disagree with me on this and say that lowering the tank to around 1.018S.G...
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    Dwarf Angels

    I've had a coral beauty in my tank for about 3 months now and he is yet to nip at any of my corals (fingers crossed). The corals I've got are an encrusting montipora, maze corals, elegance coral, hydrophora, and a few bunchs of zoos.
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    Live Rock

    Yeah just needs to cycle for a bit longer, its perfectly normal for it to smell. Mine stunk for ages.
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    Clown Goby Food

    My clown goby can eat adult brine (hes about 3/4-1 inch though) although it takes him a while to get it all down. Maybe you could try blending it to make it a little smaller?
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    Help Please!

    From the research I've done and my own experiment I've found FW dips to be totally ineffective (unless you treat them after the dip, but doingthis would get the parasites off in the first place anyway). If you do get the parasites off during a FW dip (although there are usually still some...
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    Help Please!

    Garlic works great, I've just finished using it to treat my own ich problems. Just soak you food in some garlic extract before feeding and do this for about 6 weeks after there are so signs of ich. I wouldn't reccomend freshwater dipping, it has been proven that it is an ineffective ich...
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    I've just finished treating my tank for ich. I've been soaking my food in garlic extract and feeding the fish this for 6 weeks. It has worked very effectively and is reef safe so I'd reccomend it.
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    My Dwarf Lion Fish!

    :drool: I wish I had a lion fish they are so damn cool! Very nice looking fish miagi, hope it lives a long and happy life :thumbs:
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    Help And Advice Please

    I'm not sure a how big a Rio 240 is, but it sounds like you have no where near enough LR. You need about 1 pound per gallon of tank water! This is the main type of filtration for a marine tank and it is essential for your tanks well being! Your mechnical filtration will more likely add to the...
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    Anemone Requirements

    Well said superman, I also agree with your lighting theory. As for the anenome I would not reccomend geting anything less than a 250w metal halide, otherwise the light won't penetrate all the way to the bottom. A 400w would be best, but you may not be able to afford them. Also how long is your...
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    What Filter Is Best For 180 Tank. Confused!

    Some people liek using mechanical filtration, however I don't and wouldn't reccomend it. It is a bother to maintain and is only really for getting larger its of deritus out of the water. Your gonna want at least 180 pounds of LR, but you could always do somethign like a 50% base rock-50% live...
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    Swing Arm Hydrometer Vs. Refractometer Vs. Floating Hydrometer

    If I could have any of them, it would definately be a refractometer. However as you've said they can be expensive, so I choose a floating hydrometer. It's not too much of a pain to use, every week I fill a cylinderical cup up with my tank water and when the water gets to 25 degrees celcius(which...
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    What Filter Is Best For 180 Tank. Confused!

    Best two filters you can have for your tank is a good skimmer and lots and lots of live rock!
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    Specific Gravity Of Your Marine Tank

    That's why your meant to calibrate them :P . I use a floating hydrometer. Remember guys I live no where near you, there is the possiblitity of our water being different S.G's! I don't know what the S.G is where your fish are collected from Navarre, but just because yours struggle in higher S.G...
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    Specific Gravity Of Your Marine Tank

    Thanks for your input Navarre. I got this info from a very respectable and knowledgable person on the australian fish forums, so I'm not going to go either way. I know for a fact that the GBR has a S.G of 1.027, as he and my cousins have both tested it there numerous times. My NSW also has a...
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    Noise Levels Compared To Tropical

    My marine tanks run very quietly. The only time I can ever hear something is when it starts to vibrate on the glass, but you just move the thing thats doing it and it goes back to being silent. They are definately no noiser that my FW tanks!
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    Algae Problem

    I agree with what crazyelece said. You have very high nitrates and phosphates which will definately be causing the algae problem. You need to find the source of whats causing your nitrates and phosphates and get it out of your tnak quickly! Also how much LR, ahve you added any recently and do...
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    Specific Gravity Of Your Marine Tank

    That may be true SH, I'm nto sure. I just like to keep my stock in the closet parameters I can get to their natural environment. From what I've read its better to keep your tank's S.G at 1.027-1.029 than from 1.020-1.022.
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    Specific Gravity Of Your Marine Tank

    My S.G is 1.027, the same S.G at the great barrier reef where my corals come from. That wasn't an option though so I couldn't vote for it :no: .
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    Planing To Start Marine Tank Setup

    Wow I wish I had a budget like yours for my marine tanks :drool: . A sump is basically a place to put all your equipment like heater, skimmer, etc. Equipment you'll need (some of it you dont really need but with your budget its definately worth getting) -Tank -Metal Halide (these are the best...
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    Raising Sps Corals

    Just thought I'd add some imput (even though both my acros died this week :angry: . Had some really hot nights which killed them :-( ). I bought a 150w metal halide for $150 and my powerheads (28x turnover/4200lph in total) for around $100. My room is air conned for the hottest part of the day...
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    Black Algae

    Hello CYBI, I also has some black, encrusting type algae on one of my pieces of LR. The guy at the LFS said it was a good thing, but that's all I know about it, Sorry I couldn't be any more help. FF
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    Salt Water In Fresh Water

    Alright if that's true I'm sorry. I was just going buy what the others said :thumbs: .
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    If the limestone was porous I can't think of any problems with it. I know a lot of people us ebuilders lime to buffer their top up water, and I can't see this being any different to having in the tank. I'm not sure though, maybe it would cause problems, you should probably get someone else's...
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    Salt Water In Fresh Water

    This guy is supposedly a troll Miagi (he has another post where numerous members thought so). So I wouldn't put too much effort in to answering his questions, he most likely is just trying to piss people off.
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    Strombus Luhuanus

    I haven't really noticed it growing, it really only comes out at night. When I do se it though it seems too only eat mainly algae. Apparently they eat cyano, but I'm not sure if thats true or not.
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    Slightly High Nitrites - Cracked It!

    It comes from waste breaking down, whether it be left over food decaying, fish wee or die off from live rock.
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    Strombus Luhuanus

    I've got one but I'm not sure what the max size is sorry. At the moment he is about 2 inches long. They are very cool snails :thumbs:
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    What Sea Salt Mix Do You Use?

    I collect it on the beach as far as I can go out when the tide coming in. With the tide coming in all the gunk is up close to the shore and I collect it early in the morning when no one is around :thumbs: .
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    Imac In Chicago April 28-30

    Yeah I know how you feel miagi :-( Nothing exciting ever happens here :no:
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    What Sea Salt Mix Do You Use?

    1) How rural are you and body of water do you use? I live in brisbane, about an hour away form the coast. I use the pacific ocean. 2) How do you get the water home? In plastic 20L jerry cans. I usually get about 60L a week. 3) Do you treat your seawater before adding it into your tank? Nope...
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    What Sea Salt Mix Do You Use?

    NSW all the way :hey: