Search results

  1. kelly528

    Fat Zebra Danios

    Yupp. That is just an eggy female. They pretty much stay that way. No need for concern :)
  2. kelly528

    Advice On African Dwarf Frogs

    IMO I would definitely seed with your friend's filter. Because they have no scales, ADFs are REALLY sensitive to water quality and need to be treated really gently in that respect.
  3. kelly528

    What Should I Do

    Throw me a bone here! -How big was the tank? -Was it heated? -Was it filtered? -How often did you change the water? -How much of the water did you change? -Any tankmates? Work with me. There is a lot of false information the LFS will sell you so you keep coming to them every two weeks for a...
  4. kelly528

    Betta Tonic!

    Agreed with pipoodle. I am HIGHLY suspicious of all these betta tonics and 'quick-fixes'. IMO they are overpriced junk marketed to inexperienced betta keepers who are wondering why on earth their betta could possibly be wilting away in its little peace lily vase/ o-betta/ cup that the LFS sold them.
  5. kelly528

    My African Cichlid Mutalated

    I have no experience with africans but NEVER FLUSH A DEAD OR LIVE FISH. Sewer systems are built to break down human waste, not dead fish! In any case, you can give him a better chance by... -Keeping his water super clean to prevent infection -Keep the tank lights off to reduce stress -Feed lots...
  6. kelly528

    Is This Real

    Yeah, I think they used the same jellyfish jean in mice.
  7. kelly528

    Why Are My Endlers Glass Surfing?! :/

    Oh wow! I tried endlers with my betta-- even though I never saw him stalking them, they disappeared over a period of weeks... I'm afraid to try pygmies with him! They're $6 each here! No thank you! :blink:
  8. kelly528

    Realistically, Is It Possible To Vacuum 5 Gallon?

    I vacuum my 5.5 and even my 2.5. Never thought of doing it any other way. I have a siphon with a mouth about 1" in diameter. Works great. The only thing is that in really small tanks (like my 2.5g) it is easier to start with mouth suction just wrap your hand around the end of the hose so your...
  9. kelly528

    Weird Magets Appearing In Tank

    Cut back on food. They live off of scraps. Also, some aquarium salt for a month or so may gradually kill them off/make it harder for them to breed. If you want a head-start, give your gravel a good vacuum and rinse your decor.
  10. kelly528

    Why Are My Endlers Glass Surfing?! :/

    Heh funny you should mention that... I was given four female fry for free, three of which turned out to be 'late-bloomer' males! I found that my one lonely female was getting harassed by the gang, so she is in QT until she drops enough female fry to keep everybody happy. I am shooting for an...
  11. kelly528

    Is This Real

    It's really weird. They've also created 'glow mice' this way.
  12. kelly528

    Weird Magets Appearing In Tank

    Problably planaria. You'll know for sure by googling. Tons of good stuff on aquarium creepies HERE:
  13. kelly528

    Can I Put Terrapins With Things Like Clown Fish?

    No. Everything will die. Turtles are freshwater, Nemo is saltwater. Plus, I hear turtles are quite messy.
  14. kelly528

    Why Are My Endlers Glass Surfing?! :/

    Hi guys, just a quick question: In my explosion of MTS, I hastily slapped 5 male endlers in a 10g tank that I doubled as a 'grow-out' tank for my plant clippings. Therefore, it is a wild jungle in there with lots of plants for them to play in. I never paid much attention to them before, but...
  15. kelly528

    White Spots On Bogwood

    If the spots are the size and shape of sesame seeds they are probably Nerite Snail eggs (if you have any Nerites in your tank). Maybe a picture would yield better responses?
  16. kelly528

    Change In Food Kills Fish?

    This is also a really long shot but lower quality fish food (like flakes) has a lot of crap that is not absorbed by the fish's digestive system, therefore more waste. Maybe? The again , I don't know what you were feeding them before. Best to stay away from that stuff!
  17. kelly528

    I Sucked Him Up!

    I am so lost. Just speaking from experience. I had to physically remove my betta from a terra-cotta pot a while ago, ripping a few scales off in the process. Worked for him.
  18. kelly528

    Change In Food Kills Fish?

    Well, I have never heard of fish food having that sort of effect on fish. It may bloat them, but nothing beyond that. What I can tell you is that your tank sounds massively overstocked. Bala sharks and tinfoil barbs get huge-- balas grow well over a foot, as do tinfoil barbs. I am shocked that...
  19. kelly528

    Betta With White Patch

    Pipoodle would probably know better than me, but an airstone may do more harm than good... the bubbles and strong current tend to freak bettas out. One alternative is a sponge filter, which isn't too much more than an airstone (the cost of the air-pump makes up the bulk of the cost of either...
  20. kelly528

    Last Resort Fancy Goldfish Help Please

    Aww... sorry to hear that! Here is a link from the Vetrinary Association on humane ways to euthanize fish... hope it helps :(
  21. kelly528

    I Sucked Him Up!

    As far as I know, and kind will do. Usually its pretty cheap. And definitely get the Stress-Coat! It is actually formulated to reduce stress, probably more so than the Tetra stuff. It has special instructions for dosing it as a treatment for injury. It also has aloe in it. Plus, it doubles as a...
  22. kelly528

    Betta With White Patch

    That is totally 'cotton fungus'. Just search it-- there are tons of resources available on the web. The picture isn't showing but let me guess... they have the betta in one of those dreadful bowls with no filtration/heat, don't they? If this is the case, they will NEED to get the betta a proper...
  23. kelly528

    Help Help Help

    Yupp that sounds like gas buildup... -How old is the tank? -What grade is the substrate? (Coarse, Fine, Sand) -How deep is the substrate -When was the last time you 'disturbed' the substrate? I am no expert on gas buildup, but if I were you I would remove the fish (put them in a bucket or qt...
  24. kelly528

    Probelm With Mites / Insects

    I have had a zillion critters (Hydra, Planaria, Copepods, Aphids) in all of my tanks from introducing pond plants... they never got out of hand... the key is not to overfeed your fish. Your betta won't bother with the really small creatures (ie copepods), but just consider any larger bugs and a...
  25. kelly528

    I Sucked Him Up!

    The grey patch is most likely from missing scales. Stress-coat him pronto so that his slime coat will prevent it from getting infected.
  26. kelly528

    I Sucked Him Up!

    My guy scraped his head a little while ago, and was back to normal a few weeks later. The key: Warm, clean water, aquarium salt and stress coat will work WONDERS... the warm water will promote healing by kick-starting your guy's metabolism/healing process. Clean water will prevent infection and...
  27. kelly528

    5 Gallon Tank Ick.

    Yupp, treating the whole tank might be the safest route-- ich is highly contagious and your other fish are most likely incubating. Also, a note on neon tetras: I had them as a starter fish when I was a kid without any problems. Cardinal Tertas, a close relative, are fussier about water quality...
  28. kelly528

    Burnt Gourami, Nightmare, Need Help!

    EEK! Personally I would quarantine him (you can use anything that holds a few gallons of water, eg a Rubbermaid bin even) with very clean water to prevent infection. Add stress-coat, keep the water warm and filtered, and add aquarium salt when the wound closes. Also, feed him high-protein foods...
  29. kelly528

    Best Kit-style Tank For Betta?

    My guy's bubble nest ended up the same way when he was in his bowl... I think the opening of the bowl is small enough that the bubbles just sort of creep out of nest formation and line the perimeter. BTW, I am hearing constant praise for the Minibow (2.5g OR 5g) from tons of betta specialists...
  30. kelly528

    Rusty Looking It Algae?

    Most likely... this is a toughie because a) Obviously you're not planting it if its a cichlid tank b) Your cichlids will eat almost anything that will eat brown algae! Normally I would suggest a few ottos, higher lighting and plants to soak up the nutrients, but I know lighting is pretty...
  31. kelly528

    Peppered Corys Question

    Exclusively Peppered cories... think of it this way: to you see different species trying to interbreed? They can tell who is 'one of them' and who is not. You're better off going with a few more peppered cories in the long term, even if it takes you a while to find them. I am not sure if you're...
  32. kelly528

    Help! Fish Dying Quickly.

    Could have been both factors that killed the betta... fish are definitely capable of dying of pure stress... I had a pair of Dwarf Gouramis where the male was really persistent... he harassed the female all the time, no matter how many caves/plants I hid her behind. One day I found her dead-- no...
  33. kelly528

    Help! Fish Dying Quickly.

    I have no doubt that your betta was killed by his tankmates. Tetras are prone to going for bettas' long, flowing fins and dwarf gouramis and bettas do not get along. Also, bettas like still waters, so if your filtration is acceptable to other fish, it is probably too much for the bettas. Kuhlis...
  34. kelly528

    Betta Feeding

    Definitely refrain from feeding him what he won't eat... it will only foul the water. The maximum I'd feed a betta is 6 pellets throughout the day... remember, their stomach is about as big (or small, I should say) as their eye. Bettas are prone to bloat because their special pellets swell up...
  35. kelly528

    The Perfect Betta Tank

    Lookin good! Somebody's gonna have a very satisfied tenant :D
  36. kelly528

    Betta Got Hurt!

    EEK! No Melafix- it is too strong for bettas and needs to be used in a 4:5 or 9:1 ratio with water BEFORE you dose as per the instructions. I had a similar problem with my guy when he ripped his scales off when he got stuck in his terra-cotta pot. I hear over and over again that healing occurs...
  37. kelly528

    The Perfect Betta Tank

    First of all, if you're planning on siphoning the sand that takes some skill. If you aren't careful you will suck the sand up, so be careful. My second suggestion is that I belive dark backgrounds actually increase reflection, so you might be better off without. Consider a sponge filter for...
  38. kelly528

    These Fish Dyed?

    Hmm... they look dyed, but perhaps they are blood parrots.
  39. kelly528

    Advice Needed Urgent

    A picture/better description would help. Even if you found a similar looking creature on the internet. Actually, any info would help... have you added plants or fish lately? Flat, whitish color doesn't really narrow it down as far as parasites/inverts go.