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  1. VaegaVic

    Duckweed Or Similar

    A big net. Just keep scooping, also, a siphon might lend a hand.
  2. VaegaVic

    Growing Your Own Live Foods

    Hi all, Just a quickie here. I'm looking to grow my own live foods now, as the frozen stuff I normally use is just becoming more and more water/moisture. Is there a particular live food that's easy to cultivate, store and doesn't smell like rotting onions? Also, whilst we're on the subject, is...
  3. VaegaVic

    Tetracycline In Uk?

    Vets only I would assume, being an antibiotic.
  4. VaegaVic

    My Gorgeous Fish!

    Tis a guppy.. And yes, fantastic photos, well done!
  5. VaegaVic

    Minimalist Iwagumi

    Hey George, Long time fan, first time botherer. Just wondering as well why you chose the cardinals. I remember in last months issue of PFK, with the large open Iwagumi tank, it mentions that contrasting colours should be avoided in Iwagumi. Don't get me wrong, they look fantastic, and I much...
  6. VaegaVic

    Increasing Lighting In A Fluval Roma 240L

    HA! Just had a brilliant image of a light unit on bungee cords. Sounds like you've got most things handled in that case. All that remains is finding a cheap way of installing said light.
  7. VaegaVic


    Any time. I absolutely hate spammers.
  8. VaegaVic

    To Rescue Or Not?

    Yes, Only if you have the space to give her a better place to live. A lot of people take the stance of "Well, if I do, I will only encourage the store to do so more." Whilst that is true, I've always found the way of going in there and starting an argument is quite fun. If you do go back and...
  9. VaegaVic


    Bottom of the post, left hand side, just above search topic. "report"
  10. VaegaVic

    Increasing Lighting In A Fluval Roma 240L

    When it comes to lighting these days, a lot of people use Lumens instead of WPG. Best to ask the guys on the planted side of the forum. I would also consider the problem of how high to hang the lights above the tank, the higher they are the easier it will be to get to the tank, but the less...
  11. VaegaVic

    Increasing Lighting In A Fluval Roma 240L

    Ceiling chains are the way to go! Much more of that "wow" factor. This I don't honestly know, I would assume so as it's only the bulb's that changing and not the power into it, but I would imagine you would perhaps have to go a size down to accomodate the extra width on each end. 40w goes down...
  12. VaegaVic

    Almost A Tragedy!

    I love his one big eye and one little eye. Makes him look like a mad professor.
  13. VaegaVic

    How Many?

    1 pregnant female and 20 thousand babies.
  14. VaegaVic

    Increasing Lighting In A Fluval Roma 240L

    Replacing the whole lighting system would be a lot of work, not to mention money. Romas have this nasty little design flaw in which the top can only be removed with solvent and hammers. It's up to you in regards to C02, I personally prefer liquids as I find I can be more precise, but others...
  15. VaegaVic

    How Light Is Argos Play Sand

    Argos sand is rather light, but rather yellow, it's similar to the "report" button on the bottom of every post on here, but a tad lighter,
  16. VaegaVic

    Certain Oscar Proof Thermometer! Won't be as accurate, but will be completely Chops proof.
  17. VaegaVic

    Increasing Lighting In A Fluval Roma 240L

    Did a bit of research for you and it seems it's now possible to buy retrofit packs that contain ways to slot in a t5 in t8 tube holders. Take a look there, the one you want is called Tube-End type, although oddly looks like a baton..
  18. VaegaVic

    5G Tank Set Up?

    I would personally change all the neons into pygmy corys, or some other species of dwarf cory. That way it won't detract from the beauty of your fighter, not to mention the corys love large groups.
  19. VaegaVic

    Making Fish Grow

    No worries, When I'm raising baby fish, I always feed up to 12 times a day, just very small amounts at a time. Also do a water change daily. For my adult fish, they get fed 4 times a day and water change once a week.
  20. VaegaVic

    Making Fish Grow

    Hi there, Feeding little and often with a food that's high in proteins and vitamins will generally result in better growth. Feeding often gets a fish's metabolism really working, your friend would have had to do this with the Discus anyway. The quality of fish food does matter, same with us...
  21. VaegaVic

    Light Times?

    With mine, it's 7-9am, 3-5pm and then 7-12pm. When I get up, come home from work and then relax and enjoy them. No more than 9-10 hours is recommended, it matters as too much light and you can get algal problems.
  22. VaegaVic

    External Filter Advice Please

    One thing I always do with my Classic 2215 is make sure the pipes are clean. I usually replace mine every month, couple of £ to keep it running perfect. Also perhaps clean the impeller, and whilst you're there, make sure there are no kinks in the hose. Hope that helps.
  23. VaegaVic

    Another Chops Panic

    Perhaps its worth changing to a digital LCD thermometer, same price, and they look a bit snazzier as well.
  24. VaegaVic

    Is This A Good Deal? I would personally go for them. I've never had a non-aquatic plant from them either. There are quite a few non aquatics in that ebay picture, almost the entire top row.
  25. VaegaVic


    Hi there, welcome to the realm of the posters :D It's perfectly natural for males to chase females in that way. You're valid in your worrying, but it's highly unlikely she would abort the fry just because of a male in the tank. If this were common place, there would be no guppies in the world...
  26. VaegaVic

    Marina S15 Hob Filter

    They've only just come out on the market so there's still very little information about them. However, I've seen the tanks that these come part as and it's designed to be cheap and cheerful. The tank only has 1 15w bulb for 60L, flimsy plastic and is just generally designed to be cheap more...
  27. VaegaVic

    Dwarf Gourami

    Not really I'm afraid, it can lay dormant and then suddenly spring. It won't effect any other fish in the tank as long as you don't have any other gouramis. Just monitor them for a few mins in the shop, look for the usual signs of healthiness, perhaps ask if they can be fed for you to see...
  28. VaegaVic

    Dwarf Gourami

    Would be possible, but be vary wary where you buy your stock from these days. A lot of Dwarfs are getting something called the "Iridovirus" and once they are infected, don't last very long at all.
  29. VaegaVic


    Holy crap at the size of that tank. Oddball tank? OR or or! You could do an authentic amazon biotope. Angels, neons, corys, the whole lot! Or... Discus? Or... Rainbowfish? Or.... Brackish? The possibilities are endless for that tank.
  30. VaegaVic

    Cherry Shrimp

    Ignoring that everyone's going to scream: "What syno species?" and "Sail fin plec, OMG datz wey 2 bigz fur ur tankz!" I wouldn't put cherry shrimp munching past the angels, barbs and perhaps tetra. Larger shrimp might stand a chance, such as amano shrimp or even rock shrimp if you like them.
  31. VaegaVic

    Cat Litter

    I replied to this in the other topic for you. I think the other responses will be the same as mine.
  32. VaegaVic

    Got My Hands On An Ex-Display Edge.

    Well that's no fun, I was hoping it was this guy: Oh well, a guy can dream.
  33. VaegaVic

    Got My Hands On An Ex-Display Edge.

    From "Finding Nemo?"
  34. VaegaVic

    Sand Or Gravel For Newbie?

    That is honestly, a horrible idea. Majority of cat litter is either clumping clay (so it clumps when it gets wet) or recycled material such as paper, which will disintegrate when wet. There MAY be a type of cat litter out there that does otherwise, but I really wouldn't chance it to be honest.
  35. VaegaVic

    Got My Hands On An Ex-Display Edge.

    £40, bargain. Everything works, all fixtures and fittings included. What on earth am I going to do with it? I was thinking Iwagumi without the plants, reason being, it's going to be a present for my Parents for xmas (spread the fish keeping around!) that I look after, and I can't trust them to...
  36. VaegaVic

    I Want A Plec Too!
  37. VaegaVic

    Sand Or Gravel For Newbie?

    All of my current 9 tank have sand in them, I may accidentally suck up sand every now and then when the dogs distract me, but I've never had to top up sand. You can use a gravel cleaner to clean sand, just remove the attachment (effectively making it a large air line tube I suppose) and hover...
  38. VaegaVic

    Filter Starter Products

    Bacteria in a bottle? Unlikely to work anyway, since they'd need food whilst in transit and then whilst on the shelf. The majority of patents say that the bacteria have to leave the factory live, they say nothing about it reaching its destination live. Also: "Most of these products actually...
  39. VaegaVic

    Recommendation For Floating Plants

    Depending on your light levels: Amazon frogbit Duckweed (ha, good luck) Azolla (my personal favourite).
  40. VaegaVic

    Away On Holiday For 2 Weeks

    Never overfeed as this will leave you with massive water quality issues. Feeding blocks are fine, but it's better (if possible for you) to separate the food into daily feedings in ziplocked bags and have someone physically feed them. You could also use an automatic feeder, but I wouldn't trust...