My First Q Tank


Fish Crazy
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
Need some help please :)

I have cycled my Q tank and would like to know do i need to do anything to keep the tanks quality and keep the good beneficial bacteria in the water and filter? or will it be ok if i just keep the filter running, or do i have to add a feed in to the tank? All help will be much appreciated.

I am no expert on quarantine tanks but if there is no ammonia load to feed the beneficial bacteria then they will eventually die off.

I have a small tank I use for a quarantine/medical tank but it does not have any water in it I just keep the internal filter running in my main tank and then fill it with water when needed and the filter is always mature when needed.

But there are lots of people that have a quarantine tank set up continuously they just make sure as I recommend you do that there is a constant ammonia supply to feed the beneficial bacteria.

Regards onebto
as above put the filter in the main tank untill it is needed :good: mine was always empty untill today its now a betta tank! lol
I am no expert on quarantine tanks but if there is no ammonia load to feed the beneficial bacteria then they will eventually die off.

I have a small tank I use for a quarantine/medical tank but it does not have any water in it I just keep the internal filter running in my main tank and then fill it with water when needed and the filter is always mature when needed.

But there are lots of people that have a quarantine tank set up continuously they just make sure as I recommend you do that there is a constant ammonia supply to feed the beneficial bacteria.

Regards onebto

Sorry this might sound a stupid question, being a beginner in fish keeping if ammonia is a beneficial bacteria maker why do we try to keep it down to 0 zero so not ammonia is in the tank? your reply will help a learner understand.

Ammonia is not a beneficial bacteria it is a constant in a working tank that we want to get rid off. All fish waste becomes Ammonia, all uneaten food becomes Ammonia as does dead plants. The beneficial bacteria thrives on Ammonia and consumes it for a food for a better word, the bacteria grows to the volume were it will consume all the Ammonia in your tank constantly or it becomes overwhelmed by over stocking as well as some other factors. Check this link out it will explain the whole process much better than I ever could:


Here is a wealth of Knowledge that I recommend if you have questions please post there are plenty of people prepared to help :good:


Hope this helps

Regards onebto
Ammonia is not a beneficial bacteria it is a constant in a working tank that we want to get rid off. All fish waste becomes Ammonia, all uneaten food becomes Ammonia as does dead plants. The beneficial bacteria thrives on Ammonia and consumes it for a food for a better word, the bacteria grows to the volume were it will consume all the Ammonia in your tank constantly or it becomes overwhelmed by over stocking as well as some other factors. Check this link out it will explain the whole process much better than I ever could:


Here is a wealth of Knowledge that I recommend if you have questions please post there are plenty of people prepared to help :good:


Hope this helps

Regards onebto

Thank you :)

good reading and information :good:

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