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  1. Fantail_John

    Can Cold Water Media Be Used In New Tropical Tank?

    Hello :) I'm no expert but i do have a cold water tank and when i got my 3ft tropical tank and i squeezed some water and a little bit of the filter sponge in to the new filter, and it's cycled it very good and seams to be a little faster than it did with my cold water tank with out old filter...
  2. Fantail_John

    Pets At Home

    My friend use to work at pets at home until they change hands in my local town, and now they can't tell you much about a pet or a fish. Yesterday i went to see about my first tropical fish the platy and ask how big do they grow the young assistant said about this big using her fingers from 5...
  3. Fantail_John

    Fluval U3 Or U4

    Can anyone tell me will my filter do the job for a 28 Imperial gallons tank, it is a aqua-flow 200 don't know much about them but it puts though 400 litres = 87.987663 Imperial gallons a hour tops. up to now i have 5 platy's. John
  4. Fantail_John

    Beginning To Think My Tank Will Never Cycle =[

    I know how you are feeling as it's hard to keep on top of things, but only a learner myself and did a fish in cycle i was changing water up to 50 - 80 % a day for a month and just last week the levels are down with 0 ammonia 10 nitrates and Nitrite 0. so done a big 80 % change today. Even i...
  5. Fantail_John

    Free Fish To Good Home

    Since i joined this wonderful forum and now know fantails and pearls do not belong in a 5 gallon tank, what will be the best way of giving them a good home? my last resort to give them to my LFS as i know the might go in to a little fish bowl. I will miss these guys as I've had them since the...
  6. Fantail_John

    Cloudy Water

    it is 24 imperial gallons so if the filter is made for 50 gallons should be ok ? John
  7. Fantail_John

    Cloudy Tank?

    Hello :) I know what you mean hard work and don't seam to be getting anywhere :( but it will come good in the end, keep at it :) here is another link if you have not read it? This might answerer some question you have :)best of luck John
  8. Fantail_John


    Thank's i will give it a try this week, i've never hard of orange peal to feed fish :) John
  9. Fantail_John

    Cloudy Tank?

    I'm no expert so someone else will give you advice if i'm wrong, but it might be a bacteria bloom keep up the water changes and if it is a bloom it should clear up within a week. It happen to mine two weeks ago and change 50 % water each day and it cleared up. Like i say i'm no expert but if you...
  10. Fantail_John

    Cloudy Tank?

    Sometimes when you stir up the substrate, it can cause temporary cloudiness if it is this it should clear in about 4 - 6 hours. When did you last rinse out the filter media in old tank water?
  11. Fantail_John


    Thank's for your kind information about foods :) i will try these and see what happens, i have never hard of Kale will the local supermarket have them, like tesco or asda. Do you use the orange like the cucumber. John
  12. Fantail_John

    Cold To Tropical

    Hope this is in the right place :) I have a small fish tank that houses three fantails :( wrong i know but will be moving home soon in to a bigger tank to suit them. The little tank is only 5 gallons and was think of changing it in to a little tropical tank, i know it requires a heater but what...
  13. Fantail_John

    50% Water Change

    All crystal clear now :)
  14. Fantail_John

    50% Water Change

    About three hours ago i done a 50% water change and vac the gravel and my water as gone cloudy white, does anyone know why this as happened? i have not got a test kit yet so will i have took to much water out of the tank if the ammonia was low? I will be getting a test kit tomorrow if any shops...
  15. Fantail_John

    Plant Pots

    Thanks :) i will give it a try in my new tank and see what happens, does the moss help to maintain the tank? John
  16. Fantail_John

    Plant Pots

    Thank you for your answer and can you let me know will java moss grow ok in a cold water tank? John
  17. Fantail_John

    Plant Pots

    Thank's for your answer and be interesting to hear other people views on java moss John
  18. Fantail_John

    Plant Pots

    Thank for a fast reply :) i was thinking of using java moss but was told it takes over your tank and hard to control it? is this true. I will get a pot today and see how it looks in my tank :) John
  19. Fantail_John

    Plant Pots

    will it be ok to use a ordinary garden plant pot to use a decoration in a fish tank? pot or plastic ones. or will you need to buy one especially made for aquariums? John
  20. Fantail_John


    yesterday i was told to add the cucumber in slices and weigh it down with a plant weight or just push a metal spoon through it. It's common enough for the fish to reject the veg. initially but they might pick at if you keep trying. Just replace it after 24 hours (use a net if possible as it...
  21. Fantail_John

    My First Q Tank

    Thank you :) good reading and information :good:
  22. Fantail_John

    My First Q Tank

    Sorry this might sound a stupid question, being a beginner in fish keeping if ammonia is a beneficial bacteria maker why do we try to keep it down to 0 zero so not ammonia is in the tank? your reply will help a learner understand. John
  23. Fantail_John

    My First Q Tank

    Nice on betta a nice looking fish:) and thank's for your help :)
  24. Fantail_John

    My First Q Tank

    Thank's for your help :)i will do this keep the filter in main tank :) John
  25. Fantail_John

    My First Q Tank

    Need some help please :) I have cycled my Q tank and would like to know do i need to do anything to keep the tanks quality and keep the good beneficial bacteria in the water and filter? or will it be ok if i just keep the filter running, or do i have to add a feed in to the tank? All help will...
  26. Fantail_John


    Today I went to the local supermarket and got some cucumber and peas (par-boiled) for my two fantails and pearl scale fish as i was told these vegetables were good for them, so i got home washed the veg and chopped the up in mouth size pieces :) droped them in to the tank and had a go it it but...
  27. Fantail_John

    Cloudy Water

    Thank you :) For the information John Regarding my filter in my 3ft tank? so the shop where i got my tank and explained what i was keeping given me the wrong pump for the job in hand in a 23 gallon tank, so if you are right i will be taking the filter back soon as possible. As the aquarium...
  28. Fantail_John

    Cloudy Water

    Thank you so much for your guidance :) I have done another 50% water change tonight and now it Cristal clear for the fist time ever :) i will take you advice and do the 50% change 2 - 3 times a week and the 25 % the rest. and tomorrow i'm off to get a testing kit, i'm not so good with numbers...
  29. Fantail_John

    Does Anybody Like Going Fishing

    I do beach (shore)fishing around the Cumbria coast and also like to fish the odd fishing compaction, best fish like catching is Bass and plaice. John :)
  30. Fantail_John

    Cloudy Water

    Thank you for your information :) the last water change done tonight at 50% as made it a little clearer for the first time for a week, i have been doing 50 % water changes for four days as i was told do this as goldfish are dirty fish so 25 - 40 % will not do until the last stages? then i will...
  31. Fantail_John

    Cloudy Water

    Being a learner i put my fish in the tank without being cycled so i'm doing it the hard way and trying to keep my fish alive, been doing 25 - 40 % water change every day to keep the ammonia and nitrate down, but been doing this now for a week and water is still white cloud? how long will if be...
  32. Fantail_John

    Hello From A Newbie

    Hello just thought i'll introduce myself :) i'm new to cold water fish keeping so i will be asking loads of question hope i will learn a lot and i will put my feet up and make myself at home :) John