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  1. BackToTheFishes

    In Theory

    Are you TRYING to make me cry with all these choices?!?! :lol: Thanks again btw
  2. BackToTheFishes

    Hello, Just Joined.

    Welcome.and WOW!Awesome tank!! :good:
  3. BackToTheFishes

    Large Empty Tank And Thinking Of Oscars.....

    Good grief my head hurts!! lol Great minds think alike eh Matt? :lol:
  4. BackToTheFishes

    In Theory

    I'm totally open to suggestions ATM,but the lima's are in my defenitely column now.Thanks for your input Dave,I'll read up on your suggestions Its already driving me nuts and I only thought seriously about this today!! lmao When I had oscars years ago I kept convicts with them too.opinions on...
  5. BackToTheFishes

    In Theory

    :drool: :hyper: Oh gawd,I'm gonna be sorry I started thinking about this! :lol:
  6. BackToTheFishes

    In Theory

    I ALWAYS liked lima shovelnoses,would they fit in with cichlids ok?
  7. BackToTheFishes

    Help! Feeding/sick Fish/bulling

    I was away from fish for 10 years,16 years with them before it,but I felt like an amateur when I found this place,no worries,you never stop learning in this hobby ;)
  8. BackToTheFishes

    Gold Spotted Shrimps....

    Maybe the lfs LIED? :blink: shock horror! :lol:
  9. BackToTheFishes

    Help! Feeding/sick Fish/bulling

    NP,anything to keep a newbie in the fishy business ;)
  10. BackToTheFishes

    In Theory

    Ok,IF and this is IN THEORY,IF I had been looking at all the members tanks here and had my head turned away from planting up my 180 gal.and IF I wanted to get a big cichlid "community" (oscars again!!!! :shout: ) And in my past fishy life I was in the "only thing that can live with oscars is a...
  11. BackToTheFishes

    Help! Feeding/sick Fish/bulling

    Every type of fish can have a little evil in them,I had a goldfish when I was young who after 2 years decided to become partial to his tankmates eyeballs :S Not a scare story to put you off,just saying you have done nothing wrong,just one of those things ;)
  12. BackToTheFishes

    Gold Spotted Shrimps.... Are these them?or those?or they?oh whatever! :lol:
  13. BackToTheFishes

    Help! Feeding/sick Fish/bulling

    Either of the above.If you live close to another member here and they have room then I'm sure they'd help,and if not,then try the shop,just dont expect your money back :S
  14. BackToTheFishes

    Help! Feeding/sick Fish/bulling

    Is re-homing the bully an option?
  15. BackToTheFishes

    Where In Great Britain Do You Live?

    I know,the fish they sell there are better than the majority of show tanks in other shops :drool:
  16. BackToTheFishes

    Help! Feeding/sick Fish/bulling

    Have you tried dropping bits of flake right in front of him?
  17. BackToTheFishes

    Happy Birthday Alessa G.....

    :flowers: :beer: :bday: :drink: :-
  18. BackToTheFishes

    Preserving Seals

    My 21 year old 6x2x2 got filled for the first time in 10 years last week and not a drop leaked,terrifying while filling,but all stayed dry lol
  19. BackToTheFishes

    Omg The Saddist Faces I Have Ever Seen (Oscars) I hope this one goes to someone who knows what they're doing!! :(
  20. BackToTheFishes

    Where In Great Britain Do You Live?

    You ever been to the green machine?DONT go if you have cash,or you wont have it long,amazing shop!! lol
  21. BackToTheFishes

    Where In Great Britain Do You Live?

    Wrexham,N Wales.So not the only taff here! :good: :lol:
  22. BackToTheFishes

    Abi's Qualifying Week

    Fingers crossed for 6 more double 0's for you :P
  23. BackToTheFishes

    Thanks For Closing My Thread Mods

    I totally agree,and the big shops dont care most of the time because dead fish = more sales,because the people who follow the "advice" that the workers give have no experience and assume they have done something wrong themselves,so,just go back for more fish to dump in the tank and hope for the...
  24. BackToTheFishes

    Thanks For Closing My Thread Mods

    My opinion (I could be wrong) it got closed because it could be seen as promoting having a go at shop workers,who,lets face it,have no clue what they are doing most of the time and only going "by the book" for the shop.Even though the book they use is totally wrong
  25. BackToTheFishes

    2 Videos With 2 Lighting Setups In 1 Tank...

    I have no idea what the scientifics are,but,even though the top one is brighter,the bottom one seems more harsh and giving a bad glare for me
  26. BackToTheFishes

    2 Videos With 2 Lighting Setups In 1 Tank...

    As far as looks go,the top vid with the 2 14k tubes looks better,alot less glare :good:
  27. BackToTheFishes

    Is It Safe To Put Laminated Background Picture Inside Tank?

    I think it may look weird underwater.Can you test a small piece before you commit?
  28. BackToTheFishes

    Big Enough?

    You could buy a petrol can for a fiver,I'd rather put a fish in one of those than this,,,,ummmm,can it be called a tank? :S :shout: :lol:
  29. BackToTheFishes

    There's Something Growing On My Plant!

    Maybe Hydra? take a look there,scroll to uncommon hitchhikers
  30. BackToTheFishes

    My Major Rant In Pets At Home

    *mental note,dont annoy Gilli* lol Poor lad must have been bricking it! :lol:
  31. BackToTheFishes

    Cherry Shrimp Question

    Empty shell I'm guessing,they look exactly like the full ones,just empty.I think they use the empties for calcium,so leave it in there :good:
  32. BackToTheFishes

    Anyone Know Where I Can Find Sterbai Corys

    COOL! thanks Elise :*
  33. BackToTheFishes

    Anyone Know Where I Can Find Sterbai Corys

    I cheated,I got that seller from reading one of your posts,so we'll share the credit! :P Think I'll be using him to stock my 180g :drool:
  34. BackToTheFishes

    Anyone Know Where I Can Find Sterbai Corys :good:
  35. BackToTheFishes

    Why Are My Pirhanas Dieing ?

    hmmmmm,a pet rock would cut down on water changes.Where can these be obtained?? :lol: I saw an african lungfish for sale as a community fish a few months ago,so,I do agree with some others here that an lfs MAY have been the cause of all this,if real :look:
  36. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    OMG ITS EMPTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ebay here I come!!!!!!!! :P
  37. BackToTheFishes


    It all depends on tank size.A 30% change refilled with colder water wont hurt.And as far as getting water everywhere....welcome to fishkeeping,enjoy! :hyper: lol
  38. BackToTheFishes

    Hey :)

    You'll soon have a BIG tank once you see all the great ones here! :P
  39. BackToTheFishes

    What A Difference 4 Months Makes!

    :blush: Well thanks guys :blush:
  40. BackToTheFishes

    Opinions Please!

    Alternanthera reineckii, Roseafolia. This is growing well for me with no extra special care :good: