Black Ghost Fish


Fish Fanatic
Nov 17, 2011
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I saw a BKG in my LFS and well im sold. they are so pretty and the more i read about them the more a i want one.
The research I have done on them seems to be split down the middle on tank mates. Some say they will eat small fish definitely while others say that if fed at night and kept calm with lots of hiding places they wont? I also read as they mature they will be less likely to eat other fish. I am trying to set up a community tank for my betta fish with small shoals, My LFS says he will be fine might eat one of two as he settles in but as long as i keep him happy and well fed, i know they also can eat sick fish if present.

I cant make a conclusion from the research. I could up the size of the other tank mates for the betta, neon tetras, cherry barbs and some guppies but if i can set up an environment where is he more likely to be passive i might try it, I was also thinking about putting in shrimp and some snail and maybe a corydoras? Is this a massive no no or worth the risk and tampering that might be necessary, General agreement is split down the middle on this guy, loving and peaceful and night predator on the other side?

Anyone have this kind of set up and have it work? I really need to stay out of my LFS i cant help but get sucked in by fish with personality and this one has sooo much of it..
My opinion, don't do it! Black Ghost Knife gets really big. A large one could eat a Betta easily. It would not hesitate to eat smaller fish, no matter how much you fed it. Black Ghost is best in a species tank or maybe with a few other passive fish that get huge. I would say at least a 110 gallon tank. I too have always wanted one, just never had the tank space to devote to it, so I will continue to admire from afar. Petsmart sells small ones ridiculously cheap, sometimes as low as $4.75. I'm sure many of those go into inappropriate environments.
Ya after a bit more research i dont think i can take the chance. dam they look so cool... but all is not lost. My friend has caught the fish bug off me and now wants his own tank. He was in the LFS with me today and also adored the BGF so if he gets one i can test my theory, He wants bigger fish than me so it would be a good experiment on the BGF, they are so cool. I just dont think i could chance it, Hopefully in the future some day.. :sad:

Thanks for the advice there are some out there who say go for it even with the tetras but until i speak to someone who has done it first hand or see it im dubious. Hopefully friends tank will have good results. I'l post any revelations as they happen maybe both of us can have one some day.. :) Cheers
Agreed. Black Ghost Knives need at least 110 gallons. Given their large size, I wouldn't put it past them to eat all the fish you want to stock with. I also don't know how your friend is gonna start off fish keeping with such a large tank (unless he isn't and you're just advising him to kill a fish via stunting its growth) but best of luck, I guess. I heard they're also not the hardiest of fish, and can be a bit peckish in eating.
You can look @ African Knife fish, they stay smaller, around 8" average and are more outgoing than the Black ghost Knife. Not as nice looking as BGK tho. I had a BGK before before, had to return him, too shy, not for me.

But I think ur other fish are pretty small and will get eaten :sad:
Will the african one be as likely to eat the other fish, im liking their "dragon" look? anyone know any peacful ones that i could have with the small fish. ? :blush:
Will the african one be as likely to eat the other fish, im liking their "dragon" look? anyone know any peacful ones that i could have with the small fish. ? :blush:
Africans are the smallest ones out there, and still need at least a 4 foot long tank. I still wouldn't put it past them to eat neon tetras. Pretty much everything big will take neon tetras as a pretty snack.

If you want a fish similar in body appearance, Ghost Catfish are as close as you can get to a knife fish without it being a knife fish. They're peaceful, and like to school, and get about 4 inches in length, but they don't move around much, so they can be kept in pretty small aquariums.
They are cool looking. Might grab a few of those. I am looking for interesting bottom dwellers. Those ones are cool looking, not as amazing as the BGF but i might have my eye on him long term. :) Thanks so much for the idea..
They are cool looking. Might grab a few of those. I am looking for interesting bottom dwellers. Those ones are cool looking, not as amazing as the BGF but i might have my eye on him long term. :) Thanks so much for the idea..
How big is your tank? There are plenty of interesting bottom dwellers out there, I could give you a few suggestions. Do you use gravel or sand?

and as pretty as knife fish are, they're really not that interesting. Unless you have a tacky clear plastic pipe, you'll never see them. They need to hide, and their eyesight is bad, so they rely on electricity or something to know if they're hidden or not. Because of this, a plastic clear pipe will make them think they're hiding, although you can see them. But you won't see them leaving it at all. You'll just find that you'll be missing small fish every time you wake up in the morning (if you keep it with small fish)
My tank will be 80 ltrs. Its on order. Im planning on putting in a few snails, s shrimp or two and those ghost cat fish. I think that is enough for now but if you have any interesting suggestions throw them my way? The more weird the better. Its going to be a betta community tank so lots of small shoal fish and the betta. Im very excited. this forum has given me so many ideas. keep em coming! :)

Oh and i use gravel. I plan to try my hand at introducing some real plants or failing that silk ones. I have two weeks of serious work left and then we are go on project betta tank.....
My tank will be 80 ltrs. Its on order. Im planning on putting in a few snails, s shrimp or two and those ghost cat fish. I think that is enough for now but if you have any interesting suggestions throw them my way? The more weird the better. Its going to be a betta community tank so lots of small shoal fish and the betta. Im very excited. this forum has given me so many ideas. keep em coming! :)

Oh and i use gravel. I plan to try my hand at introducing some real plants or failing that silk ones. I have two weeks of serious work left and then we are go on project betta tank.....
Ah. A lot of bottom feeders will prefer sand substrate, so you'll be limited there.

If you do decide to use sand, kuhli loaches and small cory catfish are good options. But they can get hurt by gravel when they nuzzle the ground and try to dig.

The ghost catfish will need to be in a school of about 6, as well. Do a bit of research on them, they're not the easiest fish to keep, but I used them in a fish in cycle, so IME, they're not as fragile as people make them out to be.
I wouldnt mind getting them in that number. Well im not going to rush anything so ill do my research ya a good few ppl dont think they are a fragile as ive read. I think ill stick with gravel, i just like the look of it but who knows in the future. Im pretty happy with my stock list at the moment. Im sure ill be on looking for more tips on the ghost catfish, i am planning on keeping them with shrimp and snails but i hear that ok?
My tank ideas are in a post called "project pimp my betta tank" if you are interested, :unsure: :look: Ill be putting up photos as i go along. Its my first attempt at a fancy tropical tank so im bring very picky and trying to do it right form the start as much as i can so all advice very very welcome. God im totally getting to into this site and my fish tank but i cant help it :D
I have a black ghost knife in my community tank, it is about 14 inches now. I have had absolutely no problems with it. My school of clown loaches actually force their way into his sleeping log and pile all over him to rest. The most he has ever done is head butt fish (other than clowns) that try to get into his fake log. It feeds at night on blood worms and has never attacked another fish, not even the weekly feeders for my climbing perch.

I have a black ghost knife in my community tank, it is about 14 inches now. I have had absolutely no problems with it. My school of clown loaches actually force their way into his sleeping log and pile all over him to rest. The most he has ever done is head butt fish (other than clowns) that try to get into his fake log. It feeds at night on blood worms and has never attacked another fish, not even the weekly feeders for my climbing perch.
It has taken mine 4 yrs to get to his present size, i actually think a bigger concern would be aggressive fish attacking him as they a pretty much bling and rely main on electric pulses to locate food.
I keep an eight inch bgkf in with Oscars and similar sized cichlids

I got quite lucky as mine is never hidden and always first to the food

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