Search results

  1. walkers101

    African Butterfly Fish With Serpae?

    Serpaes would have a field day I would not reccomend it myself
  2. walkers101

    Boyfriend's New Tank

    Wow what a thread Having kept all the fish mentioned I also would not recommend a rtbs for a three foot tank or a salvini as they can be amazingly aggressive at times Anything smaller than the rtbs will be bullied to death also But its up to you if you listen or not all people make mistakes...
  3. walkers101

    Cichlasoma Ornatum Journal

    no worries
  4. walkers101

    Diy Project

    Would be nice to see the finished product. Any updates?
  5. walkers101

    Faulty Makers Compensate For Loss Of Fish?

    Cut your losses and go with a decent brand in future
  6. walkers101

    Is This Too Much?

    Yea the argenta they have in at the minute is simply stunning too many fish not enough tank space :D
  7. walkers101

    Is This Too Much?

    i get what your saying mate but also at the size wharf sell them at you rarely see them that size anywhere else
  8. walkers101

    Is This Too Much?

    Lol gotta love an lfs To be honest a nice Oscar is worth that amount I paid 35 for a 6 inch red velvet
  9. walkers101

    External Filters

    if you look in that thread me and 3 others have readings of over 1200 unlike caz 900 i would take the majority on this it also helps if you dont test with the spray bar with the spray bar on yes the flow sucks but without its sweet come and see my tank with 2 running
  10. walkers101

    Compatibility Chrisis

    I would strongly advise not to stroke discus because your removing their slime coat if you want to stroke a pet by a dog or cat
  11. walkers101

    where are you mate?

    where are you mate?
  12. walkers101

    External Filters

    would love to know where you got that figure from minnnt
  13. walkers101

    What Fish Can Go With Angelfish?

    dunno about that cause its wrong fish dont always attack from below
  14. walkers101

    What Fish Can Go With Angelfish?

    Your just quoting from what people had told you two days ago :D
  15. walkers101

    New Pbass

    GS they are beauts i was tempted but they would destroy everything in my tank
  16. walkers101

    Water Changes Made Simple....

    Also think its bad for the bacteria a normal python does this without going near the filter
  17. walkers101

    External Filters

    Having had three not one handle has come off In. The 2100 I can fit more than enough media And why do you need taps when you can isolate the flow by the lever If I really wanted to add a taps its not exactly hard
  18. walkers101

    External Filters

    Had a play with the tt range don't feel much different to the aps
  19. walkers101

    Oscars And Lep Fasciatu

    I have a banded headstander in with a pair of Oscars and its no bother What tank size?
  20. walkers101

    Dont Know What To Do............

    Have to agree its either the rays or ornatums if it were me the ornatums would go
  21. walkers101

    New Oscar

    just be careful if they start to breed you will wish you only had one again :D
  22. walkers101

    Picture Or Paint?

    Sounds stupid but i used water based paint its amazingly good and its also easy to strip
  23. walkers101

    Compatibility Chrisis

    55gal is a min for a group of 5 discus more than five is better as the more you have the more the aggression is shared and yes i have kept discus before from reading the thread in its entirety i strongly suggest you do not go for discus most people pay the price for discus because they have...
  24. walkers101

    Can I Do This

    6" spinny cichlids? in a 200g i can't see why not myself
  25. walkers101

    What Is It?

    100% arulius barbs i have some myself
  26. walkers101

    Can I Do This

    if they are the same size it will be more the other way around the con will be the aggressor untill the oscar outgrows
  27. walkers101

    For Sale Malawis - Blue Zebra, Yellow Lab, Tropheus Moorii

    canliq seeing as its for collection only and is in the uk unless you're planning to travel that far for three africans i would say your out of luck
  28. walkers101


    no way to tell unless they spawn or if you vent them
  29. walkers101

    New Veija

    Ill make sure I get some tomorrow
  30. walkers101

    New Veija

    Well I bought the ten inch early this week The smaller one I got from minnnt around 2 months ago and she has grown about two inches but has coloured up no end
  31. walkers101

    Survey On How Many Tanks You Have

    One 700+ litre And a quarentine tank 2x1x1
  32. walkers101

    Colourful Tropical Fish

    Anything over six inch will push it in a 200 litre May I suggest looking at some sort of gourami?
  33. walkers101

    New Veija

    Sorrythe pics are of the same fish the other is much smaller at around six inches I wish they were the same size
  34. walkers101

    Black Ghost Fish

    I keep an eight inch bgkf in with Oscars and similar sized cichlids I got quite lucky as mine is never hidden and always first to the food
  35. walkers101

    New Veija

    Maybe because flowerhorns need to be kept in a tank on their own The two I have are doing great and more than match the Oscars when they are on attacking missions
  36. walkers101

    New Veija

    been told by reliable sources that its a Bifa x fenestratus
  37. walkers101

    Dont Know What To Do............

    I doubt the ornatums will be that easy to find this batch was the first to be imported for 20 years
  38. walkers101

    Id My Jd's And A Few More Pics

    Looks like a young male and female to me
  39. walkers101

    New Veija

    Mafia went wharf lets just say the staff don't like me anymore The ebjd and the female Dempsey also went I now have a breeding pair of oscars until they sell 2 common plecs a headstander barbs 2 diadem a and 2 veija