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  1. djultimate

    Guppy Birth Help

    Hi all we have 2 female guppy's in our 110 litre community tank and yesterday noticed a random fry swimming around. Today we brought a breeder box with a divider and placed the single fry in to it as were assuming there may have been more and probably eaten by our gold rams ?   We have placed...
  2. guppy2.jpg


  3. guppy1.jpg


  4. djultimate

    Wild Aquariums

    Found these interesting videos of a guy making up tropical aquariums the amazon i think using all materials around him , water fish etc, really interesting to watch Text from the video: Have you ever wondered what your freshwater tropical fish's homes look like in the wild and how you can make...
  5. djultimate

    Video New Bedroom Tank

    Just thought i would share my new bedroom tank , specs below Fishbox 64 litre (cycled fishless) Live plants, Amazon sword, Alternanthera reinckil pink, Hygropila polysperma, Elodea densa Stocking : 8 pygmy cories , 10 endlers , 2 assassin snails am thinking of adding another 6 endlers , was...
  6. djultimate

    Show Off Your Tank!

    My new tank 64 litre planted currently cycling
  7. djultimate

    Thought I Might Share This

    Very interesting video, thanks for posting :good:
  8. djultimate

    Fluval 205 Problem

    thanks for the reply, ive ordered the part of ebay. Am going to leave it running tonight see how it goes. Thanks again.
  9. djultimate

    Fluval 205 Problem

    Hi, I was just doing a water change on my tank, and decided to check inside the filter and noticed the inpeller was looking dirty so i took it out to clean it, though when i pulled it out the long tube that runs up the inside of it snapped off. I havent got another filter big enough the the...
  10. djultimate


    Those fish sure do look happy, excellent video :good:
  11. djultimate

    My New Additions

    I recentely took in 60 + bristlenose babies to my local LFS and got £40 in store credit, most of which i spent on these 8 comb tail females :drool: . My photography skills are not that good so please excuse the poor photo's Ive put a video of them on youtube also
  12. djultimate

    Bristlenose Babies

    It was some royalty free music youtube let's you use on your video's, carn't remember the name of it :unsure: Updated video added to my first post :good:
  13. djultimate

    Video Bristlenose Babies

    I recently added a pair of bristlenose's to my tank which i brought from my lfs. My Albino male took interest to the new female and before long he started staying in the slate cave for very long periods of time. i was doing a water change and went to remove the inlet of the filter only to see...
  14. djultimate

    Bristlenose Babies

    I recently added a pair of bristlenose's to my tank which i brought from my lfs. My Albino male took interest to the new female and before long he started staying in the slate cave for very long periods of time. i was doing a water change and went to remove the inlet of the filter only to see...
  15. djultimate

    How To Get Clean Water?

    Add a filter and do regular water changes :good:
  16. djultimate

    New Bristlenose Pair

    Yeah it is, got a few in the tank, he's not sucking away on it, theres an algae wafer under him
  17. djultimate

    New Bristlenose Pair

    Good to hear, thanks for the reply.
  18. djultimate

    New Bristlenose Pair

    Was in my Lfs today haveing a look round when i spotted a pair of bristlenoses in a tank (1m / 1f ) both approx 4" - 4.5" in size, the chap in the shop said they were being sold as a pair for £18 , well needless to say i snapped them up. What i did notice is they both seem to have nips to there...
  19. djultimate

    Black Swordtail Fish... Guts?

    It's probarly just poo , they tend to have long stringy poo :)
  20. djultimate

    My New (First) 180Gallon Tank

    As Markandfish said , black moors and goldfish shouldnt be kept with tropical fish :crazy:
  21. djultimate

    My 60Ltr Planted Tank

    Excellent looking tank BethK :good:
  22. djultimate

    New Tank Pics

    Thanks for all the comments, as for the plants, i wasnt aware the ones in question arent aquatic :crazy: , why do lfs sell them as aquatic plants ? , i have removed the one's mentioned.
  23. djultimate

    New Tank Pics

    thanks for the reply, i'll have to give banana a try, knowing my plecs they will eat it lol
  24. djultimate

    New Tank Pics

    Well i recently re-homed my Angel fish as he was getting rather big for the tank i have , i havent got the room for a larger tank at the moment, was sad to see him go :sad:. I have gone back to livebearers now, a group of platys, i have also planted the tank and added 10 assasin snails hoping...
  25. djultimate

    New Tank Just Arrived And How It Matches Up To The Old...(Pics)

    Ive had the same tank in my bedroom for over 3 years now and had no problems at all :good:
  26. djultimate

    Albino Bristlenose

    Well ive had this little guy for over a year now and thought i would post some then and now pics, also theres a pic of another plec i have (sold to me as a bristlenose) though after 6 months dosent seem to show no signs of bristles ? :blink: May 2009 January 2010 June 2010 The...
  27. djultimate

    Does Fish Keeping Run In The Family?

    My parents didnt keep fish, i started out with the common goldfish in a bowl (pre internet and knowing nothing really about fish) , to what i have know, i love the hobby, just wish i had room for a nice big tank :lol:
  28. djultimate

    Trip To The Deep

    Yeah i agree totally about the info section before the main tank. As for the FW tank, i had a quick glance as i walked in, though only got a couple of pics on the way out (poor one's at that) Am planning another visit in the next month, and will be taking a proper camera, the pics i took...
  29. djultimate

    Trip To The Deep

    Well i decided to take a trip to the Deep in Hull today, really enjoyed it well worth every penny. Heres a few pictures i took and a video :) Short video of one of the main tanks My link
  30. djultimate

    My New Addition!

    looking good :good:
  31. djultimate

    My New Betta's

    Thanks for the comments :good: Well after coming home from work to find my double tail had managed to squeeze through the crappy mesh divider i brought of ebay, i decided to go for perspex which is doing the trick 100% Both are doing grand, loving there blood worms and flareing nicely at...
  32. djultimate

    Sos Please

    Can you post a picture of your betta ?
  33. djultimate

    My New Betta's

    Well i have finally caught on to the betta bug :crazy: , here are my 2 new boys 1's a crowntail the other a double tail, currently nameless as i dont normally name my fish, though open to suggestions :good: They are currently living in a 70 litre divided tank, i have a filter in both sides...
  34. djultimate

    My Second Tank

    Thanks for the reply, in UK gallons its 15.58 I was thinking of a nice shoal of neon tetra's and possibaly adding more plant's, still thinking :crazy: :lol:
  35. djultimate

    Baby Blue Eyes - Dwarf Puffers (Again Lol)

    Great pics :good: , am currently debating weather to keep Dp's myself :rolleyes:
  36. djultimate

    My Second Tank

    I've been debating weather to set up another tank for some time now, i have a empty 35 liter sat in a cupboard which i was going to set up, untill my sister gave me her old tank, its only a small one (approx 72 liters). The tank came with no lid or lighting so i spent £30 on the light below...
  37. djultimate

    My New Plec

    Thought i would post some updated pics of the lil guy nearly 9 months on, just reached over the 3inch mark now.
  38. djultimate

    Green Spotted Pleco

    Very nice Plec you have there :good:
  39. djultimate

    Evolution Of A Killifish Egg

    Agreed, Amazing !