Search results

  1. Fantail_John

    Cheap Co2

    I have been looking at this, and was looking on ebay round about 60squid, Just starting to do real plants, next week and thought I would see any reviews but not a lot around, So it would be nice to hear if any member as used this and your thoughts :) I did watch a youtube vid on the workings of...
  2. Fantail_John

    Green Fungus

    Thank you for the info :good: It was my fault sorry calling it fungus most of been looking at my toe when I said it lol But I have let me know and given him the list of plants to start to use :) all the info is kindly welcomed :)
  3. Fantail_John

    Green Fungus

    Thank you :good: He as no real plants, but I will tell him to start on the easy ones like i'm doing soon moss's and ferns :) You learn something new every day :) Even I did not know having real pants will cut out the green fungus :good:
  4. Fantail_John

    Green Fungus

    My 8 year old nephew ask does anyone know why he is getting green fungus on the sides of his tank? I can't work it out, is tank is only 10g with 6 Ember Tetra, filter and heater, his tank is not near sunlight and keeps the lights on for 8 hours a day, he does weekly water changes. so for now I...
  5. Fantail_John

    Water Changes

    Never replaced, but if I need to not a big job :good: my tank holds 25g, and your welcome to come back with any info :) as this is how you learn :) and I like to see if I can get information in any thing I do with my tanks! I had no problems at all with my tank or fish for over 2 years.
  6. Fantail_John

    Water Changes

    I don't know at hand just had a look but the watts most be on the other side, but it is very bright, but I'm sure it's 60 watts, as at the time I got the tank I told the shop keeper that I will be growing real plants, this was over 2 years ago and just starting now :good: Not messing around...
  7. Fantail_John

    Water Changes

    Thank you for the information :good: have made notes :) now if finding them, as in this town you can't find nothing you want, so ebay is my shopping centre, most of the time :good: any other info will be kindly received :)
  8. Fantail_John

    Water Changes

    It will start off normal planted, but will be building up slowly for a fully true low tec, just looking in to a low flooring and riccia I have been told will be good? and will be putting some Dwarf water lettuce in for my gouramis. To my other question in my post do I need anything else to...
  9. Fantail_John

    Water Changes

    Hi Guys and gals :) Just getting some info before I start planing my low tec plants for a beginner :) so it will be just ferns and moss's, swords etc, just to start off will be planting in substance gravel and tie on logs and stones. I been reading a few things but can't understand the water...
  10. Fantail_John

    Nothing In Tank

    I'm not taking out the substrate, as I'm only moving it 6 feet away, so will have the substrate in :)
  11. Fantail_John

    Nothing In Tank

    I thought about buying a few plants the morning before I move the tank, and placing them in the tank with the wood I have got soaking, plus I will place the deco ornament cave, and all can be done slowly the aquascape? will this be ok! Thank's for the feedback most welcomed :good:
  12. Fantail_John

    Nothing In Tank

    I have 6 black widow tetra, 6 bronze corry cats and a peal pearl gourami and 2 sunset's gourami
  13. Fantail_John

    Nothing In Tank

    A few members will know I will be moving my main tank hopefully next week, I will be doing a way with all the plastic plants and other deco and starting to build a more realistic aquarium, with low maintained plants. My question :) when I have moved the tank to new place and will it back up...
  14. Fantail_John

    Proud Betta Mummy :)

    Nice to hear he is doing well :good:
  15. Fantail_John

    Thinking Of Buying

    I don't know a lot about cold water fish, but why add salt? salts are more for a treatment,plus gold fish are not from the sea, and goldfish should not be in a small tank you would need a big filter for the amount of waste they produce. I think if I'm right? one goldfish should be in a 20g tank...
  16. Fantail_John

    Mopani Root

    Thank's for the info :good: so many people have different options what to do :unsure: so I will not boil it just encase it does break apart?
  17. Fantail_John

    Mopani Root

    I did get 8 small pieces, was sat in pets at home on the floor trying to work out the arrangement that I would place in my tank lol with everyone looking at me lol but yes all 8 will fit in the large pan I have :) so I will do this before I place in tank :good: yes I like a clear tank :) and...
  18. Fantail_John

    Trimming Cabomba Plants

    I thought Cabomba was a easy plant to care for? as I know many people and a few on here that just float the Cabomba and have lasted and grown. A lot of people like it in betta tanks, that's why I bought it with a few members on here as said it's easy to care for and no special treatments. Up to...
  19. Fantail_John

    Mopani Root

    Thank you for your replies :) I will just keep soaking in for the week with changing the water in the buckets each day and then place in tank and put in the carbon for a few weeks, and do my weekly water changes in the tank :)Think I should have me tank moved by next week. Thank's again :good:
  20. Fantail_John

    Mopani Root

    Today I have Just treated myself to some Mopani root from local PAH shop, to put in my main tank after I have moved it to my living room,I have done what it says on the tag :) soaking it for the two weeks. Is there anything else I can do to take the tanning's out? It also says on the tag the...
  21. Fantail_John

    Trimming Cabomba Plants

    Thank you :) only had it in the tank for a week and it as grown about 2 inch's, the cuttings might be ok to start off with in my main tank, when I do the big move lol
  22. Fantail_John

    Trimming Cabomba Plants

    I need to cut (prune) my Cabomba Plant, what is the best way to do this? I am new to plants and only got the cabomba in my betta tank and it's taking over it lol advice will be most welcomed :good:
  23. Fantail_John

    Moving A 3Foot Fish Tank

    Thank you guys :good: I will give it some thought and hope I will pick the best way :unsure: I'll let you know if all goes well and how I moved it :) hope all goes well. I will be moving it hopefully weekend, but might go with leaving little water in, taking out all the deco and getting 3...
  24. Fantail_John

    Moving A 3Foot Fish Tank

    Anyone? please :)
  25. Fantail_John

    Led Lights

    Looks really good :good: Just put mine in but only 2 LED one more will do it I think :) as it's only in my 5g betta tank, but when I move my 3 foot tank will be looking in to putting them in thank one too :) but might go for the strip lights, have to do a bit of research in to them or might...
  26. Fantail_John

    Moving A 3Foot Fish Tank

    I had my 25g 3foot tropical tank in my kitchen for two years now and have room to place it in my living room :) just about 6feet away, so what will the best thing to do to move my tank, if there is a way without taking the fish out and all the gravel. Help would be most welcomed :good:
  27. Fantail_John

    New Fluval U2

    Your welcome :good:
  28. Fantail_John

    Feeding With Ants

    This morning I went to my LFS and I got talking about having ant in my backyard, then the shop owner turns round and said feed them to your fish as a treat? I have always been told never do this as it can cause all kind of problems and ants carry parasites. As she given me some bad info?
  29. Fantail_John

    New Fluval U2

    Think he means when you need to clean your filter sponge etc clean it with the old water within your tank not clean water from your tap as this will kill off the beneficial bacteria, So when you are going to do a water change and you need your filter cleaning do the cleaning in the water you...
  30. Fantail_John

    My 2 New Little Men

    :good: Nice :)
  31. Fantail_John

    25 Gallon Stock

    Bump (anyone)
  32. Fantail_John

    Betta Pro Foods

    It might of been one of these days? might had a lot of orders, or someone else packed them, but I have not left feed back as of yet, just waiting on his reply to my message. Yes I did notice that he sent in bags but after they were sent, my fault here as you should read good the info before...
  33. Fantail_John

    Betta With Honey Gourami?

    Thank's for all the info :) just come back from a friends that I know and have kept and breeds betta and she loves honey gourami with betta for over 15 years and as a nice room with 8 tanks and all are happy with a few species of gourami. but she did say all depends on size of the tank and the...
  34. Fantail_John

    25 Gallon Stock

    Thank's not had water problems over 2 years always maintained Just started planting real plants, mainly ferns and a few cabomba, Amazon's frogbit. Not looking for more black widow tetras as what are have are good together always together :)and the corry's are nice to look at all swimming...
  35. Fantail_John

    25 Gallon Stock

    I have a 25 gallon tank with 6 black widow tetra, and 6 bronze corry cats and a peal pearl gourami and 2 sunset's all been happy living together for about 2 years :) just like to ask is there room for any more? if so can anyone help me with picking a few more :) thank you :)
  36. Fantail_John

    Betta Pro Foods

    Well yesterday my betta pro pellets came and was so mad had to send the guy a nasty message yet again, the food was not in the original container was just sent in a freezer bag and the pellets were soggy and wet :angry: So thank's to a member here I have sent another order to the other seller...
  37. Fantail_John

    Betta With Honey Gourami?

    Thank you all for your answers :good: I think I will leave it and not go ahead :) regarding all your replies, thank you :)
  38. Fantail_John

    Betta With Honey Gourami?

    Can betta live happy with Honey Gourami? As I always loved the honey as I have them in my main tank :) but was thinking of getting another 10g tank to place a betta and honeys if compatible? replies will be most welcomed :good:
  39. Fantail_John

    Tank Of The Month Entries For August

    See why not :) as any comp you may enter any number of times, unless you get disqualified in one! I wpuld of entered my betta tank but I never see small tanks in these :( but I need a better camera! All of them are very nice :) and best of luck to the winner as up to now your all winners to me...
  40. Fantail_John

    Led Lights

    Looks very nice :good: what type are these LED lights? Just been looking at the ones from pets at home where you need a hub to plug in 3 but should be ok for a little tank!